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Re: Would You Rather..? (5 of 7)
DH: Lucian Michael Gotti
DW: Sophia Margaret ColeDD1: Sarah Catherine Gotti
DH: Lincoln Raphael Cassidy
DS1: Easton Joel Cassidy
DD1: Eve Isabel Cassidy
DD2: Holly Constance Cassidy
DS2: Titus Benedict Cassidy
DS3: Clyde Matthew CassidyDD2: Harriet Diana Gotti
DH: Kenneth Galen Valdery
DD1: Heidi Helena Valdery
DS1: Sterling Balthasar Valdery
DD2: Priscilla Anne Valdery
DD3: Lana Madison Valdery
DD4: Faith Adelina ValderyDS1: Declan Joseph Gotti
DW: Primrose Leonora Collins
DD1: Rosa Denise Gotti
DD2: Heather Adriana Gotti
DS1: Leland Alexander Gotti
DD3: Dahlia Marcella Gotti
DS2: Julian Samson GottiDS2: Leon Charles Gotti
DW: Christina Marceline Santana
DS1: Sylvan Leonard Gotti
DD1: Patricia Desdemona Gotti
DD2: Cherry Esmeralda Gotti
DS2: Virgil Anthony Gotti
DS3: Cyril Benjamin Gotti
DS4: Cecil Norman GottiDD3: Bridget Louisa Gotti
DS3: Malcolm Alfred Gotti
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