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The Bear Family!
The Bear FamilyH: Robert Cillian Bear, "Bob"
W: Athena Marigold (Carson) BearD1: Emmeline Kaye (Bear) Wolf, "Emmy"
D2: Bianca Elise (Bear) Reed, "Bebe"
S1: Joseph Lawrence Bear, "Joe"
S2: Hayden Charles Bear
D3: Celia Sutton Bear
S3: Grayson Alexander Bear
__________D1: Emmy
H: Ezekiel Blaise Wolf, "Zeke"S1: Kevin Heath Wolf
D1: Cassandra Selah Wolf, "Cassie"
D2: Amaryllis Belle Wolf, "Amy"
S2: Russell Paxton Wolf, "Pax"
S3: Matthew Callum Wolf, "Matt"
__________D2: Bebe
H: Jordan Barrett ReedD1: Rachel Amber Reed
S: Jack Brody Reed
D2: Madeleine Anne Reed, "Maddy"
D3: Jessica Summer Reed
D4: Joanna Paige Reed
__________S1: Joe
W: Savannah Lucille (Clay) BearD1: Taylor Kinsley Bear
D2: Heather Sierra Bear
S1: Alexander Leland Bear, "Xander"
D3: Parker Mallory Bear
S2: Beauregard Calvin Bear, "Beau"
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