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Generation CAF #534
DH [dec] Adrian Alexander Caleb George Paul Thomas [Kimbrough Kitchen Stegal]
DW [91] Abigail Katherine Leanora Magdalen Quintella Sophie [Ilbert Milligan Platten]DS1 [69] Anthony David Jacob Louis / father’s MN
DS2 [67] Clayton Forrest Frederick Gabriel Peter Sidney
DS3 [65] Andrew Henry Jonah Maxwell Terry Theodore
DD [61] Alice Elizabeth Joan Julia Patricia Vera~~~~~DS1 [69]~~~~~DS2 [67] *ExW [67] Arista Camille Elise Ismay Livia Madigan [Ivey Luckett Newton]
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Hifumi Jason Kevin Minoru Rikuto [Bannai Ito Mori]}DW’s DS [43] Beauregard Junias Masao Merric Taro Thaddeus
- SO [48] Georg Kristoffer Lars Pehr Rickard Victor [Dahlman Jonsson Rask]DD1 [34] mother’s FN / Carmelle Guinevere Lysistrate Makepeace Peaches Raphaela – two MNs
- DH [33] Anthony Cary Lovel Melvyn Phillip Simon [Fitzroy July Moss]
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Erica Eleanor Marie Suzanne Whitney [Denis Manning Whyte]}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Dayton Jacob Jarvis Lennon Vaughn
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Abner Amos Ashton Grayson Hartley Ward & Carl Eric Kendal Mason Michael ParkerDD2 [31] Aldyth Alexandrina Crescentia Ruthe Sylvaine TimothiaDD3 [27] Arabeth Floressa Leontine Millicent Theodora Tryphenia
- ExSO [29] Alexander Eldridge Francis Gardener Knightley Langdon Vincent Xavier – two MNs [Browne Fleming Hewitt]
-- DS [3] Adrian Maurice Newell Nicholas Rhoderick Zephyrin
-- DD [1] Agatha Eowyn Francisca Hilbertine Ines Marlow / grandmother’s FN – two MNs~~~~~DS3 [65]
DW [60] Carol Divya Janice Lochana Rina Susan [Dorsey Kishor Sarangapani]DD1 [40] Archana Edie Jessica Marnie / mother’s MN
- ExH [40] Christopher James Remiel Shiloh Stephen Zedekiah [Furth Mullens Olsen]
-- DS1 [19] Dexter Ephraim John Nethaniah Onyx Uriel
-- DD [16] Delaney Esther Michal Rhianna Ruth Vashti Victoria Zaria – two MNs
- DH [40] Alem Emrah Faruk Nihad – no MN [Demirović Ibrahimović Sokolović]
-- DS2 [2] Demir Evander Isaiah Mak / grandfather’s FNDD2 [34] Alison Lalita Lynette Molly Noelle Radhika
- DH [33] Balaram Jagannath Pitambar Shrivatsa – no MN [Gupta Pal Sethi]
-- DD [11] Devi Maya Shae Zola / mother’s MN~~~~~DD [61]
DH [61] Arman Jalal Mahmoud Seyyed – no MN [Ahmadi Hosseini Zargari]DChild [24] Azar Cayden Cove Holland Roshan Ryley
- SO [24] Inha Lyudmyla Marharyta Taisia / Artemivna Kostyantinivna Stepanivna Vyacheslavivna [Levchyk Moroz Skydan]~*~*~*~kuin metsäorvokki laaksossa
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dh dec : alexander thomas kimbrough
dw 91 : sophie katherine (milligan) kimbroughds1 69 : jacob thomas kimbrough
ds2 67 : gabriel sidney kimbrough
ds3 65 : theodore jonah kimbrough
dd1 61 : alice elizabeth (kimbrough)alexander and sophie w/ jacob, gabe, theo and alice --
ds1 69 : jacob thomas kimbrough--
ds2 67 : gabriel sidney kimbrough
exw 67 : elise camille iveyexw exbf 67 : austin rikuto ito dws 43 : taro masao jonsson-ito
- dh 48 : georg lars jonsson-ito
taro w/ husband georg elise and austin w/ taro dd 34 : elise guinevere carmelle (kimbrough) moss
- dh 33 : simon phillip moss
elise w/ husband simon
- dh exw 35 : eleanor marie manning
- dhs 11 : bryce jacob moss
- dhs & dhs 7 : grayson hartley moss & michael mason moss
simon and eleanor w/ bryce, gray and mikey dd 31 : alexandrina ruthe kimbroughdd 27 : theodora arabeth kimbrough
- exh 29 : francis alexander xavier browne
- ds 3 : nicholas maurice browne
- dd 1 : ines marlow elise browne
theo and frankie w/ nicky and ines gabe and elise w/ elise, alex and theo --
ds3 65 : theodore jonah kimbrough
dw 60 : rina carol (dorsey) kimbroughdd 40 : edie carol (kimbrough) demirovic
- exh 40 : james shiloh olsen
- ds 19 : dexter john olsen
- dd 16 : victoria delaney vashti olsen
edie and james w/ dexter and victoria
- dh 40 : faruk demirovic
- ds 2 : evander theodore demirovic
edie and faruk w/ evander dd 34 : noelle lalita (kimbrough) sethi
- dh 33 : balaram sethi
- dd 1 : zola lalita sethi
noelle and balaram w/ zola theo and rina w/ edie and noelle--
dd1 61 : alice elizabeth (kimbrough) ahmadi
dh 61 : jalal ahmadi ds 24 : ryley azar ahmadi
- dgf 24 : taisia kostyantinivna moroz
ryley w/ girlfriend taisia alice and jaal w/ ryley
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DH [dec] Adrian Thomas Kimbrough
DW [91] Katherine Abigail [Ilbert] KimbroughDS1 [69] David Thomas Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Peter Gabriel Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Henry Jonah Kimbrough
DD [61] Alice Julia KimbroughAdrian & Katherine; David, Peter, Henry, and Alice ~~~~~
DS1 [69] David Thomas Kimbrough~~~~~
DS2 [67] Peter Gabriel Kimbrough
ExW [67] Livia Camille Newton “Camille”
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Rikuto Jason Bannai}Camille & Rikuto; Masao
Peter & Camille; Livia, Allie, and Thea DW’s DS [43] Masao Newton Bannai
- SO [48] Victor Georg JonssonMasao & VictorDD1 [34] Livia Raphaela Guinevere Kimbrough
- DH [33] Simon Anthony Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Eleanor Suzanne Whyte}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Jacob Whyte Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Amos Whyte Fitzroy / Michael Whyte FitzroySimon & Eleanor; Jacob, Amos, and Michael
Livia & SimonDD2 [31] Alexandrina Sylvaine Ruth Kimbrough “Allie”DD3 [27] Theodora Millicent Kimbrough “Thea”
- ExSO [29] Alexander Vincent Francis Hewitt
-- DS [3] Adrian Maurice Hewitt
-- DD [1] Ines Livia Marlow HewittThea & Alexander; Adrian and Ines~~~~~
DS3 [65] Henry Jonah Kimbrough
DW [60] Divya Susan SarangapaniHenry & Divya; Archana and NoelleDD1 [40] Archana Susan Kimbrough
- ExH [40] Stephen Christopher Mullens
-- DS1 [19] John Ephraim Mullens
-- DD [16] Zaria Esther Delaney Mullens
- DH [40] Nihad Sokolović
-- DS2 [2] Evander Henry SokolovićArchana & Stephen; John and Zaria
Archana & Nihad; Evander DD2 [34] Noelle Radhika Kimbrough
- DH [33] Balaram Sethi
-- DD [11] Maya Radhika SethiNoelle & Balaram; Maya ~~~~~DD [61] Alice Julia Kimbrough
DH [61] Seyyed Ahmadi Alice & Seyyed; RoshanDChild [24] Roshan Azar Ahmadi
- SO [24] Taisia Kostyantinivna Levchyk Roshan & Taisia

This message was edited 7/12/2024, 3:56 PM

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H: Thomas George Stegal [dec]
W: Sophie Katherine Milligan Stegal [91] S1: Louis George Stegal [69]
S2: Peter Gabriel Stegal [67]
S3: Jonah Henry Stegal [65]
D1: Julia Vera Stegal [61] Thomas (Tom) & Sophie; Louis, Peter, Jonah, and Julia. ~~~~~S2: Peter Gabriel Stegal [67]
ExW: Elise Camille Ivey [67]
{ExW’s ExSO: Rikuto Mori [67] Elise & Rikuto; Beauregard.
Elise & Peter; Raphaela, Sylvaine, and Theodora.W’sS: Beauregard Taro Mori [43]
-SO: Georg Victor Jonsson [48] Beauregard (Beau) & Georg. D1: Raphaela Lysistrate Elise Stegal [34]
-H: Cary Simon Fitzroy [33]
{-H’s ExW: Clarice Marie Whyte Fitzroy [35]}
--H’sS1: Jacob Vaughn Fitzroy [11]
--H’sS2/S3: Ashton Hartley Fitzroy & Mason Eric Fitzroy [7] Cary & Clarice; Jacob, Ashton, and Mason.
Raphaela & Cary.D2: Sylvaine Ruthe Alexandrina Stegal [31] D3: Theodora Arabeth Leontine Stegal [27]
-ExSO: Vincent Xavier Francis Hewitt [29]
--S: Adrian Nicholas Zephyrin Hewitt [3]
--D: Agnes Francisca Marlow Hewitt [1] Theodora (Thea) & Vincent; Adrian and Agnes.~~~~~S3: Jonah Henry Stegal [65]
W: Susan Rina Dorsey Stegal [60] Jonah & Susan; Jessica and Noelle.D1: Jessica Rina Stegal Sokolović [40]
-ExH: James Stephen Christopher Furth [40]
--S1: Dexter John Ephraim Furth [19]
--D1: Victoria Ruth Zaria Furth [16]
-H: Nihal Sokolović [40]
--S2: Evander Isaiah Sokolović [2] Jessica & James; Dexter and Victoria.
Jessica & Nihal; Evander.D2: Noelle Radhika Stegal [34]
-H: Shrivatsa Pal [33]
--D: Maya Zola Stegal-Pal [11] Noelle & Shrivatsa (Shriva); Maya. ~~~~~D: Julia Vera Stegal [61]
H: Arman Hosseini [61] Julia & Arman; Cove.Child: Cove Azar Hosseini [24]
-SO: Taisia Stepanivna Moroz [24] Cove & Taisia.
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DH [dec] Alexander Caleb Stegal
DW [91] Sophie Katherine Milligan StegalDS1 [69] Anthony Caleb Stegal
DS2 [67] Clayton Frederick Stegal
DS3 [65] Andrew Maxwell Stegal
DD [61] Elizabeth Julia Stegal Ahmadi ~~~~~
DS1 [69] Anthony Caleb Stegal
DS2 [67] Clayton Frederick Stegal
ExW [67] Camille Livia Ivey Mori Stegal Luckett
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Rikuto Mori}
DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Masao Mori
- SO [48] Lars Kristoffer Dahlman
DD1 [34] Camille Guinevere Lysistrate Stegal Fitzroy
- DH [33] Phillip Simon Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Suzanne Whitney Manning Fitzroy Whyte}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Dayton Vaughn Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Grayson Fitzroy & Mason Eric Fitzroy
DD2 [31] Alexandrina Sylvaine Stegal
DD3 [27] Leontine Tryphenia Stegal
- ExSO [29] Vincent Langdon Eldridge Hewitt
-- DS [3] Nicholas Rhoderick Hewitt
-- DD [1] Ines Marlow Camille Hewitt
DS3 [65] Andrew Maxwell Stegal
DW [60] Rina Divya Kishor Stegal
DD1 [40] Jessica Divya Stegal Mullens Ibrahimović
- ExH [40] Christopher James Mullens
-- DS1 [19] Dexter Ephraim Mullens
-- DD [16] Delaney Victoria Rhianna Mullens
- DH [40] Emrah Ibrahimović
-- DS2 [2] Isaiah Andrew Ibrahimović
DD2 [34] Lynette Noelle Stegal Sethi
- DH [33] Shrivatsa Sethi
-- DD [11] Maya Noelle Sethi
DD [61] Elizabeth Julia Stegal Ahmadi
DH [61] Jalal Ahmadi
DChild [24] Azar Holland Ahmadi
- SO [24] Taisia Kostyantinivna Levchyk
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DH [dec] George Thomas Kimbrough
DW [91] Katherine "Kitty" Abigail (Milligan) KimbroughDS1 [69] David "Dave" Thomas Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Peter "Pete" Frederick Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Andrew "Andy" Henry Kimbrough
DD [61] Elizabeth "Beth" Joan KimbroughGeorge and Kitty Kimbrough: Dave, Pete, Andy and Beth~~~~~
DS1 [69] David "Dave" Thomas Kimbrough~~~~~
DS2 [67] Peter "Pete" Frederick Kimbrough
ExW [67] Livia Camille Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Rikuto Hifumi Ito}DW’s DS [43] Taro Masao Ito
- SO [48] Lars Georg RaskDD1 [34] Livia "Liv" Guinevere (Kimbrough) Fitzroy
- DH [33] Cary Anthony Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Whitney Marie Manning}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Jacob Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Ward Fitzroy/Mason Parker FitzroyDD2 [31] Aldyth "Aly" Alexandrina KimbroughDD3 [27] Arabeth "Ara" Millicent Kimbrough
- ExSO [29] Alexander "Alex" Xavier Francis Browne
-- DS [3] Adrian Nicholas Browne
-- DD [1] Agatha Livia Francisca BrownePete Kimbrough and Livia Newton: Taro, Liv, Aly and Ara
--Taro Ito & Lars Rask: (no children)
--Liv & Cary Fitzroy: Bryce, Ashton and Mason
--Ara Kimbrough and Alex Browne: Adrian and Agatha~~~~~
DS3 [65] Andrew "Andy" Henry Kimbrough
DW [60] Susan "Sue" Carol (Dorsey) KimbroughDD1 [40] Jessica Carol (Kimbrough) Demirovic
- ExH [40] James "Jim" Stephen Mullens
-- DS1 [19] Dexter "Dex" John Mullens
-- DD [16] Delaney Victoria Ruth Mullens
- DH [40] Faruk Demirovic
-- DS2 [2] Isaiah Andrew DemirovicDD2 [34] Molly Alison (Kimbrough) Gupta
- DH [33] Balaram Gupta
-- DD [11] Maya Alison GuptaAndy & Sue Kimbrough: Jessica and Molly
--Jessica Demirovic and Jim Mullens: Dex and Delaney
---Jessica & Faruk Demirovic: Isaiah
--Molly & Balaram Gupta: Maya~~~~~
DD [61] Elizabeth "Beth" Joan (Kimbrough) Zargari
DH [61] Arman ZargariDChild [24] Ryley Holland Zargari
- SO [24] Taisia Artemivna LevchykBeth & Arman Zargari: Ryley
--Ryley Zargari & Taisia Levchyk: (no children)
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DH [dec] Alexander Thomas Kimbrough “Alex”
DW [91] Katherine Sophie [Platten] Kimbrough “Kate”DS1 [69] Jacob Thomas Kimbrough “Jake”
DS2 [67] Gabriel Frederick Kimbrough “Gabe”
DS3 [65] Andrew Henry Kimbrough “Drew”
DD [61] Elizabeth Alice Kimbrough “Lizzie”Alex & Kate Kimbrough: Jake, Gabe, Drew, & Lizzie
DS1 [69] Jacob Thomas Kimbrough “Jake”
DS2 [67] Gabriel Frederick Kimbrough “Gabe”
ExW [67] Arista Elise Newton “Arista”
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Austin Bannai “Jason”}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Beauregard Bannai “Thad”
- SO [48] Kristoffer Victor Jonsson “Kris”DD1 [34] Arista Guinevere Raphaela [Kimbrough] Fitzroy “Arista”
- DH [33] Anthony Simon Fitzroy “Tony”
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Marie Whyte “Claire”}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Vaughn Fitzroy “Bryce”
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Ward Fitzroy “Ash” & Michael Parker Fitzroy “Mike”DD2 [31] Alexandrina Ruthe Kimbrough “Alexa”DD3 [27] Arabeth Theodora Kimbrough “Arabeth”
- ExSO [29] Xavier Langdon Vincent Fleming “Xavier”
-- DS [3] Nicholas Adrian Rhoderick Fleming “Nick”
-- DD [1] Eowyn Francisca Ines Fleming “Eowyn” / Arista Marlow Agatha Fleming “Marlow”Gabe & Arista Kimbrough: Thad Bannai, Arista, Alexa, & Arabeth
-Thad Bannai & Kris Jonsson
-Arista & Tony Fitzroy: Bryce, Ash, & Mike
-Arabeth & Xavier Fleming: Nick, Eowyn, & Marlow
DS3 [65] Andrew Henry Kimbrough “Drew”
DW [60] Carol Susan [Dorsey] Kimbrough “Carrie”DD1 [40] Jessica Susan [Kimbrough] Demirović “Jessa”
- ExH [40] James Stephen Mullens “James”
-- DS1 [19] John Dexter Mullens “JD”
-- DD [16] Delaney Esther Victoria Mullens “Delaney”
- DH [40] Alem Demirović “Alem”
-- DS2 [2] Evander Andrew Demirović “Evan”DD2 [34] Molly Noelle [Kimbrough] Gupta “Molly”
- DH [33] Balaram Gupta “Balaram”
-- DD [11] Maya Noelle Gupta “Maya”Drew & Carrie Kimbrough: Jessa, & Molly
-Jessa & James Mullens: JD, & Delaney
-Jessa & Alem Demirović: Evan
-Molly & Balaram Gupta: Maya
DD [61] Elizabeth Alice [Kimbrough] Ahmadi “Lizzie”
DH [61] Jalal Ahmadi “Jalal”DChild [24] Ryley Cayden Ahmadi “Ryley”
- SO [24] Taisia Stepanivna Skydan “Taisia”Lizzie & Jalal Ahmadi: Ryley
-Ryley Ahmadi & Taisia Skydan
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DH [dec] Alexander Thomas Kimbrough
DW [91] Katherine Abigail Kimbrough [nee Milligan]DS1 [69] Jacob Thomas Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Henry Theodore Kimbrough
DD [61] Alice Vera Kimbrough~~~~~DS1 [69] Jacob Thomas Kimbrough ~~~~~DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kimbrough *ExW [67] Camille Arista Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Minoru Hifumi Ito}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Taro Ito
- SO [48] Victor Lars Rask DD1 [34] Camille Raphaela Guinevere Moss [nee Kimbrough]
- DH [33] Cary Phillip Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Erica Marie Manning}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Jacob Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Grayson Hartley Moss & Parker Mason Moss DD2 [31] Sylvaine Alexandrina Kimbrough DD3 [27] Theodore Leontine Kimbrough

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DH [dec] Alexander Caleb Kimbrough
DW [91] Sophie Katherine [Milligan]DS1 [69] Anthony Caleb Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Gabriel Sidney Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DD [61] Elizabeth Vera Kimbrough~~~~~DS1 [69] Anthony Caleb Kimbrough~~~~~DS2 [67] Gabriel Sidney Kimbrough*ExW [67] Elise Madigan Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Minoru Mori]}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Masao Mori
- SO [48] Lars Victor DahlmanDD1 [34] Elise Guinevere Carmelle Kimbrough
- DH [33] Simon Anthony Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Eleanor Manning}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Jacob Lennon Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Hartley Fitzroy & Eric Kendal Fitzroy DD2 [31] Sylvaine Alexandrina KimbroughDD3 [27] Theodora Leontine Kimbrough
- ExSO [29] Xavier Francis Langdon Hewitt
-- DS [3] Adrian Maurice Hewitt
-- DD [1] Agatha Marlow Elise Hewitt~~~~~DS3 [65] Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DW [60] Rina Susan [Kishor] KimbroughDD1 [40] Archana Susan Kimbrough
- ExH [40] Christopher James Mullens
-- DS1 [19] Dexter Ephraim Mullens
-- DD [16] Zaria Vashti Mullens
- DH [40] Faruk Demirović
-- DS2 [2] Isaiah Henry Demirović DD2 [34] Lalita Noelle [Kimbrough] Gupta
- DH [33] Shrivatsa Gupta
-- DD [11] Zola Noelle Gupta~~~~~DD [61] Elizabeth Vera Kimbrough
DH [61] Jalal AhmadiDChild [24] Roshan Holland Ahmadi
- SO [24] Taisia Artemivna Moroz
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DH [dec] Adrian Paul Kitchen
DW [91] Leanora Katherine Platten KitchenDS1 [69] Anthony Paul Kitchen
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kitchen
DS3 [65] Theodore Andrew Kitchen
DD [61] Elizabeth Joan Kitchen~~~~~DS1 [69] Anthony Paul Kitchen~~~~~DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kitchen*ExW [67] Arista Camille Luckett Kitchen
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Rikuto Jason Ito}DW’s DS [43] Taro Thaddeus Ito
- SO [48] Rikard Lars DahlmanDD1 [34] Arista Lysistrate Peaches Kitchen Moss
- DH [33] Phillip Cary Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Erica Clarice Manning}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Lennon Jacob Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Grayson Abner Moss & Kendal Mason MossDD2 [31] Sylvaine Timothia KitchenDD3 [27] Leontine Arabeth Kitchen
- ExSO [29] Xavier Francis Vincent Fleming

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DH [dec] Alexander Thomas Stegal
DW [91] Sophie Katherine [Milligan] StegalDS1 [69] David Thomas Stegal
DS2 [67] Sidney Frederick Stegal
DS3 [65] Theodore Maxwell Stegal
DD [61] Vera Alice Stegal Alex and Sophie Stegal
David, Sid, Theo, and Vera
DS1 [69] David Thomas StegalDavid Stegal~~~~~
DS2 [67] Sidney Frederick StegalExW [67] Camille Madigal Ivey
ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Hifumi Mori DW’s DS [43] Junias Taro Mori
- SO [48] Victor Georg Jonsson DD1 [34] Camille Guinevere Raphaela [Stegal] Moss
- DH [33] Simon Anthony Moss
- DH’s ExW [35] Eleanor Marie Denis
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Lennon Bryce Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Ward Moss / Mason Eric Moss DD2 [31] Ruthe Crescentia Alexandrina Stegal DD3 [27] Floressa Millicent Arabeth Stegal
- ExSO [29] Eldridge Alexander Langdon Hewitt
-- DS [3] Adrian Zephyrin Maurice Hewitt
-- DD [1] Agatha Eowyn Camille Hewitt Sid Stegal and Camille Ivey
Guin, Ruthe, and FloraCamille Ivey and Austin Mori
Jun~Guin and Simon MossSimon Moss and Ellie Denis
Lennon, Ash, and MasonFlora Stegal and Eldridge Hewitt
Adrian and Aggie
DS3 [65] Theodore Maxwell Stegal
DW [60] Rina Lochana [Sarangapani] Stegal DD1 [40] Jessica Lochana [Stegal] Sokolovic
- ExH [40] James Zedekiah Olsen
-- DS1 [19] Dexter Onyx Olsen
-- DD [16] Victoria Vashti Michal Olsen
- DH [40] Alem Sokolovic
-- DS2 [2] Evander Theodore Sokolovic DD2 [34] Molly Radhika [Stegal] Sethi
- DH [33] Balaram Sethi
-- DD [11] Zola Radhika Sethi Theo and Rina Stegal
Jessica and Molly~Jessica Stegal and James Olsen
Dexter and ToriJessica and Alem Sokolovic
EvanderMolly and Balaram Sethi

DD [61] Vera Alice [Stegal] Zargari
DH [61] Mahmoud Zargari
DChild [24] Holland Cove Zargari
- SO [24] Inha Artemivna Levchyk Vera and Mahmoud Zargari
Holland~Holland Zargari and Inha Levchyk
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DH [dec] Adrian Alexander Kimbrough
DW [91] Katherine Leanora [Platten] KimbroughDS1 [69] Anthony Alexander Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Andrew Maxwell Kimbrough
DD [61] Julia Elizabeth Kimbrough-Ahmadi~~~~~
DS1 [69] Anthony Alexander Kimbrough~~~~~
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kimbrough
*ExW [67] Camille Arista Newton [Kimbrough]
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Minoru Ito }DW’s DS [43] Merric Masao Ito
- SO [48] Georg Kristoffer DahlmanDD1 [34] Camille Guinevere Lysistrate Kimbrough "Gwyn"
- DH [33] Cary Lovel Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Marie Clarice [Denis] Moss}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Lennon Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Grayson Ward Moss & Parker Eric MossDD2 [31] Aldyth Sylvaine KimbroughDD3 [27] Leontine Tryphenia Kimbrough "Lea"
- ExSO [29] Vincent Alexander Eldridge Fleming
-- DS [3] Adrian Zephyrin Kimbrough
-- DD [1] Marlow Ines Camille Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Andrew Maxwell Kimbrough
DW [60] Rina Divya Sarangapani KimbroughDD1 [40] Archana Divya Kimbrough "Archie"
- ExH [40] Christopher Remiel Mullens
-- DS1 [19] John Ephraim Mullens "Jeff"
-- DD [16] Delaney Vashti Esther Mullens
- DH [40] Emrah Demirović
-- DS2 [2] Mak Andrew Kimbrough DemirovićDD2 [34] Noelle Radhika [Kimbrough] Sethi
- DH [33] Balaram Sethi
-- DD [11] Devi Radhika Sethi~~~~~
DD [61] Julia Elizabeth Kimbrough-Ahmadi
DH [61] Arman AhmadiDChild [24] Roshan Azar Ahmadi
- SO [24] Taisia Vyacheslavivna Levchyk
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Paul Alexander Kitchen (♰)
Magdalen Katherine Ilbert Kitchen (91)Louis Alexander Kitchen (69)
Clayton Peter Kitchen (67)
Henry Theodore Kitchen (65)
Julia Alice Kitchen (61)Louis Alexander Kitchen (69)Clayton Peter Kitchen (67)Ismay Elyse Ivey (67)
—Jason Ito (67)
—Junias Ito-Jonsson (43)
——Victor Kristoffer Ito-Jonsson (48)Ismay Guinevere Raphaela "Guin" Kitchen Moss (34)
—Phillip Cary Moss (33)
——Clarice Eleanor Marie White (35)
——Jacob Vaughn Moss (11)
——Ashton Amos Moss & Kendall Michael Moss (7)Aldyth Ruthe Kitchen (31)Arabeth Leontine "Ari" Kitchen (27)
—Xavier Vincent Knightley Hewitt (29)
—Rhoderick Nicholas "Rocky" Hewitt (3)
—Eowyn Marlow Ismay Hewitt (1)Henry Theodore Kitchen (65)
Rina Janice Kishor Kitchen (60)Edith Janice "Edie" Kitchen Demirovic (40)
—James Christopher Olsen (40)
—Uriel John Olsen (19)
—Vashti Esther Ruth Olsen (16)
—Emrah Demirovic (40)
—Isaiah Henry Demirovic (2)Lalita Noelle Kitchen Sethi (34)
—Jagannath "Jae" Sethi (33)
—Devi Noelle Sethi (11)Julia Alice Kitchen Ahmadi (61)
Seyyed Ahmadi (61)Roshan Azar Ahmadi (24)
—Taisia Artemivna Levchyk (24)
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DH [dec] George Thomas Kimbrough
DW [91] Katherine Leonora PlattenDS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Clayton Peter Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Terrence Henry "Terry" Kimbrough
DD [61] Patricia Vera Kimbrough***
DS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kimbrough***
DS2 [67] Clayton Peter Kimbrough
ExW [67] Elise Camille Newton{ExW’s ExSO [67] Kevin Minoru Ito}DW’s DS [43] Merrick Masao "Rick" Ito
- SO [48] Kristoffer Lars JonssonDD1 [34] Guinevere Elise Raphaela Kimbrough
- DH [33] Philip Lovel Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Erica Suzanne Manning}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Lennon Jarvis Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Hartley
& Kendall Eric MossDD2 [31] Crescentia Aldyth Sylvaine KimbroughDD3 [27] Leontine Millicent Theodora Kimbrough
- ExSO [29] Xavier Francis Eldridge Hewitt
-- DS [3] Adrian Roderick Newell Hewitt
-- DD [1] Francisca Agatha Elise Hewitt***
DS3 [65] Terrence Henry "Terry" Kimbrough
DW [60] Susan Divya KishorDD1 [40] Jessica Divya Kimbrough
- ExH [40] Christopher Stephen Mullens
-- DS1 [19] John Ephraim "Jeb" Mullens
-- DD [16] Delaney Vashti Zaria "Laney" Mullens
- DH [40] Emrah Demirović
-- DS2 [2] Mak Terrence DemirovićDD2 [34] Alison Radhika Kimbrough
- DH [33] Jagannath Sethi
-- DD [11] Zola Radhika Sethi***
DD [61] Patricia Vera Kimbrough
DH [61] Arman ZargariDChild [24] Cayden Azar Zargari
- SO [24] Taisia Artemivna Levchyk*****
vote up1
DH [dec] Thomas GeorgeTom” Kitchen
DW [91] Sophie Katherine Milligan-Kitchen
Tom & Sophie: Anthony, Peter, Henry and Julia DS1 [69] Anthony GeorgeTony” Kitchen
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kitchen
DS3 [65] Henry Theodore Kitchen
DD [61] Julia Vera Kitchen
DS1 [69] Tony Kitchen
DS2 [67] Peter Kitchen
ExW [67] Elise Camille Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Hifumi Mori}
Austin & Elise: Thaddeus
Peter & Elise: Elise, Ruth, and Theodora DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus MasaoTad” Mori
- SO [48] Lars Rickard Dahlman DD1 [34] Elise Guinevere RaphaelaEllie” Kitchen-Moss
- DH [33] Simon Anthony Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Eleanor MarieNora” Manning}

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DH [dec] Alexander Thomas Kitchen "Alex"
DW [91] Sophie Abigail Milligan KitchenDS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kitchen
DS2 [67] Sidney Gabriel Kitchen "Sid"
DS3 [65] Theodore Henry Kitchen "Ted"
DD [61] Elizabeth Alice Kitchen "Liz"~~~~~
DS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kitchen~~~~~
DS2 [67] Sidney Gabriel Kitchen "Sid"
ExW [67] Elise Camille Ivey
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Kevin Minoru Ito}DW’s DS [43] Beauregard Taro Ito "Beau"
- SO [48] Lars Rickard DahlmanDD1 [34] Elise Guinevere Raphaela Kitchen Fitzroy
- DH [33] Simon Phillip Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Eleanor Marie Manning "Nora"}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Jarvis Bryce Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Grayson Ashton Fitzroy "Gray" & Parker Mason FitzroyDD2 [31] Alexandrina Sylvaine Kitchen "Lexie"DD3 [27] Theodora Leontine Kitchen "Dora"
- ExSO [29] Xavier Vincent Francis Fleming
-- DS [3] Nicholas Adrian Fleming "Nick"
-- DD [1] Francisca Ines Elise Fleming "Fie"~~~~~
DS3 [65] Theodore Henry Kitchen "Ted"
DW [60] Rina Divya Kishor KitchenDD1 [40] Jessica Divya Kitchen Sokolović
- ExH [40] James Christopher Olsen
-- DS1 [19] Dexter John Olsen
-- DD [16] Victoria Vashti Ruth Olsen "Tori"
- DH [40] Alem Sokolović
-- DS2 [2] Evander Theodore SokolovićDD2 [34] Alison Lalita Kitchen Gupta
- DH [33] Balaram Gupta
-- DD [11] Maya Lalita Gupta~~~~~
DD [61] Elizabeth Alice Kitchen Zargari "Liz"
DH [61] Arman ZargariDChild [24] Ryley Azar Zargari
- SO [24] Taisia Kostyantinivna Levchyk
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DH [dec]: Adrian Alexander Kimbrough
DW [91]: Sophie Magdalen Kimbrough (née Ilbert)DS1 [69]: Jacob Alexander Kimbrough
DS2 [67]: Frederick Gabriel Kimbrough "Fred"
DS3 [65]: Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DD1 [61]: Alice Elizabeth Ahmadi (née Kimbrough)Adrian & Sophie; Jacob, Fred, Henry, and Alice~~~~~DS1 [Jacob, 69]Jacob~~~~~DS2 [Fred, 67]:*ExW [67]: Camille Madigan Ivey (formerly Kimbrough)
{ExW'sExSO [67]: Kevin Minoru Bannai}DW'sDS [43]: Thaddeus Beauregard Bannai
- SO [48]: Lars Georg DahlmanDD [34]: Camille Guinevere Raphaela Fitzroy (née Kimbrough) "Gwyn"
- DH [33]: Simon Anthony Fitzroy
{- DH'sExW [35]: Whitney Eleanor Manning (formerly Fitzroy)}
- DH'sDS [11]: Lennon Jacob Fitzroy
- DH'sDS/DS [7]: Abner Grayson Fitzroy & Parker Michael Fitzroy

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DH [dec] Adrian Thomas
DW [91] Sophie Katherine DS1 [69] David Thomas
DS2 [67] Clayton Frederick
DS3 [65] Maxwell Theodore "Max"
DD [61] Elizabeth Alice~~~~~
DS1 [69]~~~~~
DS2 [67]
ExW [67] Livia Camille
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Minoru}DW’s DS [43] Beauregard Masao "Beau"
- SO [48] Lars Kristoffer DD1 [34] Livia Raphaela Carmelle "Liv"
- DH [33] Simon Anthony
{- DH’s ExW [35] Erica Marie}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Jacob
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Hartley Grayson "Hart" & Parker MichaelDD2 [31] Alexandrina Ruthe "Allie"DD3 [27] Theodora Millicent "Thea"
- ExSO [29] Vincent Alexander Francis
-- DS [3] Nicholas Zephyrin
-- DD [1] Marlow Ines Livia~~~~~
DS3 [65]
DW [60] Carol Susan DD1 [40] Jessica Susan
- ExH [40] Christopher James "CJ"
-- DS1 [19] John Dexter "Jack"
-- DD [16] Delaney Victoria Ruth
- DH [40] Alem
-- DS2 [2] Evander MaxwellDD2 [34] Molly Noelle
- DH [33] Balaram
-- DD [11] Shae Noelle~~~~~
DD [61]
DH [61] Arman DChild [24] Cayden Roshan
- SO [24] Taisia Stepanivna
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DH [d] Alexander Thomas Stegal
DW [91] Katherine Abigail {Platten} StegalDS [69] David Thomas StegalDS [67] Peter Frederick Stegal
— exDW [67] Camille Elise {Luckett} Stegal
{exDW’s exSO [67] Minoru Ito}
— exDWsDS [43] Taro Thaddeus Ito
—- SO [48] Lars Georg Rask
— DD [34] Elise Raphaela Guinevere {Stegal} Moss
—- DH [33] Phillip Simon Moss
{exDW [35] Erica Marie Denis}
—- DHsDS [11] Bryce Lennon Moss
—- DHsDS [7] Grayson Ward Moss
—- DHsDS [7] Parker Michael Moss
— DD [31] Alexandrina Ruthe Stegal
— DD [27] Millicent Theodora Stegal
—- exSO [29] Langdon Francis Vincent Browne
—- DS [3] Nicholas Adrian Browne
—- DD [1] Eowyn Ines Camille BrowneDS [65] Henry Andrew Stegal
— DW [60] Divya Lochana Sarangapani Stegal
— DD [40] Edie Lochana Stegal
—- exDH [40] James Christopher Olsen
—- DS [19] Dexter John Olsen
—- DD [16] Vashti Esther Ruth Olsen
— DD [34] Lalita Nicole {Stegal} Gupta
—- DH [33] Jagannath Gupta
—- DD [11] Maya Nicole GuptaDD [61] Vera Elizabeth {Stegal} Hosseini
— DH [61] Mahmoud Hosseini
— DC [24] Holland Azar Hosseini
—- SO [24] Lyudmyla Kostyantinivna Levchyk
vote up1
DH [dec] Adrian Alexander Kitchen
DW [91] Sophie Katherine Platten KitchenDS1 [69] Louis Alexander Kitchen
DS2 [67] Peter Sidney Kitchen
DS3 [65] Henry Theodore Kitchen
DD [61] Alice Elizabeth Kitchen Zargari~~~~~DS1 [69] Louis Alexander Kitchen~~~~~DS2 [67] Peter Sidney Kitchen*ExW [67] Elise Arista Luckett
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Minoru Mori}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Masao Mori
- SO [48] Kristoffer Georg RaskDD1 [34] Elise Carmelle Lysistrate Kitchen Fitzroy
- DH [33] Anthony Lovel Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Erica Manning}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Vaughn Jacob Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Abner Fitzroy & Kendal Mason FitzroyDD2 [31] Sylvaine Alexandrina KitchenDD3 [27] Leontine Millicent Kitchen
- ExSO [29] Gardener Knightley Francis Hewitt
-- DS [3] Rhoderick Adrian Kitchen
-- DD [1] Francisca Marlow Elise Kitchen~~~~~DS3 [65] Henry Theodore Kitchen
DW [60] Divya Rina Kishor KitchenDD1 [40] Marnie Rina Kitchen
- ExH [40] Shiloh Christopher Mullens
-- DS1 [19] Dexter John Mullens
-- DD [16] Victoria Vashti Ruth Mullens
- DH [40] Alem Ibrahimović
-- DS2 [2] Isaiah Henry IbrahimovićDD2 [34] Alison Molly Kitchen Sethi
- DH [33] Shrivatsa Sethi
-- DD [11] Zola Molly Sethi~~~~~DD [61] Alice Elizabeth Kitchen Zargari
DH [61] Arman ZargariDChild [24] Roshan Cove Zargari
- SO [24] Taisia Kostyantinivna Levchyk~*~*~*~
vote up1
DH [93c] Alexander Paul Kimbrough
DW [91] Sophie Katherine Kimbrough nee Milligan
DS1 [69] Anthony Paul Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Frederick Peter Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Theodore Henry Kimbrough
DD [61] Elizabeth Alice KimbroughAlexander & Sophie
Anthony | Frederick | Theodore | Elizabeth~~~~~
DS1 [69] Anthony Paul KimbroughAnthony~~~~~
DS2 [67] Frederick Peter Kimbrough
ExW [67] Camille Elise Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Rikuto Mori}
DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Masao Mori
- SO [48] Kristoffer Pehr JonssonCamille & Austin
ThaddeusThaddeus & KristofferDD1 [34] Camille Raphaela Makepeace Moss nee Kimbrough "Raphaela"
- DH [33] Philip Anthony Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Marie Whyte}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Lennon Jacob Moss

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DH [dec] Adrian Thomas Kimbrough
DW [91] Magdalen Sophie 'Magda' [Milligan] KimbroughDS1 [69] Louis Thomas Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Frederick Sidney Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Theodore Maxwell Kimbrough
DD [61] Vera Elizabeth Kimbrough~~~~~DS1 [69] Louis Thomas Kimbrough~~~~~DS2 [67] Frederick Sidney Kimbrough*ExW [67] Elisabeth Ismay 'Elise' [Newton] Mori-Kimbrough
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Hifumi Mori}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Masao 'Teddy' Mori
- SO [48] Lars Georg JonssonDD1 [34] Elisabeth Makepeace Lysistrate 'Bessie' [Kimbrough] Fitzroy
- DH [33] Cary Phillip Fitzroy
{- DH’s ExW [35] Eleanor Clarice [Whyte] Fitzroy}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Vaughn Jarvis Fitzroy
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Abner Hartley Fitzroy & Kendal Eric 'Ken' FitzroyDD2 [31] Sylvaine Alexandrina 'Sylvie' KimbroughDD3 [27] Floressa Tryphenia 'Flossie' Kimbrough
- ExSO [29] Francis Vincent Gardener 'Frank' Browne
-- DS [3] Maurice Adrian Kimbrough-Browne
-- DD [1] Agatha Ines Elisabeth Kimbrough-Browne~~~~~DS3 [65] Theodore Maxwell Kimbrough
DW [60] Divya Janice [Kishor] KimbroughDD1 [40] Archana Janice 'Archie' [Kimbrough] Mullens-Ibrahimović
- ExH [40] Christopher Zedekiah 'Kaz' Mullens
-- DS1 [19] Dexter Ephraim Mullens
-- DD [16] Ruth Zaria Esther Mullens
- DH [40] Nihad Ibrahimović
-- DS2 [2] Isaiah Theodore IbrahimovićDD2 [34] Radhika Noelle 'Rad' [Kimbrough] Gupta (her dad calls her 'Radish' :) )
- DH [33] Jagannath Gupta
-- DD [11] Devi Noelle Gupta~~~~~DD [61] Vera Elizabeth [Kimbrough] Zargari
DH [61] Mahmoud ZargariDChild [24] Holland Roshan Zargari
- SO [24] Lyudmyla Kostyantinivna Levchyk
vote up1
DH [dec] Thomas Alexander Kimbrough
DW [91] Abigail Quintella Kimbrough (nee Platten)DS1 [69] Anthony Alexander Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Clayton Gabriel Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DD [61] Alice Julia KimbroughThomas & Abigail Kimbrough: Anthony, Clayton, Henry, & Alice
DS1 [69] Anthony Alexander KimbroughAnthony Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Clayton Gabriel Kimbrough
ExW [67] Livia Ismay Luckett
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Minoru Bannai}DW’s DS [43] Beauregard Taro Bannai-Luckett
- SO [48] Victor Lars DahlmanDD1 [34] Livia Makepeace Guinevere July (nee Kimbrough) “Liv”
- DH [33] Melvyn Anthony July
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Eleanor Whyte}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Bryce Lennon July
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Grayson Ward July “Gray”/ Kendal Parker JulyDD2 [31] Ruthe Timothia KimbroughDD3 [27] Theodora Leontine Kimbrough “Thea”
- ExSO [29] Eldridge Langdon Xavier Hewitt “El”
-- DS [3] Adrian Nicholas Kimbrough-Hewitt
-- DD [1] Agatha Hilbertine Livia Kimbrough-HewittLivia Luckett & Austin Bannai: Beauregard
Clayton Kimbrough & Livia Luckett: Liv, Ruthe, & Thea
Beauregard Bannai-Luckett & Victor Dahlman
Melvyn July & Clarice Whyte: Bryce, Gray, & Kendal
Liv & Melvyn July
Thea Kimbrough & El Hewitt: Adrian & Agatha
DS3 [65] Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DW [60] Rina Susan Kimbrough (nee Dorsey)DD1 [40] Archana Susan Ibrahimović (nee Kimbrough) “Ana”
- ExH [40] Remiel Christopher Mullens “Remy”
-- DS1 [19] Dexter Uriel Mullens
-- DD [16] Delaney Ruth Victoria Mullens
- DH [40] Alem Ibrahimović
-- DS2 [2] Evander Henry IbrahimovićDD2 [34] Lalita Noelle Sethi (nee Kimbrough)
- DH [33] Pitambar Sethi
-- DD [11] Devi Noelle SethiHenry & Rina Kimbrough: Ana & Lalita
Ana & Remy Mullens: Dexter & Delaney
Ana & Alem Ibrahimović: Evander
Lalita & Pitambar Sethi: Devi
DD [61] Alice Julia Hosseini (nee Kimbrough)
DH [61] Jalal HosseiniDChild [24] Azar Cove Hosseini
- SO [24] Inha Artemivna SkydanAlice & Jalal Hosseini: Azar
Azar Hosseini: Inha Skydan
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DH [dec] Alexander Thomas Kitchen
DW [91] Abigail Sophie MilliganDS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kitchen
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kitchen
DS3 [65] Theodore Henry Kitchen
DD [61] Julia Alice Kitchen~~~~~DS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kitchen~~~~~DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kitchen
ExW [67] Elise Livia Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Austin Minoru Bannai}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Beauregard Newton
- SO [48] Victor Lars DahlmanDD1 [34] Elise Guinevere Raphaela Kitchen
- DH [33] Anthony Simon Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Eleanor Suzanne Whyte}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Jarvis Lennon Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Ashton Hartley Moss & Parker Kendal MossDD2 [31] Sylvaine Alexandrina KitchenDD3 [27] Leontine Theodora Kitchen

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DH [dec] Adrian Alexander Kimbrough
DW [91] Magdalen Sophie Ilbert
DS1 [69] Louis Alexander Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kimbrough
DS3 [65] Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DD [61] Julia Patricia Kimbrough
DS1 [69] Louis Alexander Kimbrough
DS2 [67] Peter Frederick Kimbrough
ExW [67] Livia Camille Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Minoru Ito}
DW’s DS [43] Masao Thaddeus Ito
- SO [48] Victor Georg Jonsson
DD1 [34] Camille Guinevere Lysistrate Kimbrough
- DH [33] Melvyn Cary Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Clarice Eleanor Whyte}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Jarvis Jacob Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Abner Hartley Moss & Kendal Michael Moss
DD2 [31] Sylvaine Crescentia Kimbrough
DD3 [27] Leontine Theodora Kimbrough
- ExSO [29] Knightley Francis Eldridge Fleming
-- DS [3] Newell Zephyrin Fleming
-- DD [1] Agatha Livia Francisca Fleming
DS3 [65] Henry Maxwell Kimbrough
DW [60] Divya Susan Dorsey
DD1 [40] Archana Susan Kimbrough
- ExH [40] Stephen Zedekiah Furth
-- DS1 [19] Ephraim John Furth
-- DD [16] Vashti Ruth Michal Furth
- DH [40] Alem Sokolović
-- DS2 [2] Demir Henry Sokolović
DD2 [34] Radhika Alison Kimbrough
- DH [33] Jagannath Pal
-- DD [11] Devi Alison Pal
DD [61] Julia Patricia Kimbrough
DH [61] Mahmoud Zargari
DChild [24] Roshan Azar Zargari
- SO [24] Marharyta Vyacheslavivna Moroz
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DH [dec] Paul Thomas Kitchen
DW [91] Leanora Katherine "Nelle" Kitchen, née MilliganDS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kitchen
DS2 [67] Frederick Forrest "Fred" Kitchen
DS3 [65] Theodore Andrew "Teddy" Kitchen
DD [61] Patricia Elizabeth "Pat" Hosseini, née Kitchen~~~~~DS1 [69] Anthony Thomas Kitchen~~~~~DS2 [67] Frederick Forrest "Fred" Kitchen*ExW [67] Livia Elise Newton
{ExW’s ExSO [67] Jason Hifumi Bannai}DW’s DS [43] Thaddeus Masao Newton-Bannai
- SO [48] Victor Lars "Vicke" JonssonDD1 [34] Livia Guinevere Carmelle "Vere" Newton-Kitchen
- DH [33] Phillip Lovel "Phil" Moss
{- DH’s ExW [35] Whitney Eleanor "Whit" Whyte, formerly Moss}
-- DH’s DS1 [11] Lennon Jarvis Moss
-- DH’s DS2/DS3 [7] Hartley Grayson Moss & Parker Kendal MossDD2 [31] Sylvaine Crescentia "Sylvie" Newton-KitchenDD3 [27] Millicent Floressa "Millie" Newton-Kitchen
- ExSO [29] Alexander Francis Langdon "Alex" Browne
-- DS [3] Maurice Zephyrin "Mo" Browne
-- DD [1] Francisca Hilbertine Livia "Frankie" Browne~~~~~DS3 [65] Theodore Andrew "Teddy" Kitchen
DW [60] Susan Lochana "Sue" Sarangapani-Kitchen, née SarangapaniDD1 [40] Edie Lochana Demirović, née Kitchen, formerly Mullens
- ExH [40] Shiloh James Mullens
-- DS1 [19] Onyx Nethaniah Mullens
-- DD [16] Rhianna Zaria Esther "Riri" Mullens
- DH [40] Emrah Demirović
-- DS2 [2] Mak Theodore DemirovićDD2 [34] Molly Radhika Gupta, née Kitchen
- DH [33] Jagannath "Jack" Gupta
-- DD [11] Zola Radhika Gupta~~~~~DD [61] Patricia Elizabeth "Pat" Hosseini, née Kitchen
DH [61] Seyyed HosseiniDChild [24] Holland Azar "H" Hosseini
- SO [24] Marharyta Stepanivna "Maggie" Levchyk
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