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Re: Miss Julia Keelan's Congrats -- Round 5!

Posting Name: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DMother: Madeleine Diana
Exchange Student: Archana Laxmi "Canna" (18)
DS: Reuben Abraham "Rube" (8)
DD: Charlotte Carina "Carly" (6)
DD: Clare Sable (3)
DS: John William "Jack" (1)
DD: Aisling Rosalind (newborn)
DCat: Chip
We are sorry to see her go, but Canna is going back to India this round (unless there is some other use for her in another round).My favorite color is....b. blue!
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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