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Cassandra Grace Logan's Congrats Sign-Up (Limit 20)
I've always wanted to do one of these. So here I go.Username:LN:
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Okay, sign-ups closed.
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
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I'll play!Username: PheadireanLN: Rutherfurd
DH: Emmett Colton
DW: Shiloh Violet-Kate
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This message was edited 7/16/2006, 2:05 PM

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Username: FluteLN: Nesheim
DH: Taylor Anthony
DW: Megan MicheleI think I may have JUST made it....
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Username:jmacsgurl1991LN: Dirks
DH: Joshua Ryan
DW: Shelby Rebecca
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AdriatikaLN: Albrecht
DH: Joseph Reiner
DW: Sofia Astrid
Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by
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Username: DaddysdancerLN: DuPuis
DH: Jesse Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
Love is the lord of the house within him and rules all the concerns of his soul- Plato
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Username: JuliaBLN: Harrison
DH: Jesse
DW: Julia
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
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Username: EchoLN: Douglas
DH: Bridget Alexandrina "Briddie"
DW: Abraham Gabriel "Abe"
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vote up1
Username: sarah leeLN: Spirto
DH: Apollo Michael
DW: Marina Rebecca--Sarah Katherine Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
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Username: LexyRoseLN: Isaacson
DH: Zedekiah William 'Kai'
DW: Emi Kiyoko**~**~**~**~**~**~**
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Username: Charlie BlueLN: Sidle
DH: David Hugh
DW: Kathryn Emily
Charlie BluePhotobucket - Video and Image HostingCheck Profile For PP's!
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Username: avalonLN: West
DH: Jonathan Ezra "Jon"
DW: Isabelle Kate
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LN: Leinart
DH: Bastian
DW: Ginevra
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Username: MelanieRoseLN: Foreman
DH: Jonathan Mark
DW: Melanie Rose

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
--Abraham Lincoln

This message was edited 7/16/2006, 12:21 PM

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Username: .miela.LN: Dawson
DH: Noah John Isaac
DW: Anna Lorraine
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Username: swimmerLN: Lake
DH: Chloe Rae
DW: Aleksander Paul
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Username: ChanaLN: Southgate
DH: Andrew Nicholas "Drew" (22)
DW: Laura Clemency Helen (21)
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Username: raindancingLN: Laughton
DH: Charles Alfred
DW: Alessandra Fiammetta


This message was edited 7/16/2006, 11:59 AM

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Username: EleanoraLN: Fairlie
DH: Thomas Walter
DW: Evangeline RoseEleanor x
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MineUsername: Cassandra Grace LoganLN: Morgan
DH: Jeffrey Lionel (J. L.) - 27
DW: Charlotte Alexandra (Charlie) - 23------------------------------------------
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...

This message was edited 7/16/2006, 12:51 PM

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Username: slgn4LN: Stetson
DH: Reuben James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
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