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Re: Kaesy's March Congrats Round 6
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Lol, I promise you that I'm not. I liked the names, so I picked their list, and "voted for it;" did I do something wrong? I wholeheartedly apologize if I have!

This message was edited 3/16/2025, 7:09 AM

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Thank you for liking the names :)
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That isn't how this game is played. The people listed have signed up for it, and they're the ones who get to pick the names for their families.
vote up3
Oh, I apologize! I blindly decided to join. I can just delete my reply, if you'd like 😅. How do you sign up to play, if you don't mind me asking?ETA: Just saw your last post! Nevermind for this time; I'll just find your first round's post, to learn the rules. 😅

This message was edited 3/17/2025, 1:58 PM

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Nope, that's not me.
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