i always enjoy getting to ignore cultural and linguistic context and just focus on combining interesting names
in reply to a message by ari.
DH: Gasparo Fiore Ferraro
DW: Amaterasu Nanami [Azoulay] Ferraro
DD: Nonhelema Nokomis Ferraro
DS/DD: Florimond Essam Ferraro/Itxaro Arianrhod Ferraro
DS: 'Etzer Islam Ferraro
DS: Isac Eliav Ferraro
Gasparo Ferraro and Amaterasu Ferraro (nee Amaterasu Azoulay) with Nonhelema Ferraro, Florimond Ferraro, Itxaro Ferraro, 'Etzer Ferraro, and Isac Ferraro
DW: Amaterasu Nanami [Azoulay] Ferraro
DD: Nonhelema Nokomis Ferraro
DS/DD: Florimond Essam Ferraro/Itxaro Arianrhod Ferraro
DS: 'Etzer Islam Ferraro
DS: Isac Eliav Ferraro
Gasparo Ferraro and Amaterasu Ferraro (nee Amaterasu Azoulay) with Nonhelema Ferraro, Florimond Ferraro, Itxaro Ferraro, 'Etzer Ferraro, and Isac Ferraro