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Re: Would You Rather..? (4)
H: Lucian Remy
W: Felicity AmaraD1: Francesca Vivienne 'Frankie'
— H: Augustus Raphael 'Gus'
— S: Elliot Joel
— D: Rosemary Eve 'Romy'
— D: Seren Belle
— S: Lewis Morgan
— S: Douglas RyanD2: Harriet Diana
— H: Anders Martin
— D: Helena Cecily
— S: Tadhg Stephen
— D: Greta Madeleine
— D: Selene Rosalind
— D: Rhiannon FaithS1: Stellan Dominic
— W: Petra Lucille
— D: Siobhan Moira
— D: Carys Jean
— S: Alexander Gray
— D: Dahlia Joy
— S: Charles Calvin 'Charlie'S2: Walter Leon
D3: Louisa Bridget
S3: Alexander Maxwell* trawling through name indexes and making lists of the interesting
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