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Re: Generation CAF #551
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [93] William Geoffrey Cline
DW [90] Tennessee Bonnye Rockman DS [65] Jonathan Kipling Cline
— DW [65] Lynne Barbara Wright
— DD [39] Cara Fay Cline
—- SO [40] Nejc Kotnik
—- DD [3] Stella Tennessee Edita Kotnik
— DD [37] Jillian Susanna Cline
—- DH [38] Eames Rayfield Terence Ross
—- DS [12] Nigel Edward Ross
—- DS [10] River William Ross
—- DS [7] Benson Sterling Ross
—- DS [exp] Leon Henry Ross
— DD [34] Lucy Dianna Cline
— DD [31] Natalie Barbara Cline
—- DH [31] John Matthew Noah Abbott
—- DD [3] Grace Elizabeth Abbott
—- DD [exp] Esme Josephine AbbottDS [59] Lucas Osborn Cline
— exDW [59] Sophie-Anne Welch
— DW [71] Madeline Helen Pryce
— DS [31] Martin Joseph Cline
—- DW [32] Vanessa Adele Glover
—- DS [2] Max Martin Glover Cline
— DS [30] Jude Matthew Cline
—- DW [d] Emelia Nadine Boyd
—- DS [6] Osborn Lawrence Cline
—- DD [5] Devereux Athena Cline
—- DS [2] Archibald Tobias Cline
— DS [27] Lucas Peter Thomas Cline
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
Track Sixteen
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Alicia Cook
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