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Re: CAF w/ Choices
in reply to a message by molly
DH (92) Ralph Lionel Shepherd
DW (84) Ailsa Colleen (Donovan) Shepherd DS1 (59) Rex Denis Shepherd
DS2 (57) Ivan Derek Shepherd
DS3 (54) Lance Eric ShepherdRalph and Ailsa w/ Rex, Ivan and Lance **
DS1 (59) Rex Denis Shepherd
DW (61) Jocelyn Gillian (Clarke) ShepherdDD (30) Haley Jemma (Shepherd) Le
- DH (30) Fabian Vinh Le
- DS (3) Alexander George Minh Le
- DS (1) Thomas Arthur Qaun Le
Haley and Fabian w/ Alex and Tommy DD (30) Joanna Aimee Shepherd-Laird
- DW (36) Madeleine Georgina Shepherd-Laird
- DD (4) Flora Daphne Clarke Shepherd-Laird
- DD (nb) Minnie Sybil Donovan Shepherd-Laird
Joanna and Maddy w/ Flora and Minnie Rex and Joss w/ Haley and Joanna **
DS2 (57) Ivan Derek Shepherd
DW (56) Anna Joy (Keenan) ShepherdDS (26) Joel Blair Shepherd
- Dgf (27) Kayla Alana Rooney
Joel w/ girlfriend Kayla DS (21) Rory Damian Shepherd
DS (12) Sam Rhys ShepherdIvan and Anna w/ Joel, Rory and Sam **
DS3 (54) Lance Eric Shepherd-Hills
DH (42) Simon Russell Shepherd-Hills DD (21) Rose Nellie (Shepherd-Hills) Ngata
- DH (23) Levi Reuben Ngata
- DS (2) Ari Atlas Ngata
- DD (1) Bonnie Kora Ngata
Rose and Levi w/ Ari and Bonnie Lance and Simon w/ Rose
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