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Mar 24: Count-Along CAF
- Roll a d10 for each name ( When you reach the end of the namebank continue counting at the beginning.
- You can skip similar namesLN: Good Anthony Hathway Gale Halle Pond Horsfall Kane Woods Brasher Appleton MacCoinnich Garnier Virgo LeonardsonDH:
DD3:Feel free to add family membersAlmyra Betty Junia Camelia Hedvig China Parthena Essa Rina Aurore Ivey Christine Ever Lorenza Ilo Erin Marybelle Cynthia Pearley Texana May Georgetta Clytie Blossom Denise Leonor Hennie Garnet Refugia Vita Carlotta Lynn Elena Ingeborg Priscilla Clemma Louann Genoveva Cindy Arletta Cleta Jess Lynda Rosabelle Fidelia Ivory Lisette Rosaline Venus Glendora Lurline Jinnie Louisiana Onnie Violetta Theda Melanie Gerda Olivia Bee Iza Lana Maxine Valentine Cleva Izetta Nadine Daphne Clyda Persis Rosalee Viney Emaline Georgeanna Loveday Christiana Ebba Kay Prudie Texanna Alphonsine Betsey Penelope Claudine Frederica Ota Laurel Freddie Delpha Texas Gina Juliana Narcissa Clarinda Vira Gwendolyn Maxie Signe Libby Margaretha Rosy Yetta Joyce Nelly Claribel Dekta Cherry Katharina Augustine Mercy Bobbie Jemima Ramona Dagmar Euphemia Odile Dove Patricia Patience Tennessee Fairy Rosamond Kit Caesar Jabez Marius Claude George Lawrence Cletus Mace Gaines Ruth Zachariah Monty Barrett Kay Courtland Rafe Garrett Leroy Shannon Ace Hughie Philostrate Gray Sylvan Ashton Lazarus Constantine Alfred Weston Sylvester Knox Dominic Jesse Booker Henry Fitzhugh Seaborn Claus Leonce Myles Cody Vander Hardy Angus Ezekiel Benjamin York Harlan Jimmy Michael Chance Eric(k) Tolbert Woody Ellsworth Gary Elliot Malcolm Barry Hayden Montgomery Shade Gottlieb Eliga Commodore Uriah Orion Sebastian Duke Landon Cooper Ethan Titus Nolan Sullivan Lawyer Benedict Gregory Boss Kirk Elwin Rome Artlington Worth Emmett Horatio Alan Brooks Justin Hoyt Coy Gabriel Broderick Archer Reece Cyril Everett Billy Richard Maxwell Quincy Anson Reed Wellington Roman 700
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf

This message was edited 3/24/2025, 11:37 AM

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DH: Gaines Shannon Good
DW: Parthena Ever [Horsfall] Good
DS1: Constantine Jesse Good
DD1: Cynthia May [Good] Leonardson
DS2: Henry Angus Good
DS3: Eric Ellsworth Good
DD2: Clytie Blossom [Good] Brasher
DD3: Carlotta Louann GoodDS1'S FAMILY
DW: Arletta Jess [Halle] Good
DD: Jinnie Olivia Good
DD: Nadine Ebba Good
DS: Maxwell Marius GoodDD1'S FAMILY
DH: Elliot Shade Leonardson
DS: Ethan Kirk Leonardson
DD: Prudie Penelope Leonardson
DD: Euphemia Dove LeonardsonDS2'S FAMILY
DW: Ota [Pond] Good
DD: Hedvig Parthena GoodDS3'S FAMILY
DW: Clarinda Margaretha [Garnier] Good
DD: Nelly Jemima Good
DS: Artlington Brooks Good
DS: Archer Richard GoodDD2'S FAMILY
DH: Claude Cletus Zachariah Brasher
DD: Ivey Brasher
DS: Hughie Brasher
DD: Marybelle BrasherDD3'S FAMILY
DH: Lazarus Fitzhugh [Appleton] Good
DS: Angus Benjamin Good
DS: Jimmy Michael Good
DD: Pearley Garnet Good
vote up1
DH: Jabez George Halle
DW: Essa Aurore Halle (nee Garnier)
DS1: Lawrence Gaines Halle "Larry"
DD1: Christine Lorenza Kane (nee Halle) "Chris"
DS2: Leroy Hughie Halle
DS3: Weston Seaborn Halle
DD2: Pearly Texana Good (nee Halle)
DD3: Leonor Clemma Anthony (nee Halle)DS1'S FAMILY
DW: Ever Marybelle Halle (nee pond)
DD: Rosabelle Louisiana Halle
DD: Theda Melanie Halle
DS: Benjamin Ellsworth Halle "Ben"DD1'S FAMILY
DH: Sylvester Claus Kane "Sly"
DS: Barry Orion Kane
DD: Izetta Nadine Kane
DD: Daphne Kay KaneDS2'S FAMILY
DW: Hennie Lynn Halle (nee Virgo)
DD: Laurel Vira HalleDS3'S FAMILY
DW: Genoveva Cleta Halle (nee Leonardson)
DD: Gwendolyn Claribel Halle "Gwen"
DS: Sebastian Duke Halle
DS: Sullivan Gregory HalleDD2'S FAMILY
DH: Sylvan Lazarus Good
DD: Augustine Jemina Good "Tina"
DS: Horatio Broderick Good
DD: Dove Patience GoodDD3'S FAMILY
DH: Rafe Hughie Anthony
DS: Cyril Roman Anthony
DS: Cluade Lawrence Anthony
DD: Parthena Rina Anthony
vote up1
DH: Mace Barrett Halle
DW: Betty China Halle (nee Leonardson)DS1: Hughie Lazarus Halle
DD1: Aurore Ever Halle
DS2: Henry Hardy Halle
DS3: Angus Tolbert Halle
DD2: Ilo Blossom Halle
DD3: Lynn Genoveva HalleMace & Betty Halle: Hughie, Aurore, Henry, Angus, Ilo, & Lynn
DS1: Hughie Lazarus Halle
DW: Cindy Venus Halle (nee Pond)DD: Theda Bee Halle
DD: Cleva Daphne Halle
DS: Woody Gottlieb HalleHughie & Cindy Halle: Theda, Cleva, & Woody
DD1: Aurore Ever Virgo (nee Halle)
DH: Duke Nolan VirgoDS: Boss Artlington Virgo
DD: Rosalee Georgeanna Virgo
DD: Alphonsine Frederica Virgo “Sina”Aurore & Duke Virgo: Boss, Rosalie, & Sina
DS2: Henry Hardy Halle
DW: Gina Rosy Halle (nee Hathway)DD: Yetta Joyce HalleHenry & Gina Halle: Yetta
DS3: Angus Tolbert Halle
DW: Nelly Augustine Halle (nee Horsfall)DD: Ramona Almyra Halle
DS: Gabriel Maxwell Halle “Gabe”
DS: Anson Wellington HalleAngus & Nelly Halle: Ramona, Gabe, & Anson
DD2: Ilo Blossom Brasher (nee Halle)
DH: Claude Kay BrasherDD: Rina Christine Brasher
DS: Garrett Philostrate Brasher
DD: Texana Leonor Brasher “Texie”Ilo & Claude Brasher: Rina, Garrett, & Taxie
DD3: Lynn Genoveva Virgo (nee Halle)
DH: Lazarus Sylvester VirgoDS: Jesse Claus Virgo
DS: Benjamin Michael Virgo
DD: Vita Arletta VirgoLynn & Lazarus Virgo: Jesse, Benjamin, & Vita
vote up1
DH: Mace Courtland Virgo
DW: Hedvig "Hettie" Aurore [Gale] Virgo DS1: Leroy "Roy" Alfred Virgo
DD1: Ivey Lorenza [Virgo] Anthony
DS2: Jesse Booker Virgo
DS3: Henry "Fitz" Fitzhugh Brasher Virgo
DD2: Texana "Hennie" Henriette [Virgo] Hathway
DD3: Elena Arletta [Virgo] Garnier ***DS1: Leroy "Roy" Alfred Virgo
DW: Cleta "Rosy" Rosabelle [Horsfall] Virgo DD: Honor "Onnie" Gerda Virgo
DD: Cleva "Deeny" Nadine Virgo
DS: Angus "Gus" York Virgo ***DD1: Ivey Lorenza [Virgo] Anthony
DH: Ellsworth Commodore Anthony DS: Landon Boss Anthony
DD: Georgeanna "Georgie" Alphonsine Anthony
DD: Delpha "Libby" Liberty Anthony *** DS2: Jesse Booker Virgo
DW: Chanel "Nelly" Mercy [Halle] Virgo DD: Ramona "Mona" Euphemia Virgo *** DS3: Henry "Fitz" Fitzhugh Brasher Virgo
DW: Patricia Fairy Brasher Virgo DD: Camelia Rina Brasher Virgo
DS: Alan Broderick Brasher Virgo
DS: Maxwell "Max" Reed Brasher Virgo *** DD2: Texana "Hennie" Henriette [Virgo] Hathway
DH: Marius "Mars" Lawrence Hathway DD: Christine Ever Hathway
DS: Zachariah Courtland Hathway
DD: Erin "Clytie" Clytemnestra Hathway ***DD3: Elena Arletta [Virgo] Garnier
DH: Ashton Dominic Seaborn Garnier DS: Leonce Cody Vander Garnier
DS: James "Jimmy" Erick Tolbert Garnier
DD: Leonor Lynn Jess Garnier
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DH: Claude George Anthony
DW: China Parthena Pond DS1: Gaines Monty Anthony
DD1: Ilo Georgetta Anthony
DS2: Barrett Shannon Anthony
DS3: Weston Knox Anthony
DD2: Vita Clemma Anthony
DD3: Genoveva Rosabelle Anthony
Claude + China || Gaines, Ilo, Barett, Weston, Vita &
DS1: Gaines Monty Anthony
DW: Venus Lurline Hathaway
DD: Gerda Olivia
DD: Maxine Rosalee
DS: Jesse Booker
DD1: Ilo Georgetta Anthony
DH: Henry Vander MacLoinnich
Do: Chitstiana Betsey
DD: Delpha Maxie
DS2: Barrett Shannon Anthony
DW: Yetta Cherry Pond
DD: Dove Patricia
DS3: Weston Knox Anthony
DW: Junia Christine Horsfall
DD: Pearley Clyte
DS: Gary Elliot
DD2: Vita Clemma Anthony
DH: Duke Cooper Good
DD: Leonor Clemma
DS: Ethan Benedict
DD: Jess Glendora
DD3: Genoveva Rosabelle Anthony
DH: Kirk Emmett Halle
DS: Horatio Hoyt
DS: Cyril Wellington
DD: Louisiana Onnie
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DH: Cletus Garrett Anthony
DW: Junia [Aurore] Kane AnthonyDS1: Gray Jesse Anthony
DD1: Ivey Erin Anthony
DS2: Myles Vander Anthony
DS3: York Harlan Anthony
DD2: Leonor Elena Anthony
DD3: Cleta Jess Anthony
vote up1
DH: Claude Cletus
DW: Junia RinaDS1: Garrett Ace
DD1: Aurore Lorenza
DS2: Ashton Lazarus
DS3: Jesse Claus
DD2: Georgetta Clytie "Georgie"
DD3: Garnet Carlotta--
DS1: Garrett Ace
DW: Elena Lynda "Lena"DD: Rosabelle Louisiana "Rosie"
DD: Gerda Olivia
DS: York Ellsworth--
DD1: Aurore Lorenza
DH: Elliot CommodoreDS: Landon Cooper
DD: Daphne Emaline
DD: Christiana Betsey--
DS2: Ashton Lazarus
DW: Penelope Delpha "Penny"DD: Gwendolyn Yetta "Gwen"--
DS3: Jesse Claus
DW: Katharina Mercy "Katia"DD: Jemima Ramona
DS: Sullivan Worth
DS: Brooks Reece--
DD2: Georgetta Clytie "Georgie"
DH: Roman GainesDD: Patricia Camelia
DS: Kay Courtland
DD: Hedvig Ilo--
DD3: Garnet Carlotta
DH: Hughie AlfredDS: Booker Fitzhugh
DS: Angus Chance
DD: Blossom Lynn
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H: Mason Rafe "Mace" Anthony
W: Camelia Hedvig Horsfall S: Philostrate Constantine "Philo" Anthony
D: Lorenza Marybelle Anthony
S: Knox Jesse Anthony
S: Booker Fitzhugh Anthony
D: Pearley Blossom Anthony
D: Ingeborg Cleta Anthony
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