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New York NTNB Final Family
Thank you for playing.DH (73): Alessandro Edmund “Alex” Nervetti (Wordsmith)
DW (70): Suzanne Marguerite Dumas (Rowena)DD (44): Antonia Mercedes Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DH (46): Marcus John Wolf (ari.)
-DD (22): Sarah Ravenna Nervetti-Wolf (cher529s)
-DS (20): Alessandro Elliott “Sandro” Nervetti-Wolf (Rowena)
-DS (17): Lucas Antonio Nervetti-Wolf (ari.)
-DD (14): Lilah Juno Nervetti-Wolf (molly)DS (41): Nico Francesco Nervetti (Princess_Shireen)
-DW (40): Summer Ruby Hamilton (jessica_p)
-DS (15): Jack Oscar Nervetti (cher529s)
-DD (13): Colette Maple Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DD (10): Iris Courtney Nervetti (Rowena)
-DD (6): Giada Beatrice Nervetti (molly)DD (37): Rosalie Carmela Nervetti (jessica_p)
-DW (37): Marta Florência Delgado-Cabral (Rowena)
-DAS (8): Marco Asher Nervetti-Delgado (Wraith)
-DAD (5): Silvia Kasumi Nervetti-Delgado (Rowena)DS (35): Claude Triton Nervetti (Rowena)
-DGF (36): Daphne Juliet Rose (ari.)
-DS (7): Benjamin Leo “Ben” Nervetti (Rowena)
-DD (4): Alice Rachel Nervetti (Wordsmith)DD (32): Marie Letizia Nervetti (molly)
-DxBF (35): Carlos Vidal Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DS (10): Rafael Augustus Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DH (34): Marvin Appleseed MacLeod (molly)
-DD (6): Portia Maeve MacLeod (molly)
-DS (3): Adrian Phoenix MacLeod (Story)
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Thanks for hosting!
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Thanks for hosting! :)I had a lot of fun :D
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Thank you for hosting - super fun game!
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Thanks for hosting!
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Alex Nervetti and Suzanne Dumas with Antonia Nervetti, Nico Nervetti, Rosalie Nervetti, Claude Nervetti, and Marie Nervetti
- Antonia Nervetti and Marcus Wolf with Sarah Nervetti-Wolf, Sandro Nervetti-Wolf, Lucas Nervetti-Wolf, and Lilah Nervetti-Wolf
- Nico Nervetti and Summer Hamilton with Jack Nervetti, Colette Nervetti, Iris Nervetti, and Giada Nervetti
- Rosalie Nervetti and Marta Delgado-Cabral with Marco Nervetti-Delgado and Silvia Nervetti-Delgado
- Claude Nervetti and Daphne Rose with Ben Nervetti and Alice Nervetti
- Marie Nervetti and Carlos Sammiguel with Rafael Sammiguel
- Marie Nervetti and Marvin MacLeod with Portia MacLeod and Adrian MacLeod
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