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Re: CAF Generation (with decade-accurate names)
in reply to a message by Kielo
DW [1937]: Evelyn Caroline [Willard] Rowntree "Evie"
DH [1934], dec.]: Henry Carroll RowntreeDS [1959]: Alan Henry Rowntree
DD [1961]: Nancy Evelyn [Rowntree] [Thorn] Atwood
DS [1964]: Mitchell Willard Rowntree***
DS [1959]: Alan Henry Rowntree
DW [1961]: Maria Jeannette [Godfrey] RowntreeDD [1986]: Bethany Cassandra [Rowntree] Mateos
-DH [1988]: Garrett Hector Mateos
--DD [2010]: Zoey Diana Mateos
--DS [2013]: Damian Owen MateosDD [1988]: Amber Jillian [Rowntree] Lindsey
-DH [1988]: Mark Christian LindseyDS [1989]: Colin Wesley Rowntree-Wilton
-DH [1986]: Brian Victor Wilton
--DAS [2023]: Milo Vincent WiltonDD [1993]: Lindsay Melissa [Rowntree] Wei
-DxBF [1992]: Noah Tanner Fermi
--DD [2010]: Alexis Harmony Fermi
-DH [1989]: Jianhong Zhou Wei "Martin"
--DD [2020]: Katherine Shufen Wei
--DS [2023]: Jeremiah Jianhong Wei
--DD [2025]: Eleanor Xuiying WeiDS [1997]: Brandon Alan Rowntree***
DD [1961]: Nancy Evelyn [Rowntree] [Thorn] Atwood
DxH [1955]: Robert Frederick Thorn "Bob"DD [1984]: Kayla Evelyn [Thorn] Lindqvist
-DH [1983]: Johannes Eero Lindqvist
--DS [2015]: Noel Jonathan Eino Lindqvist
--DS [2018]: Hugo Evan Toivo LindqvistDD [1986]: Rebecca Nancy ThornDS [1987]: Joshua Frederick Thorn "Josh"
-DW [1990]: Sarah Marie Lloyd-Thorn
--DS//DD [2023]: Maddox Frederick Thorn // Myra Marie ThornDH [1969]: Daniel Tremaine Atwood DD [2000]: Maya Camilla Atwood
-DGF[2001]: Noelie Inés Évrard***
DS[1964]: Mitchell Willard Rowntree
DW [1975]: Lara Guadalupe Bolivar GarzaDS [2004]: Braiden Alvaro Rowntree Bolivar
-DGF [2004]: Nia Xiomara Ventura
--DS [2024]: Eliana Penelope Hazel Rowntree VenturaDS [2008]: Damion Ignacio Rowntree Bolivar
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