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Re: It’s a Bloomin’ Good Day (27)
H: Balthasar Wolf Frost
W: Artemisia Fern {Don} FrostD: Fenella Anemone Frost
S: Idris Basil Frost
D/D: Zipporah Ivy Frost / Vivienne Iris Frost
D: Araminta Rose Frost
S: Isidore Nigella FrostDog: Maple the Samoyed
Cat: Santorini the Aegean***D: Fenella Anemone {Frost} Snapdragon
-H: Donovan Enoch Snapdragon--D: Sabrina Lavender
--D: Helene Snow
--D: Maeve Juniper***S: Idris Basil Frost
-W: Elowen Roxana {Tulip} Frost--D: Zora Sylvie
--D: Selene Tallulah
--S: Idris Blaise
--S: Ronan Orion ***D: Zipporah Ivy {Frost} Saffron
-H: Robin Osric Saffron--D: Aster Solace
--D/D: Thea Willow / Sylvie Io
--D: Lila Mariposa
--S: Dexter West***D: Vivienne Iris {Frost} Bachelor-Button
-H: Ezra Oberon Bachelor-Button--S: Zed Issachar***D: Araminta Rose {Frost} Ursinia
-H: Emil Solomon Ursinia--S: Adam Garnet
--S: Jabez Rohan
--S: Miles Inigo
--D: Phoebe Nightingale
--S: Levi Boaz***S: Isidore Nigella Frost
-W: Miriam Anthea {Delphinium} Frost--D: Iona Skye
--D: Freya Hazel
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