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Re: Generation CAF #551
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [93] Jasper Geoffrey Cline
DW [90] Bonnye Pearline [Frank] ClineDS1 [65] Jonathan Louis Cline
DS2 [59] Christopher Lucas “Christof” Cline~~~~~~~~~~DS1 [65] Jonathan Louis Cline
DW [65] Narelle [Lynne] Wright ClineDD1 [39] Melinda Fay Cline
- SO [40] Gal Zupan
-- DD [3] Neja Bonnye Ljubica ZupanDD2 [37] Jillian Annika [Cline] Irvin
- DH [38] Bertrand Ennison Erroll Irvin
-- DS1 [12] Edward Mackenzie Irvin
-- DS2 [10] Willem Shelton Irvin
-- DS3 [7] Sterling Mathias Irvin
-- DS4 [exp] Tristram Leon IrvinDD3 [34] Rebecca Lucy ClineDD4 [31] Natalie [Lynne] Cline Abbott
- DH [31] Alexander Langton Isaac Abbott
-- DD1 [3] Elizabeth Raewynn Abbott
-- DD2 [exp] Josephine Lyndell Abbott~~~~~DS2 [59] Christopher Lucas “Christof” Cline*ExW [59] Sophie-Alice BoyerDS1 [31] Joseph Martin Cline
- DW [32] Virginia [Raine] Chaplin Cline
-- DS [2] Axel Joseph Chaplin ClineDS2 [30] George Cooper Cline
- DW [dec] Nadine [Vashti] Short Cline
-- DS1 [6] Lucas Beaumont Cline
-- DD [5] Athena Beatrice Cline
-- DS2 [2] Nathaniel Benedict ClineDS3 [27] Christopher Thomas Hayden Cline*DW [71] Madeline [Helen] Pryce Cline~*~*~*~
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