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Re: Generation CAF #541
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Jethro Wyatt Monday
DW [dec] Lila Josephine [Peel] MondayDD1 [75] Angela Eve Monday
DD2 [74] Sophie Claire Monday
DS1 [73] Peter Michael Jethro Monday
DS2 [70] Kenneth James Paul Monday
DS3 [67] Elias Adrian MondayJethro and Lila with Angela, Sophie, Peter, Kenneth, and Elias~~~~~DD1 [75] Angela Eve Monday*DH [dec] Barry Thomas CourtenayDS1 [49] Joseph Quentin Courtenay
- DW [50] Zoe Romy Adelaide [Lyon] Courtenay
-- DD1 [21] Alicia Eve Courtenay
--- ExSO [23] Morgan Welles Keller
---- DS [3] Arron Jethro Keller-Courtenay
-- DD2 [19] Jasmine Sophie Courtenay
-- DS [15] Noah Thomas Lyon CourtenayDS2 [47] William-John Chase CourtenayDD [44] Molly Josephine Merlette Courtenay
- ExH [43] John Tyler Holt
-- DD1 [22] Annabelle Josephine Lily Holt
-- DS1 [19] Levi Morris Holt
-- DD2 [14] Rose Angela Holt
-- DS2 [11] Joshua Remy Holt*SO [86] Liberato Deoclides De PazAngela and Barry with Joseph, William-John, and Molly
- Joseph and Zoe with Alicia, Jasmine, and Noah
-- Alicia and Morgan with Arron
- Molly and John with Annabelle, Levi, Rose, and Joshua
Angela and Liberato
~~~~~DD2 [74] Sophie Claire [Monday] Pritchard
DH [76] Andrew Scott Forrest PritchardDD [47] Julianne Corinne [Pritchard] Kaufer
- DH [47] Sidney Harper Kaufer
-- DS [22] Cedric Sebastian Kaufer
-- DD [20] Avis Rhiannon Kaufer
--- SO [23] Emmaline Channery Soun DS [42] Joseph Austen Pritchard
- DW [46] Mari Eliina [Ratala] Pritchard
-- DS [18] Kiaran Peetu PritchardSophie and Andrew with Julianne and Joseph
- Julianne and Sidney with Cedric and Avis
-- Avis and Emmaline
- Joseph and Mari with Kiaran
~~~~~DS1 [73] Peter Michael Jethro Monday
DW [71] Ellen Cathleen [Switzer] MondayDS1 [48] Tate Jethro Monday
- DW [53] Tatum Oona [Anstead] Monday
-- DS [27] Wyatt Aaron Reece Monday
-- DD1 [23] Lauren Greer [Monday] Gallagher
--- DH [25] Pierce Sylvester Gallagher
-- DD2 [16] Morgan Eve MondayDS2 [41] Myles Peter MondayPeter and Ellen with Tate and Myles
- Tate and Tatum with Wyatt, Lauren, and Morgan
-- Lauren and Pierce
~~~~~DS2 [70] Kenneth James Paul Monday
DW [70] Mary Twila [Novik] MondayDD1 [49] Tanya Grace MondayDD2 [42] Alycia Claire [Monday] Agore
- ExH [40] Martin Simon Edward Roy
-- DS [16] Schuyler Paul Roy
- DH [40] Rabindra Tagore
-- DD [4] Priya Lila TagoreKenneth and Mary with Tanya and Alycia
- Alycia and Martin with Schuyler
- Alycia and Rabindra with Priya
~~~~~DS3 [67] Elias Adrian Monday
DW [72] Euphemie Dellar [Krauss] MondayDD [44] Stella Helen [Monday] Cohen
- DH1 [dec] Irwin Dalgliesh Guilder
-- DS1 [22] Jethro Julian Guilder
-- DD1 [18] Maren Stella Guilder
-- DD2 [15] Vera Inez Guilder
-- DS2 [12] Adrian Elijah Guilder
- DH2 [42] Jesse Ezra Cohen
-- DS3 [2] Michael Bennett CohenElias and Euphemie with Stella
- Stella and Irwin with Jethro, Maren, Vera, and Adrian
- Stella and Jesse with Michael
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