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Re: Generation CAF #551
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [93] William Antony “Tony” Cline
DW [90] Leota Pearline “Lee” Rockman DS1 [65] Sean Gregory Cline
DS2 [59] Steven Christopher “Steve” Cline ~~~~~~~~~~DS1 [65] Sean Gregory Cline
DW [65] Narelle Barbara Parkinson DD1 [39] Cara Fay Parkinson-Cline
- SO [40] Tevž Kotnik
-- DD [3] Sofia Leota Ljubica KotnikDD2 [37] Jessie Rachael Parkinson-Cline
- DH [38] Rayfield Erroll Ziggy “Rayf” Keller
-- DS1 [12] Schuyler Mackenzie “Sky” Parkinson-Keller
-- DS2 [10] Keelan Lowell “Key” Parkinson-Keller
-- DS3 [7] Griffin Sterling “Griffey” Parkinson-Keller
-- DS4 [exp] Cosmo Leon “Cozzy” Parkinson-Keller DD3 [34] Lucy Finola “Fin” Parkinson-Cline DD4 [31] Alanna Barbara Parkinson-Cline
- DH [31] Noah Tilden John Abbott
-- DD1 [3] Dimity Raewynn “Dimi” Abbott
-- DD2 [exp] Esme Lyndell Abbott ~~~~~DS2 [59] Steven Christopher “Steve” Cline *ExW [59] Anne-Sophie Boyer DS1 [31] Theodore Martin “Theo” Cline
- DW [32] Vanessa Adele Chaplin
-- DS [2] Nevada Theodore Chaplin “Nev” Cline DS2 [30] David “Arlen” Cline
- DW [dec] Vashti Emelia Ikin
-- DS1 [6] Christopher Aurelius “Aury” Cline
-- DD [5] Guinevere Devereux “Devy” Cline
-- DS2 [2] Valentine Lucian “Lulu” ClineDS3 [27] Steven Thomas Floyd “Tommy” Cline*DW [71] Helen Myfanwy “Nell” Trevelyan
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