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Re: Generation CAF #551
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH 93 : William Linus Brodie
DW 90 : Leota Doloris Brodie [Rockman] Brodie DS1 65 : Louis Adam Brodie
DS2 59 : Jacob Christopher Brodie Billy and Leota with Louis and Jacob *
DS1 65 : Louis Adam Brodie
DW 65 : Saskia Lynne Brodie [Wright] DD 39 : Emily Cara Brodie
- Dbf 40 : Enej Zupan
- DD 3 : Sofia Leota Edita Zupan
Emily and Enej with Sofia DD 37 : Rachael Jessie Ross [Brodie]
- DH 38 : Ziggy Rayfield Eames Ross
- DS 12 : Valentino Jordan Ross
- DS 10 : River Tobias Ross
- DS 7 : Angelo Evander Ross
- DS exp : Leon Henry Ross
Rachael and Ziggy with Valentino, River, Angelo and exp LeonDD 34 : Sophie Lucy Brodie DD 31 : Alanna Lynne Abbott [Brodie]
- DH 31 : Alexander Isaac Noah Abbott
- DD 3 : Grace Elizabeth Abbott
- DD exp : Josephine Annalise Abbott
Alanna and Alex with Grace and exp Josephine Louis and Saskia with Emily, Rachael, Sophie and Alanna*
DS2 59 : Jacob Christopher Brodie
ExW 59 : Alice-Nicole Cusack DS 31 : Theodore Joseph Brodie
- DW 32 : Neve Jessica Brodie [Garrison]
- DS 2 : Axel Theodore Garrison Brodie
Theo and Neve with Axel DS 30 : George Cooper Brodie
- DW dec : Emelia Nadine Brodie [Short]
- DS 6 : Christopher Lawrence Brodie
- DD 5 : Athena Guinevere Brodie
- DS 2 : Tobias Valentine Brodie
George and Emelia* with Kit, Athena and Tobias DS 27 : Jacob Thomas Alexander Brodie Jacob and Alice-Nicole with Theo, George and Jacob DW 71 : Madeline Tamsin Brodie [Trevelyan] Jacob with wife Maddy
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