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Re: Generation CAF #554
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH: Orson Francis Flower
DW: Twila Cressida Eulalia [Vincent] FlowerDD1: Colleen Madeline Flower
DD2: Adelaide April Theresa Flower
DS: Wiley Orson Francis FlowerOrson Flower and Twila Flower (nee Twila Vincent) with Colleen Flower, Adelaide Flower, and Wiley Flower~~~~~DD1 [57] Colleen Madeline FlowerColleen Flower~~~~~DD2 [53] Adelaide April Theresa [Flower] Park
DH [54] Adrian Daniel ParkDD1 [24] Cynthia Corinne ParkDS [23] Oliver Orson Park
- SO [23] Solveiga SalinaitėDD2 [15] Stella Priscilla ParkAdelaid Park and Adrian Park with Cynthia Park, Oliver Park, and Stella Park
- Oliver Park and Solveiga Salinaitė
~~~~~DS [50] Wiley Orson Francis Flower
DW [57] Shizuka Inoue FlowerADS [13] August Masato Wiley FlowerWiley Flower and Shizuka Flower (nee Shizuka Inoue) with August Flower

This message was edited 3/20/2025, 12:32 PM

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