skinnyminnie's NTNB: Final Families
Once again, thank you for playing! I enjoyed this.
Family 1
Location: Shreveport, Louisiana
DH [60]: Joseph Leo Girard (Guest)
DW [58]: Markie Elise [Draper] Girard (molly)
DS [38]: Levi James Girard (molly)
-DW [38]: Skyler Jonquil (Devi) Girard (Kaesy)
--DD [16]: Selene Elspeth Girard (ari.)
--DS [13]: Icarus Franklin Girard (Wordsmith)
--DS [11]: Atlas Lincoln Girard (Xenoas)
DS [35]: Frankie John Girard (Story)
-Dog: Julchen (Guest)
DD [32]: Daisy Anne (Girard) Squire (Wordsmith)
-DH [33]: Simon Malcolm Squire (Rowena)
--DS [8]: Tycho Linden Squire (Kaesy)
--DD [5]: Mavis Thalassa Squire (cher529s)
--DD [3]: Edith Juniper Squire (Wordsmith)
DS [31]: Ocean George Girard (Cactus2000)
-DW [30]: Anna Stephanie (Wagner) Girard (Guest)
--DS [5]: John Stanley Girard (Wordsmith)
--DD [3]: Laura Cassiopeia Girard (cher529s)
--DS [1]: Oliver Joseph Girard (Guest)
Dog [black lab, m]: Midnight (cher529s)
Family 2
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
DH [83]: Felix Barnes Fairchild (Wordsmith)
DW [65]: Catriona Joan [White] Fairchild (cher529s)
DH's DD [47]: Rose Inanna Cybele Fairchild (Wordsmith)
-DD's DH [47]: Caius Brendan White (ari.)
--DD's DS [24]: Caedmon "Cade" Lucky Whitwe (molly)
--DD's DD [22]: Mirabel Nora White (Kaesy)
--DD's DD [14]: Clementine Jolene White (Xenoas)
DD [37]: Audrey Seraphina Camille (Fairchild) Bartholomew (JuliaF)
-DH [37]: Fiachra Linus Bartholomew (Wordsmith)
--DD [11]: Eithne Cerulean Merope Bartholomew (Kaesy)
--DS [8]: Naoise Kingfisher Publius Bartholomew (Wordsmith)
DD [32]: Hazel Ophelia Zelda Fairchild (Rowena)
-DBf [32]: Harvey Warren Finch (Guest)
--DD [5]: Cosette "Coco" Bianca Fairchild-Finch (Rowena)
--DS [2]: Anthony Vincent Fairchchild-Finch (Story)
Cat [m, tabby]: Pyewacket "Pye" (molly)
Mongolian gerbils:
Almond (AhaRememo)
Bluebell (Rowena)
Clover (Story)
Family 3
Location: Chinchilla, Queensland, Australia
DH [61]: Billy Harold McLean (molly)
DW [59]: Holly Genevieve (King) McLean (Guest)
DGM [dec, 95]: Beatrice Sophronia Hutchison (cher529s)
DS [37]: Demetrius "Demo" Luke McLean (cher529s)
-DBf [39]: Josceline "Joe" Rain Chase (AhaRememo)
--DD [8]: Annie Daffodil McLean (Caitlin.)
--ADS [7]: Jack Buffalo McLean (molly)
DS [35]: Aristides "Ari" Riodin McLean (Story)
-DW [40]: Kate Wren van Doorn-McLean (cher529s)
--Cat: Amaretto (Cactus2000)
--DD [11] Lily Madelief McLean (Kaesy)
--DD [11] Amelia Sabien McLean (Cactus2000)
DD [29]: Galilea "Gali" Mercy (McLean) Kappel (molly)
-DH [33]: Rory Carl Kappel (Story)
--DS [5]: Peter William Kappel (Guest)
--DS [1]: Albert Filip Kappel (Rowena)
DD [29]: Discordia "Cori" January (McLean) Archer (AhaRememo)
-DH [29]: Beau William Archer (Story)
--DD [3]: Clymnestera "Ness" Velveteen Archer (Rowena)
--DD [1]: Melpomene "Pom" Satine Archer (Wordsmith)
Dog: Aarhorn (Story)
Family 4
Location: San Francisco, California
DH1 [62]: Emerson Alexander Parker (molly)
DH2 [62]: Richard Jorge Calderon (cher529s)
ADD [40]: Ruby Gwenda Parker-Calderon (Kaesy)
-DH [38]: Victor Luis Prado-Araya (Wordsmith)
--DS [11]: Peregrine Tiago Prado-Parker (Wordsmith)
--DS [9]: Gilbert Matías Prado-Parker (Rowena)
ADD [40]: Miyu Anita (Parker-Calderon) Ainsworth (Wordsmith)
-DH [41]: Kirk Robert Ainsworth (Rowena)
--DD [16]: Bellabeth Kiku Ainsworth (The Artist)
--DD [13]: Junelise Eiko Ainsworth (The Artist)
--DS [10]: Milo-Kai Haruto Ainsworth (Cactus2000)
ADS [38]: Ariel Nadav Parker-Calderon (Wordsmith)
-DGf [36]: Sylvie Marcella Thomas (Rowena)
--DD [1]: Manon Berura Parker-Thomas (molly)
ADS [33]: Daniel Bayani Parker-Calderon (Guest)
-DW [33]: Delfina Azzurra (Piazza) Parker-Calderon (Xenoas)
--DD [6]: Valentina Carmelita Parker-Calderon (Cactus2000)
--DS [3]: Ottaviano Ignacio Parker-Calderon (Wordsmith)
Family 1
Location: Shreveport, Louisiana
DH [60]: Joseph Leo Girard (Guest)
DW [58]: Markie Elise [Draper] Girard (molly)
DS [38]: Levi James Girard (molly)
-DW [38]: Skyler Jonquil (Devi) Girard (Kaesy)
--DD [16]: Selene Elspeth Girard (ari.)
--DS [13]: Icarus Franklin Girard (Wordsmith)
--DS [11]: Atlas Lincoln Girard (Xenoas)
DS [35]: Frankie John Girard (Story)
-Dog: Julchen (Guest)
DD [32]: Daisy Anne (Girard) Squire (Wordsmith)
-DH [33]: Simon Malcolm Squire (Rowena)
--DS [8]: Tycho Linden Squire (Kaesy)
--DD [5]: Mavis Thalassa Squire (cher529s)
--DD [3]: Edith Juniper Squire (Wordsmith)
DS [31]: Ocean George Girard (Cactus2000)
-DW [30]: Anna Stephanie (Wagner) Girard (Guest)
--DS [5]: John Stanley Girard (Wordsmith)
--DD [3]: Laura Cassiopeia Girard (cher529s)
--DS [1]: Oliver Joseph Girard (Guest)
Dog [black lab, m]: Midnight (cher529s)
Family 2
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
DH [83]: Felix Barnes Fairchild (Wordsmith)
DW [65]: Catriona Joan [White] Fairchild (cher529s)
DH's DD [47]: Rose Inanna Cybele Fairchild (Wordsmith)
-DD's DH [47]: Caius Brendan White (ari.)
--DD's DS [24]: Caedmon "Cade" Lucky Whitwe (molly)
--DD's DD [22]: Mirabel Nora White (Kaesy)
--DD's DD [14]: Clementine Jolene White (Xenoas)
DD [37]: Audrey Seraphina Camille (Fairchild) Bartholomew (JuliaF)
-DH [37]: Fiachra Linus Bartholomew (Wordsmith)
--DD [11]: Eithne Cerulean Merope Bartholomew (Kaesy)
--DS [8]: Naoise Kingfisher Publius Bartholomew (Wordsmith)
DD [32]: Hazel Ophelia Zelda Fairchild (Rowena)
-DBf [32]: Harvey Warren Finch (Guest)
--DD [5]: Cosette "Coco" Bianca Fairchild-Finch (Rowena)
--DS [2]: Anthony Vincent Fairchchild-Finch (Story)
Cat [m, tabby]: Pyewacket "Pye" (molly)
Mongolian gerbils:
Almond (AhaRememo)
Bluebell (Rowena)
Clover (Story)
Family 3
Location: Chinchilla, Queensland, Australia
DH [61]: Billy Harold McLean (molly)
DW [59]: Holly Genevieve (King) McLean (Guest)
DGM [dec, 95]: Beatrice Sophronia Hutchison (cher529s)
DS [37]: Demetrius "Demo" Luke McLean (cher529s)
-DBf [39]: Josceline "Joe" Rain Chase (AhaRememo)
--DD [8]: Annie Daffodil McLean (Caitlin.)
--ADS [7]: Jack Buffalo McLean (molly)
DS [35]: Aristides "Ari" Riodin McLean (Story)
-DW [40]: Kate Wren van Doorn-McLean (cher529s)
--Cat: Amaretto (Cactus2000)
--DD [11] Lily Madelief McLean (Kaesy)
--DD [11] Amelia Sabien McLean (Cactus2000)
DD [29]: Galilea "Gali" Mercy (McLean) Kappel (molly)
-DH [33]: Rory Carl Kappel (Story)
--DS [5]: Peter William Kappel (Guest)
--DS [1]: Albert Filip Kappel (Rowena)
DD [29]: Discordia "Cori" January (McLean) Archer (AhaRememo)
-DH [29]: Beau William Archer (Story)
--DD [3]: Clymnestera "Ness" Velveteen Archer (Rowena)
--DD [1]: Melpomene "Pom" Satine Archer (Wordsmith)
Dog: Aarhorn (Story)
Family 4
Location: San Francisco, California
DH1 [62]: Emerson Alexander Parker (molly)
DH2 [62]: Richard Jorge Calderon (cher529s)
ADD [40]: Ruby Gwenda Parker-Calderon (Kaesy)
-DH [38]: Victor Luis Prado-Araya (Wordsmith)
--DS [11]: Peregrine Tiago Prado-Parker (Wordsmith)
--DS [9]: Gilbert Matías Prado-Parker (Rowena)
ADD [40]: Miyu Anita (Parker-Calderon) Ainsworth (Wordsmith)
-DH [41]: Kirk Robert Ainsworth (Rowena)
--DD [16]: Bellabeth Kiku Ainsworth (The Artist)
--DD [13]: Junelise Eiko Ainsworth (The Artist)
--DS [10]: Milo-Kai Haruto Ainsworth (Cactus2000)
ADS [38]: Ariel Nadav Parker-Calderon (Wordsmith)
-DGf [36]: Sylvie Marcella Thomas (Rowena)
--DD [1]: Manon Berura Parker-Thomas (molly)
ADS [33]: Daniel Bayani Parker-Calderon (Guest)
-DW [33]: Delfina Azzurra (Piazza) Parker-Calderon (Xenoas)
--DD [6]: Valentina Carmelita Parker-Calderon (Cactus2000)
--DS [3]: Ottaviano Ignacio Parker-Calderon (Wordsmith)
This message was edited 3/14/2025, 11:47 AM
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for hosting : )
This was a great game. Loved the fast pace! Thank you for hosting.
Thanks so much for hosting! I loved this and look forward to more of your games. :)
Thank you so much for hosting! I had loads of fun with this one and can't wait for your next one!
Family 1
Location: Shreveport, Louisiana
Joseph Girard and Markie Girard (née Markie Draper) with Levi Girard, Frankie Girard, Daisy Girard, and Ocean Girard, and their black lab Midnight
- Levi Girard and Skyler Girard (née Skyler Devi) with Selene Girard, Icarus Girard, and Atlas Girard
- Frankie Girard and his dog Julchen
- Daisy Squire and Simon Squire with Tycho Squire, Mavis Squire, and Edith Squire
- Ocean Girard and Anna Girard (née Anna Wagner) with John Girard, Laura Girard, and Oliver Girard
Family 2
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Felix Fairchild and Catriona Fairchild (née Catriona White) with Rose Fairchild, Audrey Fairchild, and Hazel Fairchild, and their tabby-cat Pye and Mongolian gerbils Almond, Bluebell, and Clover
- Rose Fairchild and Caius White with Cade White, Mirabel White, and Clementine White
- Audrey Bartholomew and Fiachra Bartholomew with Eithne Bartholomew and Naoise Bartholomew
- Hazel Fairchild and Harvey Finch with Coco Fairchild-Finch and Anthony Fairchild-Finch
Family 3
Location: Chinchilla, Queensland, Australia
Billy McLean and Holly McLean (née Holly King) with Demo McLean, Ari McLean, Gali McLean, and Cori McLean, grandma Beatrice Hutchinson, and their dog Aarhorn
- Demo McLean and Joe Chase with Annie McLean and Jack McLean
- Ari McLean and Kate van Doorn-McLean with Lily McLean, Amelia McLean, and their cat Amaretto
- Gali Kappel and Rory Kappel with Peter Kappel and Albert Kappel
- Cori Archer and Beau Archer with Ness Archer and Pom Archer
Family 4
Location: San Francisco, California
Emerson Parker and Richard Calderon with Ruby Parker-Calderon, Miyu Parker-Calderon, Ariel Parker-Calderon, and Daniel Parker-Calderon
- Ruby Parker-Calderon and Victor Prado-Araya with Peregrine Prado-Parker and Gilbert Prado-Parker
- Miyu Ainsworth and Kirk Ainsworth with Bellabeth Ainsworth, Junelise Ainsworth, and Milo-Kai Ainsworth
- Ariel Parker-Calderon and Sylvie Thomas with Manon Parker-Thomas
- Daniel Parker-Calderon and Delfina Parker-Calderon (née Delfina Piazza) with Valentina Parker-Calderon and Ottaviano Parker-Calderon
Family 1
Location: Shreveport, Louisiana
Joseph Girard and Markie Girard (née Markie Draper) with Levi Girard, Frankie Girard, Daisy Girard, and Ocean Girard, and their black lab Midnight
- Levi Girard and Skyler Girard (née Skyler Devi) with Selene Girard, Icarus Girard, and Atlas Girard
- Frankie Girard and his dog Julchen
- Daisy Squire and Simon Squire with Tycho Squire, Mavis Squire, and Edith Squire
- Ocean Girard and Anna Girard (née Anna Wagner) with John Girard, Laura Girard, and Oliver Girard
Family 2
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Felix Fairchild and Catriona Fairchild (née Catriona White) with Rose Fairchild, Audrey Fairchild, and Hazel Fairchild, and their tabby-cat Pye and Mongolian gerbils Almond, Bluebell, and Clover
- Rose Fairchild and Caius White with Cade White, Mirabel White, and Clementine White
- Audrey Bartholomew and Fiachra Bartholomew with Eithne Bartholomew and Naoise Bartholomew
- Hazel Fairchild and Harvey Finch with Coco Fairchild-Finch and Anthony Fairchild-Finch
Family 3
Location: Chinchilla, Queensland, Australia
Billy McLean and Holly McLean (née Holly King) with Demo McLean, Ari McLean, Gali McLean, and Cori McLean, grandma Beatrice Hutchinson, and their dog Aarhorn
- Demo McLean and Joe Chase with Annie McLean and Jack McLean
- Ari McLean and Kate van Doorn-McLean with Lily McLean, Amelia McLean, and their cat Amaretto
- Gali Kappel and Rory Kappel with Peter Kappel and Albert Kappel
- Cori Archer and Beau Archer with Ness Archer and Pom Archer
Family 4
Location: San Francisco, California
Emerson Parker and Richard Calderon with Ruby Parker-Calderon, Miyu Parker-Calderon, Ariel Parker-Calderon, and Daniel Parker-Calderon
- Ruby Parker-Calderon and Victor Prado-Araya with Peregrine Prado-Parker and Gilbert Prado-Parker
- Miyu Ainsworth and Kirk Ainsworth with Bellabeth Ainsworth, Junelise Ainsworth, and Milo-Kai Ainsworth
- Ariel Parker-Calderon and Sylvie Thomas with Manon Parker-Thomas
- Daniel Parker-Calderon and Delfina Parker-Calderon (née Delfina Piazza) with Valentina Parker-Calderon and Ottaviano Parker-Calderon
Thanks for hosting! :)
There were some fun, unusual challenges -- like Miyu and Kirk Ainsworth's daughters' first names -- that you don't often see.
There were some fun, unusual challenges -- like Miyu and Kirk Ainsworth's daughters' first names -- that you don't often see.