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Re: estel's Congrats Round 6 (final round of regular congrats)! + note
in reply to a message by estel
Username: Echo
LN: Chance
DH: Reginald William "Reggie"
DW: Lily Marie
DS: Tristan Alexander (12)
DD: Anastacia Charlotte "Asya" (8)
DS/DS: Charles Evander and Ethan Nathaniel (6)
DD: Branwen Marguerite (3)
DS: William Zachary (2)
DD: Rhiannon Astrid (0)
Dog: Didi (age 12)
Dog: Terra (age 6)I want to be in the extra rounds. Is that alright?
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Yeah!You're still allowed to be in the extra rounds. I just needed to know if you want to so I can update and fix the families as I need to.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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