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Re: July 27: Count-Along-CAF
DH: Harold George Shelley
DW: India Selena Shelley (nee Eliot)DS1: Derek Sage Shelley
DD1: Elizabeth Ann Shelley “Liz”
DS2: Laurence Algerian Shelley
DS3: Basil Archer Shelley
DD2: Sofie Allegra Shelley
DD3: Gwendolen Posy Shelley “Gwen”Harold & India Shelley: Derek, Liz, Laurence, Basil, Sofie, & Gwen
DS1: Derek Sage Shelley
DW: Gillian Irena Shelley (nee Doyle)DD: Jean Georgiana Shelley
DD: May Inessa Shelley
DS: Herbert Morris ShelleyDerek & Gillian Shelley: Jean, May, & Herbert
DD1: Elizabeth Ann Austen (nee Shelley) “Liz”
DH: Mathew Brett AustenDS: Caleb Woody Austen
DD: Annabel Eliza Austen
DD: Emmeline Araminta Austen “Emma”Liz & Mathew Austen: Caleb, Annabel, & Emma
DS2: Laurence Algerian Shelley
DW: Dulcie Sue Shelley (nee Brontë)DD: Gigi Grace ShelleyLaurence & Dulcie Shelley: Gigi
DS3: Basil Archer Shelley
DW: Georgina Ottilie Shelley (nee Rowling)DD: Cassandra Grace Shelley
DS: Theon Rune Shelley
DS: Aubrey Jesse ShelleyBasil & Georgina Shelley: Cassandra, Theon, & Aubrey
DD2: Sofie Allegra Hardy (nee Shelley)
DH: Cecil Kit HardyDD: Ebba Francesca Hardy
DS: Monty Angus Hardy
DD: Georgina Beatriz Hardy “Gina”Sofie & Cecil Hardy: Ebba, Monty, & Gina
DD3: Gwendolen Posy Woolfe (nee Shelley) “Gwen”
DH: Noah Alfred WoolfeDS: Bertie Dominic Woolfe
DS: Montgomery Lewis Woolfe
DD: Margaux Pippa WoolfeGwen & Noah Woolfe: Bertie, Montgomery, & Margaux~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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