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Re: Would You Rather..? (3)
PhyllisDH: Calvin Michael
DW: Margaret FelicityDD1: Gemma Rosalie
-DH: Conrad Lyle
--DS: Killian Zeke
--DD: Eve Rosemary
--DD: Belle Constance
--DS: Connor Maverick
--DS: Fox Callahan DD2: Elise Dahlia
-DH: Barrett Judah
--DD: Cecily Liliana
--DS: Stephen Leif
--DD: Greta Madeleine
--DD: Polly Hope
--DD: Della Marnie DS1: Lorcan Wilder
DS2: Alistair Brooks
DD3: Linnea Pearl
DS3: Desmond Ace"Names tell a story. They are a symbol of our past heritage and, if we are lucky, a touch stone for our future aspirations." - Wayne Visser"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
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