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Re: July 27: Count-Along-CAF
DH: Weston August Austen
DW: Rose Raina [Rowling] AustenDS1: James Archer Austen
DD1: Elizabeth Linda Austen
DS2: Miles Benjamin Austen
DS3: Noah Mathew Austen
DD2: Alexandra Cassandra Austen
DD3: Ebba Maria AustenWeston and Rosie Austen
James, Liz, Miles, Noah, Alex, and Ebba
~ DS1: James Archer Austen
DW: Harriet Antigone [Tolkien] AustenDD: Maggie Susanna Austen
DD: Etta Cosima Austen
DS: Morello Digney AustenJames and Harriet Austen
Maggie, Etta, and Morello
~DD1: Elizabeth Linda [Austen] Bronte
DH: Algerian Cyprian BronteDS: Marceau Desmond Bronte
DD: Dulcie Selena Bronte
DD: Rosemary Joy BronteLiz and Al Bronte
Marceau, Dulcie, and Rosemary
~DS2: Miles Benjamin Austen
DW: Ann Georgia [Dahl] AustenDD: Grace Rhiannon AustenMiles and Ann Austen
DS3: Noah Mathew Austen
DW: Jayne Lettie [Eliot] AustenDD: Jemima Murphy Austen
DS: Andreas Rune Austen
DS: Thomas Darcy AustenNoah and Jayne Austen
Jemima, Andy, and Tom
~DD2: Alexandra Cassandra [Austen] Fleming
DH: George Edward FlemingDD: Jean Laeticia Fleming
DS: Sebastian Albert Fleming
DD: Tigerlily Aurelia FlemingAlex and George Fleming
Jean, Sebastian, and Tigerlily
~DD3: Ebba Maria [Austen] Shelley
DH: Archibald Morris ShelleyDS: Heath Montague Shelley
DS: Bertie Montgomery Shelley
DD: Michaela Poppy ShelleyEbba and Archie Shelley
Heath, Bertie, and Michaela
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