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The Boleyn Family!
The Boleyn FamilyH: Roger Humphrey Boleyn
W: Prudence Blythe More-Boleyn, "Prue"D1: Lavinia Felicity (Boleyn) Richelieu, "Vinny"
S1: John-Michael Gareth Boleyn, "John" / "Johnny"
S2: Warwick Silas Boleyn, "Rick" / "Ricky"
D2: Allegra Metis (Boleyn) Taggart, "Allie"
S3: Percival Gideon Boleyn, "Percy"
D3: Roxelana Elspeth (Boleyn) Falconer, "Lana"Chantilly-Tiffany: Sassy
Somali Cat: Muse
___________________________D1: Vinny
H: Gregory Allen Richelieu, "Greg"S: Dean Perseus Richelieu
D1: Adela Nyx Richelieu
D2: Vesper Alecto Richilieu
___________________________S1: John
W: Fenella Ingrid Eads-Boleyn, "Fennel"S: Adam Dmitry Boleyn
D: Nadine Isabella BoleynYork Chocolate: Pierre
___________________________S2: Rick
W: Lady Diana (Hernandez) Boleyn, "Dee"D1: Raven Cynthia Boleyn Hernandez
S1: Fabian Douglas Boleyn Hernandez
D2: Teresa Liliana Boleyn Hernandez, "Reese"
S2: Harvey Leonardo Boleyn Hernandez
___________________________D2: Allie
H: Eamon Alasdair TaggartS1: Rory David Taggart
S2: Archer Hadley Taggart, "Archie"
D: Deirdre Shirley TaggartRussian Blue: Zelda
___________________________S3: Percy
W: Hayley Catherine (Langford) BoleynS: Heath Brandon BoleynBengal: Chenille
___________________________D3: Lana
H: Isaac Ferdinand FalconerS1: Devon Valentine Falconer, "Dev"
S2: Aaron Roderick Falconer
S3: Jason Daniel FalconerCalifornia Spangled: Ingrid***Please rate my personal name
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