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new moodboard CAF 1#
Choose 1 moodboard from each category (the names are typically gendered but the gender is up to you)
LN: has to be related to the moodboard at choice or the style of the names
DP (Parent 1):
DP1:1) medieval princess

Helewise Ingerith Mathilda Alifair Cecily Aveline Sybil Hawise Ermentrude Amabilia Isabeau Sapphira Edith Johanna Ivette Milicent Sigga Caesaria Margery Clarissa Constance Adeliza Rosamund Alianor Maude Emmeline Melisende2) Vanilla ice cream

Ezra Florian Bastien Elio Remy Emery Elias Basil Emerson Leon Rafe Amos Emile Cyrus Lucian Silas Lior Emilian Soren Hugo Alden Ivo Aurelius Cairo Sol Finn Emory Asher Alaric Sage Ivory Jude Owen Isaiah Zachary Cassius Luci Archer3) Black dye

Caius Blaze Cyrus Axel Draven Marcellus Gideon Jericho Francis Indigo Ash Wren Ember Rowen Nyx Raven Rune Salem Phoenix Reverie Thorne Lilith Vespera Valkyrie Astrid Scarlet Ravenna Salome Astra Lyssa Mari Starla Letha 4) Wrenna

Greta Lieselotte Leni Renate Gertrude Irma Heilwig Brunhilde Gerda Reingard Wilhelmine Nellie Rosemarie Imke Maigret Hildegard Nellie Ilsegard Hannelore Elsa Clara Roswitha Wilhelmina Herta Irmgard Franziska Renate Helga
***DP2:5) the knight

Eldred William Ethelbert Sigmund Benedict Vivien Leofwin Solomon Obediah Valentin Octavius Brun Eudes Bonamy Theobald Constantine Everard Hildebrand Charlot Lanselm Godfrey Vives Anselm Dante Hugo Launcelot Wilhelm Archer6) Latte

Chrysanthemum Cinnamon Særún Ellice Adora Novella Odessa Naemee Francille Helouise Anael Irwin Launce Caelum Reimar Sador Pompeius Romulus Otho Isebrand Marien Raphaell7) vintage leather Jackets

Refugia Auréline Dortha Laurice Eldariah Everline Elyssia Audeline Vienne Olive Dorestine Claretha Emery Sarai Ruhamah Prude Ivette
Demian Archibald Boniface Cezary Delbert Americo Amaury Fleurent Amos Thaddeus Ruffus Audebert Napoleon Clovis Rafe Almeter Clarembaut

8) Alta Domina (Inspired by Mother Mary, I love Christian visuals)

Alta-Donna Desire Idra Tabitha Beata Celina Vives Blessing Celestine Tirzah Sabbatia Clementia Dolores Judaea Honor Laetitia Donna-Gracia Oliva Nazaria Serena Thelma Naveahunused moodboards: (81, 78, 77, 83, 84, 88,)*******
rate my PLN:

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This message was edited 1/10/2025, 12:42 AM

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DW: Cecily Aveline Domina Firethorne
DH: Honor Judea Domina
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DH: Ezra Jude Alden
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DH: Ezra Jude Alden
DW: Marien Ellice (Irwin) Alden
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DH1: Anselm Theobald Knekt
DH2: Ivo Amos Isberg

This message was edited 2/2/2025, 2:47 AM

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LN: Scarlett
DP (Parent 1):DP1: Constance Helewise Scarlett
DP2: Otho Isebrand Scarlett

This message was edited 2/1/2025, 6:27 AM

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Sapphira Isabeau Quill
Amaury Thaddeus Vale
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DW: Clarissa Rosamund (Brandt)
DH: Everard Vives Knightley
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DW: Rosamund Constance (King) Ritter
DH: Anselm Godfrey Ritter
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DW: Edith Maude (Spencer) Windsor
DH: Hugo Godfrey Windsor

This message was edited 1/12/2025, 6:17 PM

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DW: Johanna Caesaria Chamberlain
DH: Amos Thaddeus Corwin
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Caelum Raphael ❤️ Caesaria Rosamund Emmeline (née Bellissimo) [Caelum & Caesaria]
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DW: Margery Ingerith Amabilia Wintermute
DH: Wilhelm Theobald Hunault
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DH: Hugo Bastien LeBlanc
DH: Theobald Anselm Knecht
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Zachary Jude + Odessa Ellice
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DW: Clara Hildegard Bochmann
DW: Emery Olive Dalton
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DGF: Princess Sigga Mathilda Dampierre
DBF: Sir Solomon Vives Courtenay
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DW: Greta Franziska Renate Mentzeroux, née Mentzer
DW: Ivette Auréline Mentzeroux, née Roux

This message was edited 1/31/2025, 7:22 AM

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DW: Franziska "Frankie" Ilsegard Marquardt-Deschamps [pansexual cis woman; she/her]
DSp: Vivien "Ven" Constantine Marquardt-Deschamps [bisexual nonbinary; they/xe]

This message was edited 1/17/2025, 11:12 AM

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DW: Maria “Mari” Indigo Neri
DH: Irwin Otho Merkel
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W: Herta Franziska König
H: Sigmund Octavius Richter
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W: Clarissa Helewise Constance Betancourt
H: Otho Isebrand Talsma
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DW: Lady Cecily Alifair Ingrith Devereux
DH: Sir Vivien Lanselm Ethetlbert Middleton
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