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Re: Create a class...2 (I'll judge first 5 posts)
Miss Morsey‘s 2nd grade ClassCaspian Carson Don
Fernanda Caroline Donoghue "Andie"
Kate Phaedra Durham
Kristy Alexa Durham
Christine Isabelle Edwards
Nikolai Bayard Edwards "Nick"
Maxence Antoine Elgin "Max"
Sebastien Yosef Elgin
Justin Evander Elgin
Ian Keith
Juliana Kimberlene Lockwood "Julie"
Jack Gregor Macey
Ally Jumana McDowell
Aidan Keefe MontroseKristen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
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