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Re: The F Family (2)
LN: Fox
DH: Geryon Morpheus Fox
DW: Ariadne Larissa FoxDS1: Perseus Jason Fox "Percy"
-DW: Marigo Floriana (Vasil) FoxDS2: Kairos Evander Fox "Kai"
-DW: Livia Dafine (Milot) FoxDS3: Leander Myles Fox "Lee"
-DW: Kristela Valentina (Edison) FoxDD1: Cassiopeia Selena (Fox) Elton "Cass"
-DH: Dash Vinçens EltonDS4: Damon Aristaeus Fox
-DW: Arisa Violeta (Edmond) FoxDD2: Aletheia Danae (Fox) Edison
-DH: Patriot Robert EdisonDD3: Ismene Helena (Fox) Osman
-DH: Denis Kristo OsmanDD4: Elara Artemis (Fox) Vasil
-DH: Alesio Eduard VasilDD5: Thebe Antigone (Fox) Milot
-DH: Arbor Jozef Milot"Names tell a story. They are a symbol of our past heritage and, if we are lucky, a touch stone for our future aspirations." - Wayne Visser"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
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