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Re: Blossom by Blossom (28)
H: Miles Elias Lewis
W: Esme Ruby (Acer)
- Dog: KitS: Omar Malachi
-W: Odeya Shiri (Croft)
-S: Willoughby Jack “Will”
-S: Ashton Fox
-D: Roxanna Shari “Roxie”
-D: Shiloh Vera
-Cat: TigerD: Zoe Cleo
-H: Asher Raphael Cramer
-S: Oscar Flynn
-D: Astrid Evangeline
-D: Leyla Jasmin
-D: Nancy Ruth
-S: Percival Maximilian “Percy”
-D: Golda PhoebeD: Ariana May
-H: Levi Abraham Upton
-S: Charlie Grey
-S: Zach Bellamy
-D: Avani Elizabeth
-D: Florence Olivia
-Dog: TangoD: Eden Joy
-H: David Enoch Mayer
-D: Mary-Kate Yasmin
-S: Frederick Edward “Freddie”
-S: Jethro Paul
-D: Laura Nelli
-D: Sophia IsabelleS: Harry Rowan
-W: Opal Nancy (Everett)
-D: Emi Acacia
-S: Rex Javon
-S: Leo Gene
-D: Fawn Marisa
-D: Esmi Abeni S: Damon Basil
-W: Talia Celeste (Lang)
-S: Felix Jae
-D: Desirae Wren
-D: Eva Nicole
-D: Daphne ErinSarah -
Wife to Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
Moses Remiel (2018)
Gideon Eliezer (2023)
Baby boy #5, baby #6 due May 2025
vote up1

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