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Re: generation caf 6/3
in reply to a message by Evie
DH (92) Noah Isaac Ford
DW (91) Wren Charlotte (Pierce) Ford DD1 (71) Lyla India (Ford)
DD2 (69) Effie Haddie (Ford)
DD3 (69) Zara Ellis (Ford)
DS1 (65) Ezra Chase Ford
DD4 (63) Isla Lorelei (Ford)
DD5 (56) Elle Heidi (Ford)Noah and Wren || LylaEffieZaraEzraIslaElle **
DD1 (71) Lyla India (Ford) Bryant
DH (73) Luca Jackson Bryant DD (49) Chloe Vienna (Bryant) Chapman
- ExH (52) Oliver Cole Elliott
- DS (30) August Cruz Elliott
-- DW (28) Isabella Maria (Hart) Elliott
-- DS (3) Thomas Judah Elliott
-- DS (1) Joshua Gabriel Elliott
August and Isabella || TommyJoshua
- DD (28) Natalia Gwendolyn Elliott-Jensen
-- DW (29) Winter Veronica Elliott-Jensen
-- DS (nb) Mason Samuel Elliott-Jensen
Natalia and Winter || Mason
Chloe and Oliver || AugustNatalia
- DH (50) Ryan Kingston Chapman
- DHD (27) Mabel Louise Chapman
- DD (19) Florence Edith Chapman
-- Dbf (21) Milo Valentino Jankowski
Flossie with boyfriend Milo
- DS (17) Jesse Flynn Chapman
- DS (13) Riley Hayes Chapman
- DS (8) Jack Axel Chapman
Chloe and Ryan || MabelFlossieJesseRileyJack DS (39) Leo Walter Bryant
- DW (37) Cora Delaney (Lynch) Bryant
- DD (6) Inez Josephine Bryant
- DD (3) Pippa Zara Bryant
Leo and Cora || InezPippa Lyla and Luca || ChloeLeo **
DD2 (69) Effie Haddie (Ford) Andrews
DH (69) Hadley Peter Andrews DD (37) Willa Ezra (Andrews) Takeda
- DH (38) Yoshiro Takeda
- DS (9) Alexander Yoshiro Takeda
- DD (7) Olive Izumi Takeda
- DS (4) Bodhi Rin Takeda
- DD (nb) Luna Sakura Takeda
Willa and Yoshiro || AlexOliveBodhiLuna Effie and Hadley || Willa **
DD3 (69) Zara Ellis (Ford) Hoxha
ExH (71) Kai Laurence Jacobs DS (50) Kai Laurence Jacobs
- DW (46) Autumn Esther (Dean) Jacobs
- DD (12) Mila Aria Jacobs
- DS (9) Daniel Sawyer Jacobs
Kai and Autumn || MilaDaniel DS (49) Finley Cohen Jacobs
- ExW (47) Aubree Harlow Beck
- DD (27) Olivia Grace Jacobs
- DD (25) Harriet Nicole (Jacobs) Esposito
-- DH (31) Andrea Lorenzo Esposito
-- DD (3) Giovanna Simona Esposito
-- DS (2) Lorenzo Andrea Esposito
-- DD (nb) Carmela Maddalena Esposito
Harriet and Andrea || GiaLorenzoCarmela
- DD (22) Angelica Rachel Jacobs
-- Dbf (21) Hugo Bailey Becker
Angelica with boyfriend Hugo
Finley and Aubree || OliviaHarrietAngelica
- DW (40) Alyona Mikhailovna (Markova) Jacobs
- DD (7) Taisiya Alyona Jacobs
- DS (4) Dimitri Finley Jacobs
Finley and Aly || TaisiyaDimitri DS (47) Blake David Jacobs
- DW (46) Estelle Cate (Willis) Jacobs
- DS (20) Jack Billy Jacobs
-- Dbf (23) Luke Max Holland
Jack with boyfriend Luke
- DS (18) Michael Ralph Jacobs
-- Dgf (19) Eva Charlize Austin
-- DD (nb) Quinn Jodie Austin-Jacobs
Mikey and Eva || Quinn
- DS (15) Joel Charlie Jacobs
- DD (4) Elizabeth Jamie Jacobs
Blake and Estelle || JackMikeyJoelBetty Zara and Kai || KaiFinleyBlake DH (68) Kostandin Hoxha DS (39) Kostandin Ever Hoxha
- DW (36) Holly Meredith (Lloyd) Hoxha
- DD (8) Sienna Cerys Hoxha
- DD (5) Evangeline Carys Hoxha
Kostandin and Holly || SiennaEvie DD (30) Lucy Kaltrina Hoxha
- DD (2) Aida Mirela Hoxha
Lucy with daughter Aida Zara and Kostandin || KostandinLucy **
DS1 (65) Ezra Chase Ford
DW (62) Elyse Milani (Erickson) Ford DD (28) Noelle Eliana (Ford) Burton
- DH (32) Arlo Rex Burton
- DD (6) Annabel Elyse Burton
- DD (4) Tallulah Elsa Burton
- DD (2) Josephine Winnie Burton
- DD (exp) Matilda Ashley Burton
Noelle and Arlo || AnnabelTullyJosie • exp Matilda Ezra and Elyse || Noelle **
DD4 (63) Isla Lorelei (Ford) Hadid
DH (62) Farooq Hadid DS (39) Farooq Jett Hadid
- DW (34) Min-Jun (Lee) Hadid
- DD (5) Amira Min-Ji Hadid
- DD (2) Aaliyah Chae-Yeong Hadid
Farooq and Min-Ji || AmiraAaliyah DS (37) Jamil Hayden Hadid
- DW (37) Jade Katie (O'Connor) Hadid
- DD (8) Athena Phoebe Hadid
- DS (5) Rory Quinn Hadid
- DD (nb) Isabelle Yasmine Hadid
Jamil and Jade || AthenaRoryIsabelle DD (34) Basira Cassie Hadid
- Dfiancee (29) Grace Margo Swanson
Basira with fiancee Grace DD (31) Aisha Erin (Hadid) Ramirez
- DH (33) Fernando Isidoro Ramirez
- DS (7) Isidoro Farooq Ramirez
- DD (6) Alba Aisha Ramirez
- DD (3) Maribel Tahira Ramirez
Aisha and Fernando || IsidoroAlbaMaribel Isla and Farooq || FarooqJamilBasiraAisha **
DD5 (56) Elle Heidi (Ford) Blair
ExH1 (57) Asher Blaine Robbins DS (35) Theodore Brooks Robbins
- DW (31) Hallie Felicity (Fischer) Robbins
- DD (4) Daisy Arizona Robbins
- DD (1) Ivy Montana Robbins
Theo and Hallie || DaisyIvy DS (33) Oscar Micah Robbins
- ExW (33) May Mercy Sutton
- DS (14) Cassius Cohen Robbins
- DD (12) Poppy Sasha Robbins
Oscar and May || CassiusPoppy
- Dgf (27) Katya Amanda Bowen
- DS (nb) Declan Michael Robbins
Oscar and Katya || Declan Elle and Asher || TheoOscar ExH2 (59) Ryan Raegan Reeves DD (30) Chloe Shelby (Reeves) Cervenka
- DH (32) Libor Radek Cervenka
- DD (2) Aneta Kelsie Cervenka
- DD (exp) Irena Arianne Cervenka
Chloe and Libor || Aneta • exp Irena DS (28) Eli Boston Reeves
- Dgf (25) Isabeau Sunday Page
Eli with girlfriend Izzy Elle and Ryan || ChloeEli DH (53) Parker Justin Blair DHD (26) Madeleine Seren Blair
- ExBf (28) Jadon Landon Barton
- DS (6) Evander William Barton
Maddy and Jadon || Evander
- DD (nb) Nellie Caia Blair
Maddy with daughter Nellie DD (14) Olive Milla Blair Elle and Parker || MaddyOlive- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie
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