Elizaveta's Congrats/Adoption Agency -- Final Round
This is the final round for my congrats/adoption agency game. It has been three years and you’ve decided to adopt one last time. There are 20 forms listed and only 15 people playing. (Some people left on vacation etc… so there are some extra children.) That means five lucky people get to adopt another child. I will ask a question and the five people who answer the closest get to adopt more than one child. I will make a special “mini-round” after this final round where I will state the winners and let them adopt one of the four remaining children. Later I will list all of the final families.
Choose the five forms you would most like to adopt starting with the ones you want most to the ones you want least. Remember that no siblings will be separated from each other, no multiples will be separated from each other, and no teen mothers/fathers will be separated from their children. Just use their full names to indicate which child(ren) you would like to adopt.
Remember this game is first come first serve. So the sooner you reply the more likely you are to get number one or two on your list. If number one is already adopted, you’ll get number two. If number two is already adopted, you will get number three and so on and so forth. I will reply back to everyone saying which child(ren) you get to adopt this round. In turn, you reply back to me saying if you would like to rename the child(ren) that you adopted or not. You can also give me an update on your family if you would like. I won’t list the final families until after the last round to save room on the original posts. Thank you for playing, and I hope you have fun.
Bex, DLB, estel, Harrysgirl, Keepskuh, Lawruh, LexyRose, lulu, Miss Lissa, Rachel, rainbow_Maya, Samantha, sarah lee, Tate and X Mar are playing.
Example Choices:
1 – Single Child: Landon Ryan
2 – Pregnant Teen: Gabriela Dulce Cortez
3 – Sibset: Lucia Maria and Angela Giada San Marco
4 – Single Child: Amber Morgan Croft
5 – Pregnant Teen: Muni Fatima Yacine
The Question: (though it’s not really a question, lol)
Choose a number 1-100.
The 5 people to get closest to the number I have chosen get another child in the "mini-round" I will post later.
NOTE TO EVERYONE: I’ve color coded all of sibsets, multiples, and teen mothers with their child(ren). Any children that have black titles are single.
Single Child
Hollis Clara Yates from USA – Single Child
2 years old
Red hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Talkative, loves stuffed animals, likes to go places & meet new people.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: She was removed from her home due to her parents' negligence.
Caspian Remus from Australia – Single Child
5 years old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Freckles, Caucasian
Very fun loving, outgoing, and very active.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Janie Rose from Australia – Single Child
3 years old
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, shy, intelligent
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her mother died while giving birth to her, and the father was unknown. Janie’s mum only had her mother left, so Janie’s grandmother was set to look after her. Unfortunately, Janie’s grandmother died about 2 weeks ago. Janie doesn't seem to be traumatized by this event.
Teresa Caroline “Tessa” from England – Single Child
4 years old
Chocolate brown hair, Brown-green-blue eyes, Caucasian
Tessa is creative, and enjoys playing dress up.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Tessa was brought in at 13 months old by her mother, who was unable to continue to care of her.
Aidan Ryan O’Byrne from Ireland – Single Child
8 years old
Red hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents died in a storm.
Amber Morgan Croft from Australia – Single Child
15 years old
Dirty blonde hair, Brown hair, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
10 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: His parents both died. He is an orphan.
Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
4 years old
Brown hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her parents died.
Kenshin Ryo from Japan – Sibset with Sango and Suzume
10 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Asian
Rough, sweet, protective over his sisters
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: The children were found abandoned.
Sango Ren from Japan – Sibset with Kenshin and Suzume
6 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Asian
Playful, funny, sweet
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: The children were found abandoned.
Suzume Cho from Japan – Sibset with Kenshin and Sango
5 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Asian
Playful, mischievous, cheerful
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: The children were found abandoned.
Armando Lucian from Italy – Sibset with Dada and Ethna
13 years old
Brown Hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Serious, responsible, hard worker, shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Traveled around Europe with his mother, her boyfriend and his siblings. She fell sick in Spain and died shortly afterwards. His mother’s boyfriend ran away, leaving the kids on their own.
Dada Mchumba from Italy/Nigeria – Sibset with Armando and Ethna
11 years old
Brown Hair, Brown eyes, African
Tomboy, happy-go-lucky, fearless
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Traveled around Europe with her mother, her boyfriend and her siblings. She fell sick in Spain and died shortly afterwards. Her mother’s boyfriend ran away, leaving the kids on their own.
Ethna Orna from Italy/Ireland – Sibset with Armando and Dada
10 years old
Red Hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Tomboy, happy-go-lucky, fearless, dreamy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Traveled around Europe with her mother, her boyfriend and her siblings. She fell sick in Spain and died shortly afterwards. Her mother’s boyfriend ran away, leaving the kids on their own.
Alexei Miroslav Konstantinova from Russia – Multiples: twin to Isidora
Black hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Happy, quiet, not fussy.
Problems? No
Reason for being adopted? Mother gave them up at birth.
Isidora Rufina Konstantinova from Russia – Multiples: twin to Alexei
Black hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, not fussy, happy.
Problems? No
Reason for being adopted? Mother gave them up at birth.
Gabriel Atticus from England – Multiples: triplet to Michael
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Intelligent, quiet but not withdrawn, mature and protective.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets.
Michael Roman from England – Multiples: triplet to Gabriel
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Mischievous, trouble maker, but kind too.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets.
Pregnant Teens
Quianna Stacey from USA – Pregnant teen
15 years old
Blond hair w/ black highlights, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Personality: happy, sweet, individual personality
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: She ran away at a young age, and was found and no one could find the parents.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Twin girls
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 6 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Kolour Bethany and Kimberlyn Amy
Shelby Jane from USA – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Blonde hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Sweet, playful, emotional
Problems? Yes, emotional problems, because of sexual abuse (she's pregnant by her step-dad)
Reason for being put up for adoption: Was sexually abused by her stepfather. Child services took her from her home for this reason.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): twin girls
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 6 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Faye (no mn chosen yet) / Tess (no mn chosen yet)
Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Olive Skin tone
Athletic, dreams of playing violin
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Single Father kicked her out.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single Boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 4 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Not sure yet, thinking about Gabriel and Jonah.
Susanne from Germany – Pregnant Teen
17 years old
Brown hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Party girl, irresponsible, not good at school; aim: to be a stay at home mum
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: She knows she needs help which her family can't provide.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 5 months pregnant
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Felix Robin
Zara Veronica Pablito from Italy – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Dark brown hair, Black eyes, Olive toned skin
Outgoing, loves sports
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her family disowned her.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single girl
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 7 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Anna Margareta
Teen mothers and their child(ren)
La’Vena Mia from USA – Teen mother to Xavier
17 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, African American
Very motherly, but still is very active and popular
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents didn’t want to care for her.
Xavier Damien from USA – Son to teen mother La’Vena
Black hair, Brown eyes, African American
Happy, smiley
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: With his mother, who is in foster care.
Aysun from Turkey – Teen mother to Özgür and Direnç
16 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Arabic
Quiet, caring, funny
Problems? Yes, physical, she is in a wheelchair.
Reason for being put up for adoption: In a traffic accident, she lost her parents and her brother, and she got injured really badly. No one she knows is able to help her.
Özgür from Turkey – Son to teen mother Aysun, twin to Direnç
Black hair, Brown eyes, Arabic
Cries a lot
Problems? Unknown, there may be problems from the accident of his mother, when he wasn't born yet, but they can't tell yet.
Reason for being put up for adoption: His mother was in a traffic accident she lost her parents and her brother, and she got injured really badly. No one she knows is able to help her.
Direnç from Turkey – Son to teen mother Aysun, twin to Özgür
Black hair, Brown eyes, Arabic
Problems? Unknown, he almost died while being born, but it's not known if it will have long-term effects.
Reason for being put up for adoption: His mother was in a traffic accident where she lost her parents and her brother, and she got injured really badly. No one she knows is able to help her.
Anais Therese from France – Teen mom to Manon and Zoé
16 years old
Dark Brown hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Intelligent, happy, loves children
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Wants a better life for her and her children, lived with her grandmother who died recently.
Manon Lilith from France – Daughter of teen mother Anais, sister of Zoé
3 years old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Lively, happy, outgoing, tomboy
Problems? Yes, she has a slight lisp.
Reason for being put up for adoption: With her mother.
Zoé Odette from France – Daughter of teen mother Anais, sister of Manon
Black hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian/Moroccan
Shy, undemanding, interested in everything
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: With her mother.
Choose the five forms you would most like to adopt starting with the ones you want most to the ones you want least. Remember that no siblings will be separated from each other, no multiples will be separated from each other, and no teen mothers/fathers will be separated from their children. Just use their full names to indicate which child(ren) you would like to adopt.
Remember this game is first come first serve. So the sooner you reply the more likely you are to get number one or two on your list. If number one is already adopted, you’ll get number two. If number two is already adopted, you will get number three and so on and so forth. I will reply back to everyone saying which child(ren) you get to adopt this round. In turn, you reply back to me saying if you would like to rename the child(ren) that you adopted or not. You can also give me an update on your family if you would like. I won’t list the final families until after the last round to save room on the original posts. Thank you for playing, and I hope you have fun.
Bex, DLB, estel, Harrysgirl, Keepskuh, Lawruh, LexyRose, lulu, Miss Lissa, Rachel, rainbow_Maya, Samantha, sarah lee, Tate and X Mar are playing.
Example Choices:
1 – Single Child: Landon Ryan
2 – Pregnant Teen: Gabriela Dulce Cortez
3 – Sibset: Lucia Maria and Angela Giada San Marco
4 – Single Child: Amber Morgan Croft
5 – Pregnant Teen: Muni Fatima Yacine
The Question: (though it’s not really a question, lol)
Choose a number 1-100.
The 5 people to get closest to the number I have chosen get another child in the "mini-round" I will post later.
NOTE TO EVERYONE: I’ve color coded all of sibsets, multiples, and teen mothers with their child(ren). Any children that have black titles are single.
Single Child
Hollis Clara Yates from USA – Single Child
2 years old
Red hair, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Talkative, loves stuffed animals, likes to go places & meet new people.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: She was removed from her home due to her parents' negligence.
Caspian Remus from Australia – Single Child
5 years old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Freckles, Caucasian
Very fun loving, outgoing, and very active.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
Janie Rose from Australia – Single Child
3 years old
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, shy, intelligent
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her mother died while giving birth to her, and the father was unknown. Janie’s mum only had her mother left, so Janie’s grandmother was set to look after her. Unfortunately, Janie’s grandmother died about 2 weeks ago. Janie doesn't seem to be traumatized by this event.
Teresa Caroline “Tessa” from England – Single Child
4 years old
Chocolate brown hair, Brown-green-blue eyes, Caucasian
Tessa is creative, and enjoys playing dress up.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Tessa was brought in at 13 months old by her mother, who was unable to continue to care of her.
Aidan Ryan O’Byrne from Ireland – Single Child
8 years old
Red hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents died in a storm.
Amber Morgan Croft from Australia – Single Child
15 years old
Dirty blonde hair, Brown hair, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Orphan
David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
10 years old
Brown hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: His parents both died. He is an orphan.
Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
4 years old
Brown hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her parents died.
Kenshin Ryo from Japan – Sibset with Sango and Suzume
10 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Asian
Rough, sweet, protective over his sisters
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: The children were found abandoned.
Sango Ren from Japan – Sibset with Kenshin and Suzume
6 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Asian
Playful, funny, sweet
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: The children were found abandoned.
Suzume Cho from Japan – Sibset with Kenshin and Sango
5 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Asian
Playful, mischievous, cheerful
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: The children were found abandoned.
Armando Lucian from Italy – Sibset with Dada and Ethna
13 years old
Brown Hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Serious, responsible, hard worker, shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Traveled around Europe with his mother, her boyfriend and his siblings. She fell sick in Spain and died shortly afterwards. His mother’s boyfriend ran away, leaving the kids on their own.
Dada Mchumba from Italy/Nigeria – Sibset with Armando and Ethna
11 years old
Brown Hair, Brown eyes, African
Tomboy, happy-go-lucky, fearless
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Traveled around Europe with her mother, her boyfriend and her siblings. She fell sick in Spain and died shortly afterwards. Her mother’s boyfriend ran away, leaving the kids on their own.
Ethna Orna from Italy/Ireland – Sibset with Armando and Dada
10 years old
Red Hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Tomboy, happy-go-lucky, fearless, dreamy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Traveled around Europe with her mother, her boyfriend and her siblings. She fell sick in Spain and died shortly afterwards. Her mother’s boyfriend ran away, leaving the kids on their own.
Alexei Miroslav Konstantinova from Russia – Multiples: twin to Isidora
Black hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Happy, quiet, not fussy.
Problems? No
Reason for being adopted? Mother gave them up at birth.
Isidora Rufina Konstantinova from Russia – Multiples: twin to Alexei
Black hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, not fussy, happy.
Problems? No
Reason for being adopted? Mother gave them up at birth.
Gabriel Atticus from England – Multiples: triplet to Michael
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Intelligent, quiet but not withdrawn, mature and protective.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets.
Michael Roman from England – Multiples: triplet to Gabriel
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Mischievous, trouble maker, but kind too.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets.
Pregnant Teens
Quianna Stacey from USA – Pregnant teen
15 years old
Blond hair w/ black highlights, Hazel eyes, Caucasian
Personality: happy, sweet, individual personality
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: She ran away at a young age, and was found and no one could find the parents.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Twin girls
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 6 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Kolour Bethany and Kimberlyn Amy
Shelby Jane from USA – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Blonde hair, Green eyes, Caucasian
Sweet, playful, emotional
Problems? Yes, emotional problems, because of sexual abuse (she's pregnant by her step-dad)
Reason for being put up for adoption: Was sexually abused by her stepfather. Child services took her from her home for this reason.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): twin girls
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 6 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Faye (no mn chosen yet) / Tess (no mn chosen yet)
Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Olive Skin tone
Athletic, dreams of playing violin
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Single Father kicked her out.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single Boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 4 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Not sure yet, thinking about Gabriel and Jonah.
Susanne from Germany – Pregnant Teen
17 years old
Brown hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Party girl, irresponsible, not good at school; aim: to be a stay at home mum
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: She knows she needs help which her family can't provide.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single boy
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 5 months pregnant
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Felix Robin
Zara Veronica Pablito from Italy – Pregnant Teen
15 years old
Dark brown hair, Black eyes, Olive toned skin
Outgoing, loves sports
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her family disowned her.
--Gender of unborn child(ren): Single girl
--How far along is she in pregnancy: 7 months
--Chosen names for unborn child(ren): Anna Margareta
Teen mothers and their child(ren)
La’Vena Mia from USA – Teen mother to Xavier
17 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, African American
Very motherly, but still is very active and popular
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents didn’t want to care for her.
Xavier Damien from USA – Son to teen mother La’Vena
Black hair, Brown eyes, African American
Happy, smiley
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: With his mother, who is in foster care.
Aysun from Turkey – Teen mother to Özgür and Direnç
16 years old
Black hair, Brown eyes, Arabic
Quiet, caring, funny
Problems? Yes, physical, she is in a wheelchair.
Reason for being put up for adoption: In a traffic accident, she lost her parents and her brother, and she got injured really badly. No one she knows is able to help her.
Özgür from Turkey – Son to teen mother Aysun, twin to Direnç
Black hair, Brown eyes, Arabic
Cries a lot
Problems? Unknown, there may be problems from the accident of his mother, when he wasn't born yet, but they can't tell yet.
Reason for being put up for adoption: His mother was in a traffic accident she lost her parents and her brother, and she got injured really badly. No one she knows is able to help her.
Direnç from Turkey – Son to teen mother Aysun, twin to Özgür
Black hair, Brown eyes, Arabic
Problems? Unknown, he almost died while being born, but it's not known if it will have long-term effects.
Reason for being put up for adoption: His mother was in a traffic accident where she lost her parents and her brother, and she got injured really badly. No one she knows is able to help her.
Anais Therese from France – Teen mom to Manon and Zoé
16 years old
Dark Brown hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian
Intelligent, happy, loves children
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Wants a better life for her and her children, lived with her grandmother who died recently.
Manon Lilith from France – Daughter of teen mother Anais, sister of Zoé
3 years old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Lively, happy, outgoing, tomboy
Problems? Yes, she has a slight lisp.
Reason for being put up for adoption: With her mother.
Zoé Odette from France – Daughter of teen mother Anais, sister of Manon
Black hair, Brown eyes, Caucasian/Moroccan
Shy, undemanding, interested in everything
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: With her mother.
This message was edited 8/1/2006, 5:21 PM
1st: Shelby
2nd: Susanne
3rd David Brewer
4th: Anais, Manon and Zoe
5th: Gabriel and Michael
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
2nd: Susanne
3rd David Brewer
4th: Anais, Manon and Zoe
5th: Gabriel and Michael
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
----sarah lee----
The Buckingham family of Athens, Greece
H: Harry Alexander (41) – Red hair, Green eyes – Works in military
W: Sarah Katherine (41) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes – Tour guide
AD: Alexandra Pandora Selene “Pandora” (26) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
--S: Alexandros Nicodemus Panos (11) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Amelia Josephine Ioanna (23) – Black hair, Green eyes
AS: Ryan Jacob Theodoros (21) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Lucia Maria Zoe (20) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Sarah Elodia Petra (19) – Light red hair, Brown eyes
--S: Jack Harry (3)
AD: Elizabeth Justine Glyeria (18) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Angela Giada Marina (14) – Black hair, Green eyes
AD: Susanne (17) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--DS: ?? (0)
The Buckingham family has adopted pregnant teen Susanne. Would you like to change her name or give her a middle name? What is the final decision on the name for her baby boy? What does he look like? What does Sarah Elodia's son Jack Harry look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
----sarah lee----
The Buckingham family of Athens, Greece
H: Harry Alexander (41) – Red hair, Green eyes – Works in military
W: Sarah Katherine (41) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes – Tour guide
AD: Alexandra Pandora Selene “Pandora” (26) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
--S: Alexandros Nicodemus Panos (11) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Amelia Josephine Ioanna (23) – Black hair, Green eyes
AS: Ryan Jacob Theodoros (21) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Lucia Maria Zoe (20) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Sarah Elodia Petra (19) – Light red hair, Brown eyes
--S: Jack Harry (3)
AD: Elizabeth Justine Glyeria (18) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Angela Giada Marina (14) – Black hair, Green eyes
AD: Susanne (17) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--DS: ?? (0)
The Buckingham family has adopted pregnant teen Susanne. Would you like to change her name or give her a middle name? What is the final decision on the name for her baby boy? What does he look like? What does Sarah Elodia's son Jack Harry look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
Susanne new middle name is Olymipa. She named him Felix Robin. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Jack has red hair and brown eyes. Pandora has graduted from college. Alexandros is in 5th grade now. Amelia will gradute from college this year. Lucia started college last year. Sarah and Jack are doing well. Elizabeth has graduted from high school. Angela like high school.
52 is the number I chose
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
52 is the number I chose
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
My Own...
I'm adopting sibset Kenshin Ryo, Sango Ren, and Suzume Cho. I will be keeping their names.
The Elliott family of Maryland, USA
H: Kendrick Rowan (40) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Carpenter
W: Noa Genevieve (39) -- Dark blond hair, Gray eyes -- OB/Gyn
AD: Alexandra Helena (15) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--D/D: Sophia Grace (3) – Blond hair, Hazel eyes / Olivia Charlotte (3) – Blonde hair, Dark brown eyes
AD/AD/AD: Tahni Bianca (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Danika Paige (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Alana Caitlin (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
S/D: Brody Kenneth (14) -- Blond hair, Dark brown eyes / Harper Mavis (14) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes
AS: Landon Ryan “Ryan” (13) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AS: Erik Theodore (11) – Red hair, Blue eyes
AS: Kenshin Ryo (10) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Sango Ren (6) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Suzume Cho (5) – Black hair, Brown eyes
I'm adopting sibset Kenshin Ryo, Sango Ren, and Suzume Cho. I will be keeping their names.
The Elliott family of Maryland, USA
H: Kendrick Rowan (40) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes -- Carpenter
W: Noa Genevieve (39) -- Dark blond hair, Gray eyes -- OB/Gyn
AD: Alexandra Helena (15) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
--D/D: Sophia Grace (3) – Blond hair, Hazel eyes / Olivia Charlotte (3) – Blonde hair, Dark brown eyes
AD/AD/AD: Tahni Bianca (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Danika Paige (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes / Alana Caitlin (15) – Blond hair, Blue eyes
S/D: Brody Kenneth (14) -- Blond hair, Dark brown eyes / Harper Mavis (14) -- Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes
AS: Landon Ryan “Ryan” (13) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AS: Erik Theodore (11) – Red hair, Blue eyes
AS: Kenshin Ryo (10) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Sango Ren (6) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Suzume Cho (5) – Black hair, Brown eyes
The Brey family would like to adopt:
1. Armando Lucian from Italy, (13) Dada Mchumba from Italy/Nigeria (11) & Ethna Orna from Italy/Ireland (10)
2. Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA (4)
3. Aysun from Turkey (16) & Özgür and Direnç (newborn)
4. Amber Morgan Croft from Australia (15)
5. Janie Rose from Australia (3)
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (44) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (38) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (27) – Black hair, Brown eyes
-BF: Maximo Julio (29) - Brown hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (11) – Dark Brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie "Lia" (11) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
--D: (3)
AD: Mahalia Ceilidh (20) – Brown hair, Green eyes
--D: Aisling Eilidh "Ash" (4) – Red hair, Gray eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (18) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Viveka Kristina (18) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
1. Armando Lucian from Italy, (13) Dada Mchumba from Italy/Nigeria (11) & Ethna Orna from Italy/Ireland (10)
2. Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA (4)
3. Aysun from Turkey (16) & Özgür and Direnç (newborn)
4. Amber Morgan Croft from Australia (15)
5. Janie Rose from Australia (3)
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (44) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (38) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (27) – Black hair, Brown eyes
-BF: Maximo Julio (29) - Brown hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (11) – Dark Brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie "Lia" (11) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
--D: (3)
AD: Mahalia Ceilidh (20) – Brown hair, Green eyes
--D: Aisling Eilidh "Ash" (4) – Red hair, Gray eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (18) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Viveka Kristina (18) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
This message was edited 8/1/2006, 7:59 AM
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (44) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (38) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (27) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--DBF: Maximo Julio (26) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (11) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie (11) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
--D: (3)
AD: Mahalia Ceilidh (20) – Brown hair, Green eyes
--D: Aisling Eilidh (4) – Red hair, Gray eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (18) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Viveka Kristina (18) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (16) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (16) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
AD: Mia Emma (15) – Brown hair, Green eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (13) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
D/S: Linnéa Caitrìona Niamh "Néa" (9) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Linus Gideon Tate (9) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (44) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (38) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle “Hettie” (27) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--DBF: Maximo Julio (26) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien “Tea” (11) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie (11) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
--D: (3)
AD: Mahalia Ceilidh (20) – Brown hair, Green eyes
--D: Aisling Eilidh (4) – Red hair, Gray eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie “Ida” (18) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Viveka Kristina (18) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Edward Wallace (16) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (16) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
AD: Mia Emma (15) – Brown hair, Green eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (13) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
D/S: Linnéa Caitrìona Niamh "Néa" (9) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Linus Gideon Tate (9) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
Sorry, I forgot the number :-) I'll say... 33!
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (44) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (38) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle "Hettie" (27) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--DBF: Maximo Julio (26) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien "Tea" (11) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie "Lia" (11) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
--D: Sarita Clarisse "Sari" (3) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AD: Mahalia Ceilidh (20) – Brown hair, Green eyes
--D: Aisling Eilidh "Ash" (4) – Red hair, Gray eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie "Ida" (18) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Viveka Kristina (18) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Edward Wallace "Ed" (16) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (16) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
AD: Mia Emma (15) – Brown hair, Green eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (13) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
The Brey family of Stuttgart, Germany
H: Christian (44) – Dark brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes -- Actor
W: Morgaine (38) – Light brown hair, Blue/Gray eyes – Director
AD: Mariette Danielle "Hettie" (27) – Black hair, Brown eyes
--DBF: Maximo Julio (26) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Thierry Julien "Tea" (11) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes / Liliane Sophie "Lia" (11) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
--D: Sarita Clarisse "Sari" (3) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AD: Mahalia Ceilidh (20) – Brown hair, Green eyes
--D: Aisling Eilidh "Ash" (4) – Red hair, Gray eyes
AD: Adelaide Marie "Ida" (18) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Viveka Kristina (18) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Edward Wallace "Ed" (16) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Tabea Muna Gaia (16) – Dark blonde hair, Blue/Gray eyes
AD: Mia Emma (15) – Brown hair, Green eyes
S: Matthew Arthur James (13) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
This message was edited 8/2/2006, 5:29 AM
1. Janie Rose from Australia – Single Child
2. Quianna Stacey from USA – Pregnant teen
3. Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
4. Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
5. David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
Number: 62
Thanks for doing this - it was a lot of fun! I hope you do another soon! :-)

2. Quianna Stacey from USA – Pregnant teen
3. Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
4. Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
5. David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
Number: 62
Thanks for doing this - it was a lot of fun! I hope you do another soon! :-)

The Ashford family of New Hampshire
H: Jeremiah Matthew (37) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes -- Lawyer
W: Susannah Grace (33) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home-mom
AD: Joanna May (18) – Black hair, Black eyes
AD: Josephine Opal (18) – Red/Brown hair, Green eyes
D/D: Chloe Noelle (12)– Light brown hair, Blue eyes / Lydia May (9) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Daniel Richard (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esther Rose (6) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Matilda Louise Grace (4) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
The Ashford family has adopted single child Matilda Louise Grace. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
The Ashford family of New Hampshire
H: Jeremiah Matthew (37) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes -- Lawyer
W: Susannah Grace (33) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home-mom
AD: Joanna May (18) – Black hair, Black eyes
AD: Josephine Opal (18) – Red/Brown hair, Green eyes
D/D: Chloe Noelle (12)– Light brown hair, Blue eyes / Lydia May (9) – Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Daniel Richard (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esther Rose (6) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Matilda Louise Grace (4) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
The Ashford family has adopted single child Matilda Louise Grace. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
We will change her name to Maria Grace. (note: Chloe should also be 9).
Wow, a lot has happened in the last three years! Joanna and Josephine have now started college! They are both enjoying majoring in child education (before they'd used their younger siblings as guinea pigs). As you can tell they have become very close, which is good.
Chloe and Lydia are enjoying playing with Daniel who has settled in well. Daniel is having a blast homeschooling - he is so smart. We have also started Esther in school and she is progressing well. Maria will begin kindergaten in the fall.
Thanks a lot for doing this; please do another soon if you have the time! It was one of the most fun games on here.

Wow, a lot has happened in the last three years! Joanna and Josephine have now started college! They are both enjoying majoring in child education (before they'd used their younger siblings as guinea pigs). As you can tell they have become very close, which is good.
Chloe and Lydia are enjoying playing with Daniel who has settled in well. Daniel is having a blast homeschooling - he is so smart. We have also started Esther in school and she is progressing well. Maria will begin kindergaten in the fall.
Thanks a lot for doing this; please do another soon if you have the time! It was one of the most fun games on here.

Great Game!fun fun!
1. Quianna Stacey
2. Janie Rose
3. Anais Therese & Manon Lilith & Zoé Odette
4. Alexei Miroslav Konstantinova & Isidora Rufina Konstantinova
5. Ethna Orna & Armando Lucian & Dada Mchumba

1. Quianna Stacey
2. Janie Rose
3. Anais Therese & Manon Lilith & Zoé Odette
4. Alexei Miroslav Konstantinova & Isidora Rufina Konstantinova
5. Ethna Orna & Armando Lucian & Dada Mchumba

The Tani’da family of Auckland, Australia
H: Jack Valintino (34) – Brown hair, Green eyes – Local Doctor
W: Renae Claire-Katrina (34) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Stay at home mother and daycare teacher
AD: Anastacia Juliane “Stacia” (27) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
--S: Colin Robert (11) – Light brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Aroha Isabelle (23) – Brown hair, Brown eyes, African
--S/D: Tane Izac (9) – Brown hair, Brown eyes, African / Mere Chloe (9) – Brown hair, Brown eyes, African
AD: Isabelle Dora (21) – Red hair, Hazel eyes
--D: Olivia Jane-Kylie (5)
D: Holly-Marie Claire (16) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes
AD: Amita Samara (15) – Red hair, Brown eyes
AD: Quianna Stacey (15) – Blonde hair with black highlights, Hazel eyes
--D/D: ?? (0)
The Tani'da family has adopted pregnant teen Quianna Stacey. Would you like to change her name? What is the final decision for her twin girls' names and what do they look like? Also, what does Olivia Jane-Kylie look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Tani’da family of Auckland, Australia
H: Jack Valintino (34) – Brown hair, Green eyes – Local Doctor
W: Renae Claire-Katrina (34) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Stay at home mother and daycare teacher
AD: Anastacia Juliane “Stacia” (27) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
--S: Colin Robert (11) – Light brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Aroha Isabelle (23) – Brown hair, Brown eyes, African
--S/D: Tane Izac (9) – Brown hair, Brown eyes, African / Mere Chloe (9) – Brown hair, Brown eyes, African
AD: Isabelle Dora (21) – Red hair, Hazel eyes
--D: Olivia Jane-Kylie (5)
D: Holly-Marie Claire (16) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes
AD: Amita Samara (15) – Red hair, Brown eyes
AD: Quianna Stacey (15) – Blonde hair with black highlights, Hazel eyes
--D/D: ?? (0)
The Tani'da family has adopted pregnant teen Quianna Stacey. Would you like to change her name? What is the final decision for her twin girls' names and what do they look like? Also, what does Olivia Jane-Kylie look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
1 – Janie Rose from Australia – Single Child
2 - Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
3 – Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
4 – Zara Veronica Pablito from Italy – Pregnant Teen
5 – David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
2 - Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
3 – Gabriela Dulce Cortez from USA – Pregnant Teen
4 – Zara Veronica Pablito from Italy – Pregnant Teen
5 – David Vin Brewer from USA – Single Child
The Chandler family of California, USA
H: Cohen Jack (36) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Actor
W: Anna (33) – Brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and once a week working at a local elementary school (administration)
AS: Elijah James “Li, Lijah” (17) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Elisabeth Maria “Ella” (15, adopted) – Blond hair (turning brown), Green eyes
AD: Mary Katherine (13) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
D: Emilia “Emily” (11) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Meghan Renee (11) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
AS: Travis Blake (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Janie Rose (3) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
The Chandler family has adopted single child Janie Rose. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Chandler family of California, USA
H: Cohen Jack (36) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Actor
W: Anna (33) – Brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and once a week working at a local elementary school (administration)
AS: Elijah James “Li, Lijah” (17) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Elisabeth Maria “Ella” (15, adopted) – Blond hair (turning brown), Green eyes
AD: Mary Katherine (13) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes
D: Emilia “Emily” (11) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Meghan Renee (11) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
AS: Travis Blake (8) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Janie Rose (3) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
The Chandler family has adopted single child Janie Rose. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
Gabriel Atticus from England – Multiples: triplet to Michael
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Intelligent, quiet but not withdrawn, mature and protective.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets.
Michael Roman from England – Multiples: triplet to Gabriel
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Mischievous, trouble maker, but kind too.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets
Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
4 years old
Brown hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her parents died.
Aidan Ryan O’Byrne from Ireland – Single Child
8 years old
Red hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents died in a storm.
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Intelligent, quiet but not withdrawn, mature and protective.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets.
Michael Roman from England – Multiples: triplet to Gabriel
8 years old
Black hair, Blue eyes, Unknown/Mix
Mischievous, trouble maker, but kind too.
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Disease took their parents and one of the triplets
Matilda Louise Grace Anderson from USA – Single Child
4 years old
Brown hair, Gray eyes, Caucasian
Quiet, shy
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Her parents died.
Aidan Ryan O’Byrne from Ireland – Single Child
8 years old
Red hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian
Problems? No
Reason for being put up for adoption: Parents died in a storm.
The Horvath family of Sydney, Australia
H: Pierre Jacques (39) – Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes – IT consultant
W: Rebecca Simone (36) – Brown hair, Green eyes – History and Music Teacher
AD: Adriana Micaela (27) – Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Ashton Christopher “Ash” 11) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Arabella Sophia (16) – Black hair, Gray eyes
AS: Luca Alasdair (15) – Blonde hair, Gray eyes
AD: Amalia Beatrice (14) – Reddish brown hair, Brown eyes
S: Caspian Lucius Edward (11) – Blonde hair, Steel gray eyes
AS: Etienne Xavier (10) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS/AS: Gabriel Atticus (8) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Michael Roman (8) – Black hair, Blue eyes
The Horvath family has adopted triplets Gabriel Atticus and Michael Roman (third triplet deceased). Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Horvath family of Sydney, Australia
H: Pierre Jacques (39) – Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes – IT consultant
W: Rebecca Simone (36) – Brown hair, Green eyes – History and Music Teacher
AD: Adriana Micaela (27) – Dark brown hair, Hazel eyes
--S: Ashton Christopher “Ash” 11) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Arabella Sophia (16) – Black hair, Gray eyes
AS: Luca Alasdair (15) – Blonde hair, Gray eyes
AD: Amalia Beatrice (14) – Reddish brown hair, Brown eyes
S: Caspian Lucius Edward (11) – Blonde hair, Steel gray eyes
AS: Etienne Xavier (10) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS/AS: Gabriel Atticus (8) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Michael Roman (8) – Black hair, Blue eyes
The Horvath family has adopted triplets Gabriel Atticus and Michael Roman (third triplet deceased). Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Sims family of Oxford, England
H: Andrew David (41) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Computer Technician
W: Marie Nicole (39) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Pediatrician
AS: Kenneth Shawn "Kenny" (24) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S/S: Andrew Edward (15) – Brown hair, Gray eyes / Cedric David (15) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Dylan Rory Cooper (15) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AS: Sean Dillon (14) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Lily Nicole (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Daniel Hamish (7) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
AS: Aidan Ryan (8) – Red hair, Blue eyes
The Sims family has adopted single child Aidan Ryan. Would you like to change his name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Sims family of Oxford, England
H: Andrew David (41) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Computer Technician
W: Marie Nicole (39) – Brown hair, Gray eyes – Pediatrician
AS: Kenneth Shawn "Kenny" (24) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
S/S: Andrew Edward (15) – Brown hair, Gray eyes / Cedric David (15) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Dylan Rory Cooper (15) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AS: Sean Dillon (14) – Black hair, Green eyes
D: Lily Nicole (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Daniel Hamish (7) – Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
AS: Aidan Ryan (8) – Red hair, Blue eyes
The Sims family has adopted single child Aidan Ryan. Would you like to change his name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
This message was edited 7/31/2006, 10:26 PM
The Kingston family of a very small town
DH: Reece Jacob (39) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
DW: Sofia Willow (38) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
DD: Emmanuelle Sophie (14) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AS: James Maeleachlinn (12) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (11) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: Max Morgan (9) – Blond hair, Brown eyes
AD/DW: Kayla Dylan Willow (25) - Brown hair, Brown Eyes
DH: Marco Jonathan (26) - Black hair, Green Eyes
DD: Candace Willow (9) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
DS: Jonathan Ross (1) - Black hair, Hazel eyes
The Kingston Family would like to adopt:
1. Teen mother Anais, and children Manon and Zoe
2. Single child Janie Rose
3. Pregnant Teen Susanne
4. Single child Matilda
5. Pregnant Teen Quianna Stacey
DH: Reece Jacob (39) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
DW: Sofia Willow (38) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
DD: Emmanuelle Sophie (14) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AS: James Maeleachlinn (12) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (11) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: Max Morgan (9) – Blond hair, Brown eyes
AD/DW: Kayla Dylan Willow (25) - Brown hair, Brown Eyes
DH: Marco Jonathan (26) - Black hair, Green Eyes
DD: Candace Willow (9) - Brown hair, Blue eyes
DS: Jonathan Ross (1) - Black hair, Hazel eyes
The Kingston Family would like to adopt:
1. Teen mother Anais, and children Manon and Zoe
2. Single child Janie Rose
3. Pregnant Teen Susanne
4. Single child Matilda
5. Pregnant Teen Quianna Stacey
The Kingston family of a very small town
H: Reece Jacob (39) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
W: Sofia Willow (38) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (25) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--DH: Marco Jonathan (26) – Black hair, Green eyes
--D: Candace Willow (9) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
--S: Jonathan Ross (1) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
D: Emmanuelle Sophie (14) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AS: James Maeleachlinn (12) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (11) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: Max Morgan (9) – Blond hair, Brown eyes
AD: Anais Therese (16) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes
--D: Manon Lilith (3) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
--D: Zoé Odette (0) – Black hair, Brown eyes
The Kingston family has adopted teen mother Anais Therese and her daughter Manon Lilith and Zoé Odette. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Kingston family of a very small town
H: Reece Jacob (39) – Blond hair, Green eyes -- Doctor
W: Sofia Willow (38) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mother and a doula
AD: Kayla Dylan Willow (25) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
--DH: Marco Jonathan (26) – Black hair, Green eyes
--D: Candace Willow (9) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
--S: Jonathan Ross (1) – Black hair, Hazel eyes
D: Emmanuelle Sophie (14) – Blond hair, Green eyes
AS: James Maeleachlinn (12) – Brown hair, Hazel eyes
AD: Elodie Violette (11) – Blond hair, Gray eyes
AS: Max Morgan (9) – Blond hair, Brown eyes
AD: Anais Therese (16) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes
--D: Manon Lilith (3) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
--D: Zoé Odette (0) – Black hair, Brown eyes
The Kingston family has adopted teen mother Anais Therese and her daughter Manon Lilith and Zoé Odette. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
Number 77!
The Williams family of Fresno, California
H: Justin Douglas (41) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles – Fire Fighter/EMT
W: Dana Lynn (39) -- Blonde hair, Green eyes, Police Officer
AS: Nicholas Daniel “Nick” (17) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Christopher Dylan “Chris” (15) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Caroline Anne “Carrie-Anne” (15) – Strawberry blonde hair, Blue eyes
S: Zachary Alexander (14) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles
AS: Benjamin David “Ben” (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Lucine Margarid “Lucy” (8) – Black hair, Green eyes
AD: Charlotte Fleur “Charlie” (6) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Teresa Caroline “Tessa” (4) – Brown hair, Blue/Green/Brown eyes
The Williams family has adopted single child Teresa Caroline "Tessa". Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
The Williams family of Fresno, California
H: Justin Douglas (41) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles – Fire Fighter/EMT
W: Dana Lynn (39) -- Blonde hair, Green eyes, Police Officer
AS: Nicholas Daniel “Nick” (17) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS: Christopher Dylan “Chris” (15) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Caroline Anne “Carrie-Anne” (15) – Strawberry blonde hair, Blue eyes
S: Zachary Alexander (14) – Sandy blonde hair, Blue eyes, freckles
AS: Benjamin David “Ben” (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AD: Lucine Margarid “Lucy” (8) – Black hair, Green eyes
AD: Charlotte Fleur “Charlie” (6) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AD: Teresa Caroline “Tessa” (4) – Brown hair, Blue/Green/Brown eyes
The Williams family has adopted single child Teresa Caroline "Tessa". Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
We're going to keep her name...
Holy smokes us parents are getting old! Justin hit 40 last year and Dana will be hitting it this year. Nick is getting ready for his Senior year of high school and is looking into colleges to apply to. Hes hoping to play baseball where ever he decides to go. Chris and Carrie-Anne will be getting their drivers licenses soon and are very excited to get behind the wheel. Zach is starting high school and is very excited for the new experiance. Ben will be in his last year of middle school and is still playing baseball. Lucy is excelling in all of her classes at school and is continuing with gymnastics. Charlie just finished Kindergarden and is very excited to be moving on to 1st grade. The whole family is very excited for their new edition.
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all up...you got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
Holy smokes us parents are getting old! Justin hit 40 last year and Dana will be hitting it this year. Nick is getting ready for his Senior year of high school and is looking into colleges to apply to. Hes hoping to play baseball where ever he decides to go. Chris and Carrie-Anne will be getting their drivers licenses soon and are very excited to get behind the wheel. Zach is starting high school and is very excited for the new experiance. Ben will be in his last year of middle school and is still playing baseball. Lucy is excelling in all of her classes at school and is continuing with gymnastics. Charlie just finished Kindergarden and is very excited to be moving on to 1st grade. The whole family is very excited for their new edition.
"You take your alright, you take your can't wait, a lot a bring it on and some damn straight...mix it all up...you got your YEE-HAW!"
PP adopter~see profile
1 Alexei and Isidora
2 Gabriel and Michael
3 Anais with Manon and Zoé
4 David
5 Aysun with Özgür and Direnç
ETA: number 76
2 Gabriel and Michael
3 Anais with Manon and Zoé
4 David
5 Aysun with Özgür and Direnç
ETA: number 76
This message was edited 7/31/2006, 7:09 PM
----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (39) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (39) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (14) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Dashiell (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Chase “KC” (13) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristan (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (10) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (10) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
AS/AS: Kester Wyatt (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes / Micah Vester (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes
AS/AD: Alexei Miroslav (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Isidora Rufina (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes
The Farrell family has adopted twins Alexei Miroslav and Isidora Rufina. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (39) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (39) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (14) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Dashiell (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Chase “KC” (13) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristan (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (10) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (10) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
AS/AS: Kester Wyatt (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes / Micah Vester (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes
AS/AD: Alexei Miroslav (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Isidora Rufina (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes
The Farrell family has adopted twins Alexei Miroslav and Isidora Rufina. Would you like to change their names? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
I had already edited my previous message: number 76
----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (39) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (39) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (14) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Dashiell "Dash" (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Chase “KC” (13) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristan (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (10) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (10) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
AS/AS: Kester Wyatt (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes / Micah Vester (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes
AS/AD: Alexis Miroslav "Lex" (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Isidora Ruby "Isa" (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes
----X Mar----
The Farrell family of California, USA
H: Rafael Lanford (39) – Black hair, Gray eyes -- Architect
W: Nathalie Calanthe (39) – Blonde hair, Green eyes – Part-time school teacher
S/S: Stellan Cadfael (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes / Killian Steffen (17)– Black hair, Blue eyes
D: Tamsin Iris (14) – Brown hair, Green eyes
AS/AS: Cian Rhys (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes / Ciaran Sabas (14) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
AS/AS/AS: Ashton Dashiell "Dash" (13) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Keaton Chase “KC” (13) – Brown hair, Green eyes / Preston Tristan (13) – Brown hair, Gray eyes
AS/AD: Camden Malachy (10) – Red hair, Green eyes / Neve Catalina (10) – Red hair, Blue/Green eyes
AS/AS: Kester Wyatt (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes / Micah Vester (5) – Dark blonde hair, Green eyes
AS/AD: Alexis Miroslav "Lex" (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Isidora Ruby "Isa" (0) – Black hair, Blue eyes
Shelby Jane
Alexei & Iradora
gabriel and michael
Gabriela Dulce
Zara Veronica

Shelby Jane
Alexei & Iradora
gabriel and michael
Gabriela Dulce
Zara Veronica

The Sims family of a sub-urban part of the USA
H: Gregory Alexander (36) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Doctor
W: Ellery Cassandra (36) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes – Doctor
AD: Onyeka Dayo “Ony” (26) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes, African
--D: Zuri Subira (11) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
AD: Lydia Beatrix (22) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AS: Jamison Matthew "Jamie" (19) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
D: Imogen Amity (19) – Dirty blond hair, Blue eyes
AD: Lara Natalia (16) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AS/AD: Alesander Nikolas (15) – Brown hair, Brown eyes / Clara Upa (15) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
D/D: Seraphina Annalise (15) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Persephone Chelsea (15) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Finlay Robert "Finn" (14) - Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AD/AD: Lily Margaret (6) – Red hair, Brown eyes / Rose Mirabelle (6) – Red hair, Brown eyes
AD: Shelby Jane (15) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
--D/D: ?? (0)
The Sims family has adopted pregnant teen Shelby Jane. Would you like to change her name? What are the chosen names for her twin girls? What do they look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
The Sims family of a sub-urban part of the USA
H: Gregory Alexander (36) – Black hair, Brown eyes -- Doctor
W: Ellery Cassandra (36) – Blonde hair, Blue eyes – Doctor
AD: Onyeka Dayo “Ony” (26) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes, African
--D: Zuri Subira (11) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
AD: Lydia Beatrix (22) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
AS: Jamison Matthew "Jamie" (19) - Blonde hair, Blue eyes
D: Imogen Amity (19) – Dirty blond hair, Blue eyes
AD: Lara Natalia (16) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
AS/AD: Alesander Nikolas (15) – Brown hair, Brown eyes / Clara Upa (15) – Brown hair, Brown eyes
D/D: Seraphina Annalise (15) – Black hair, Blue eyes / Persephone Chelsea (15) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Finlay Robert "Finn" (14) - Light brown hair, Blue eyes
AD/AD: Lily Margaret (6) – Red hair, Brown eyes / Rose Mirabelle (6) – Red hair, Brown eyes
AD: Shelby Jane (15) – Blonde hair, Green eyes
--D/D: ?? (0)
The Sims family has adopted pregnant teen Shelby Jane. Would you like to change her name? What are the chosen names for her twin girls? What do they look like? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
they have light brown hair (not dirsty blonge, light brown), an dgreen eyes

I guess...number 32!
1. Caspian Remus
2. Alexei and Isidora
3. Matilda Louise
4. Aysun and sons
5. Shelby Jane
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (49) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (49) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (28, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
--DW: Svetlana
--S: Alexei Mikhail
D/D: Beth Charlotte (21) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (21, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Keoni Malakai (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Martha Hope (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
--S: Wekesa James “Kesi (5) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
D: Alana Jennifer (18, adopted) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Melissa Jean (16) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Nevada James "Nevi" -- Brown hair, Green eyes (3) / Austyn Michelle-- Brown hair, Hazel eyes (3)
S: Connor Jackson (14, adopted) -- Black hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esperanza Noemi (14) – Dark brown hair, Gray eyes
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (49) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (49) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (28, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
--DW: Svetlana
--S: Alexei Mikhail
D/D: Beth Charlotte (21) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (21, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Keoni Malakai (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Martha Hope (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
--S: Wekesa James “Kesi (5) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
D: Alana Jennifer (18, adopted) – Light brown hair, Green eyes
AD: Melissa Jean (16) – Blonde hair, Brown eyes
--S/D: Nevada James "Nevi" -- Brown hair, Green eyes (3) / Austyn Michelle-- Brown hair, Hazel eyes (3)
S: Connor Jackson (14, adopted) -- Black hair, Blue eyes
AD: Esperanza Noemi (14) – Dark brown hair, Gray eyes
The Hill family of Eastern Ohio, USA
H: Richard Andrew “Rich” (49) – Dark brown hair, Brown eyes -- Realtor
W: Anna-May Louise “May” (49) – Blond hair, Blue eyes – Stay-at-home mom
S: Lukas Loren (Beres) “Loren” (28, adopted) – Light blond hair, Ice blue eyes
--DW: Svetlana (27) - blond hair, blue eyes
--S: Alexei Mikhail (4) - dark blond hair, green eyes
--S: Miroslav Luka "Mir" (3, adopted) - dark brown hair, brown eyes
--S: Roman Nikolai (2) - dark blond hair, green eyes
--D: Katya Irina "Kitty" (newborn) - blond hair, blue eyes
D/D: Beth Charlotte (21) – Brown hair, Blue eyes / Cara Louise (21, deaf) – Brown hair, Blue eyes
Beth's DH: Mark Anderson Galley (23) - dark brown hair, brown eyes
Beth's DD or DS: Natalia Marissa, Henry Mark, or Charles Kenneth (not born yet)
AS: Keoni Malakai (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Alejandro Miguel (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Martha Hope (19) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
--S: Wekesa James “Kesi (5) – Black hair, Brown eyes, African
The Campbell family of Ashland, Oregon, USA
H: Nigel Atticus (39) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes – Restaurant owner
W: Sally Sophia (38) – Sandy blonde hair, Dark blue eyes – 3rd grade teacher
AS: Oliver Jacob (20) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Henry James (17) – Black hair, Green eyes
AS: Sunil Chetana (17) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Kaveri Rupinder (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Bernice Eliana (14) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Amar Jayant (12) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Asher Joseph “Ash” (9) – Sandy blonde hair, Green eyes
AD: Idony Noor (3) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Hollis Clara (2) – Red hair, Hazel eyes
The Campbell family has adopted single child Hollis Clara. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
The Campbell family of Ashland, Oregon, USA
H: Nigel Atticus (39) – Dark brown hair, Green eyes – Restaurant owner
W: Sally Sophia (38) – Sandy blonde hair, Dark blue eyes – 3rd grade teacher
AS: Oliver Jacob (20) – Black hair, Blue eyes
AS: Henry James (17) – Black hair, Green eyes
AS: Sunil Chetana (17) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AD: Kaveri Rupinder (14) – Black hair, Brown eyes
D: Bernice Eliana (14) – Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
AS: Amar Jayant (12) – Black hair, Brown eyes
AS: Asher Joseph “Ash” (9) – Sandy blonde hair, Green eyes
AD: Idony Noor (3) – Black hair, Dark brown eyes
AD: Hollis Clara (2) – Red hair, Hazel eyes
The Campbell family has adopted single child Hollis Clara. Would you like to change her name? Optional... How has the family been for the past three years?
Also, if you would like, choose a number 1-100. If you are one of the four people to get closest to the number I have chosen, then you get to adopt another child in a "mini-round". This is optional though.
We're going to keep Hollis' name. =)
The family has been great! Kaveri and Bernice are the best of friends, and they've started high school together. Sunil and Henry are both seniors in high school this year, and Oliver has already headed off to college. He's still not sure what he's going to be, but he's leaning towards majoring in biology. Everyone is very excited about our newest addition! I'm sure she'll fit in just fine.
I'll pick the number 20.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
The family has been great! Kaveri and Bernice are the best of friends, and they've started high school together. Sunil and Henry are both seniors in high school this year, and Oliver has already headed off to college. He's still not sure what he's going to be, but he's leaning towards majoring in biology. Everyone is very excited about our newest addition! I'm sure she'll fit in just fine.
I'll pick the number 20.

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.