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Re: Would You Rather..? (3)
DH: Xavier Jesse Villarosa
DW: Eva Sage NewtonDD1: Emmeline Alma “Emme”
-DH: Rupert Harry Williams
-DS: Rex Ernest
-DD: Birdie Keziah
-DD: Nellie Opal
-DS: Thaddeus Benjamin “Thad”
-DS: Maximilian Fox “Max”DD2: Clover Arwen
-DH: Jordan Reed Harris
-DD: Magnolia Erin “Maggie”
-DS: Sebastian Ford “Seb”
-DD: Skye Annabelle
-DD: Hope Azalea
-DD: Goldie RhiannonDS1: Joseph Shiloh “Joe”
DS2: Koa Leon
DD3: Louisa Bridget “Lulu”
DS3: Quinn LazarusSarah -
Wife to Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
Moses Remiel (2018)
Gideon Eliezer (2023)
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