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Re: CAF : Claude Monet Paintings 10/10
in reply to a message by Meike
DW: Héloïse Audra (nee. Félix) Normand
DH: Augustin Louis Normand
DS: Aurelius Olivier Normand
-DW: Félicité Irene (nee. Gérard) Normand
--DS1: Lucien Pascal
--DD1: Haydée Adelaide
--DD2: Alma Laurianne
DS: Junipero Léandre Normand
-DW: Rei Emiko Ueno
--DD1: Annelies Marjolaine
--DD2: Katrien Charlotte
DD: Sollilja Sylvie (nee. Normand) Ortez
- DH: Humberto Ulises Ortez--DD1: Joséphine Genevieve
--DD2: Cosette Alicia ***
DS: Mathis Barthelemy
-BF: Silas Edward Mandrake
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DW: Jeanne Dahlia Fournier nee Parris
DH: Alexandre Léon Fournier
DS1: Haldor Jean Fournier
DS2: Valentin Vere Fournier
DS3: Jean-Jacques Arthur Fournier
DD1: Alizée Beata FournierJeanne & Alexandre
Haldor | Valentin | Jean-Jacques | Alizée******
DS1: Haldor Jean Fournier
DW: Demetria Athena Fournier nee Montel
DD1: Ayla Rose Fournier
DD2: Zora Linnea Fournier
DD3: Lior Mercy FournierHaldor & Demetria
Ayla | Zora | Lior***
DS2: Valentin Vere Fournier
DW: Miranda Iris Lowe Fournier
DD1: Romée Suzette Fournier
DD2: Sabine Marjolaine FournierValentin & Miranda
Romée | Sabine***
DS3: Jean-Jacques Arthur Fournier
DH: Wolfram Ivor Nordstrom

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