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Re: CAF: #164
DH (79) Walter Reese Ramsey
DW (76) Camille June (Francis) Ramsey DD1 (52) Laura Marcie (Ramsey)
DS1 (52) Luke Elijah Ramsey
DS2 (49) Austin Matthew Ramsey
DD2 (47) Eleanor Kathryn (Ramsey)
DD3 (47) Ine Tamara (Ramsey)Walt and Camille || Laura • Luke • Austin • Nelly • Inez**
DD1 (52) Laura Marcie Ramsey
ExDH (55) Frederick Scott Keane DS (25) Elliott Owen Keane
- DW (27) Kelsey Megan (Paulson) Keane
- DS (2) Theodore Jacob Keane
Elliott and Kelsey || TheoDD (24) Roselyn Victoria Keane
- Dbf (24) Louis Paul Dove
Rosie with boyfriend Louis Laura and Freddie || Elliott • Rosie **
DS1 (52) Luke Elijah Ramsey
DW (53) Alma Meryl (Wiseman) Ramsey DD (26) Anna Alma (Ramsey) Mendoza Parra
- DH (28) Vinicio Mendoza Parra
- DD & DS (1) Cristina Eliana Mendoza Parra & Micah Diego Mendoza Parra
Anna and Vinicio || Cristina • Micah DD (23) Kassandra Mollie Ramsey
- Dgf (24) Sarah Marie Fallah
Kassie with girlfriend Sarah DS (19) Daniel Luke Ramsey
DS & DD (18) Isaac Ayden Ramsey & Ella Noelle Ramsey Luke and Alma || Anna • Kassie • Daniel • Isaac • Ella**
DS2 (49) Austin Matthew Ramsey
ExW (47) Heidi Andrea Huber DS (19) Rowan Klaus Ramsey
- Dgf (17) Georgia Danielle Leyton
Rowan with girlfriend Georgia DS (17) Chase Thomas Ramsey
DS (15) Jesse Oskar RamseyAustin and Heidi || Rowan • Chase • Jesse Dgf (48) Marlena Rebecca Athens DGFD (16) Lorelei Jade Athena Austin and Marlena || Lorelei **
DD2 (47) Eleanor Kathryn (Ramsey) Singh
DH (45) Rajesh Singh DD (18) Lilavati Zoe Singh
DS (14) Ravi John Singh
DD (12) Chloe Rupa Singh Nelly and Rajesh || Lila • Ravi • Chloe **
DD3 (47) Inez Tamara Ramsey
Dbf (49) Peter Byron Jackson Ines with boyfriend Peter- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie
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