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Re: Adriatika's All-In-One Congrats!
LN: EleazarDH: Alfonso Brendan
DW: Clover DianaDD: Esmeralda Guinevere "Essie" (14)
DD/DD: Helen Juliana "Julie" and Layla Madison (12)
DS: Nathan Paul (8)
DS: Remiel Shannon "Emil" (5)
DD: Ylva Allison (3)
D/S: Ana Lucia and Hugo Diego (16) (exchange students from Spain)
DS: Benedict Charles "Benny" (0)Alfonso and Clover Eleazar with:
Ana, Hugo, Essie, Julie, Layla, Nathan, Emil, Ylva and Benny

This message was edited 7/5/2006, 5:17 AM

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