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Re: Would You Rather..? (5 of 7)
DH: Lachlan Michael Rafferty
DW: Colette Sophia WestonDD1: Autumn Helena Rafferty
DD2: Cassia Arwen "Cassie" Rafferty
DS1: Declan Sullivan Rafferty
DS2: Hayden Walter Rafferty
DD3: Louisa Beryl "Lucy" Rafferty
DS3: Weston Maxwell Rafferty***
DD1: Autumn Helena Rafferty
DH: Anthony Ewan MorganDS: John Franklin "Jack" Morgan
DD: Georgia Irene Morgan
DD: Rosalie Nicole "Rosie" Morgan
DS: Connor Philip Morgan
DS: Matthew Clyde Morgan***
DD2: Cassia Arwen "Cassie" Rafferty
DH: Reed Martin GarrettDD: Callie Josephine Garrett
DS: Ford Preston Garrett
DD: Gwen Lenora Garrett
DD: Betty Laurel Garrett
DD: Nancy Adeline Garrett***
DS1: Declan Sullivan Rafferty
DW: Maxine Lucille RylandDD: Michaela Joan Rafferty
DD: Virginia Raine Rafferty
DS: Samuel Alan Rafferty
DD: Patricia Veda Rafferty
DS: Bryce Ryland Rafferty***
DS2: Hayden Walter Rafferty
DW: Marley Cerise MacsenDS: Marshall Ryan Rafferty
DD: Brianna Carys Rafferty
DD: Alaia Renée Rafferty
DS: Reese Macsen Rafferty
DS: Kellen Laurence Rafferty
DD: Coralie Anna Rafferty
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