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Re: CAF: #162
DH [91]: Edward Vernon Scanlon
DW [88]: Charlotte Jacqueline [Tester] Scanlon DD1 [64]: Veronica Antoinette [Scanlon] Athol
DD2 [62]: Saundra Catherine [Scanlon] Cherry
DD3 [59]: Monica Teresa [Scanlon] Takada
DS1 [58]: Keith Lee Scanlon
DS2 [56]: Darren Russell ScanlonEddie & Lottie || Ronnie, Saundra, Monica, Keith and Darren ———DD1 [64]: Veronica Antoinette [Scanlon] Athol
-DH [65]: Rodney Gordon AtholDS [39]: Jonathan Ryan Athol
-DW [43]: Adrienne Linghua [Jiang] Athol
—DS [12]: Tyson Yan Athol
—DD [9]: Kinsley Ju Athol
—DD [7]: Fiona Mei Athol Rodney & Ronnie || Jon
...Jon & Adrienne || Ty, Kinsley and Fiona
———DD2 [62]: Saundra Catherine [Scanlon] Cherry
-exDH [64]: Michael Warren CherryDD [37]: Shelby Lynne Cherry
-Dbf [35]: Brian Lee Tomczak
—DS [5]: Sawyer Nolan TomczakDS [33]: Nathan Brandon Cherry
-DW [32]: Courtney Denise [Barnes] Cherry
—DD [4]: Hannah Frances Cherry Mike & Saundra || Shelby and Nathan
...Brian & Shelby || Sawyer
...Nathan & Courtney || Hannah
———DD3 [59]: Monica Teresa [Scanlon] Takada
-DH [56]: Kensuke TakadaDD [33]: Amy Kimiyo [Takada] Tran
-DH [33]: Jesse Alan Tran
—DS [2]: Liam Alexander Tran DD [30]: Brittney Asami TakadaKensuke & Monica || Amy and Brittney
...Jesse & Amy || Liam
———DS1 [58]: Keith Lee Scanlon
-DW [54]: Maritza Carolina [Morales] Scanlon DS [29]: Nicolas Bruno Scanlon
-Dbf [28]: Harris Darwin McCallDS [26]: Felix Eliseo Scanlon
-DW [28]: Molly Antonia [Castilla] Scanlon
—DD [10ms]: Viviana Lizbeth Scanlon
—DS [10ms]: Abel Marcelo Scanlon DD [25]: Reina Lucia Scanlon
-Dbf [25]: Brody Nathanael WelchDS [22]: Gabriel Esteban ScanlonKeith & Maritza || Nico, Felix, Reina and Gabriel
...Nico & Harris
...Felix & Molly || Viviana and Abel
...Brody & Reina
———DS2 [56]: Darren Russell Scanlon
-exDW [57]: Stephanie Elaine [Combes] Scanlon DS [32]: Connor Drake Scanlon
-DW [37]: Kylie Jane [Bossman] Scanlon
—DD [5]: Adelaide Grace Scanlon
—DD [3]: Ainsley Quinn Scanlon DD [29]: Phoebe Lillian [Scanlon] Demirel
-DH [30]: Emre Serhat DemirelDarren & Stephanie || Connor and Phoebe
...Connor & Kylie || Adelaide and Ainsley
...Emre & Phoebe
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception
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