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Re: Generation CAF #530
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [76] Ralph Walter Mansell
DW [dec] Alice Kenina Everill MansellDD [49] Haley Everill Mansell Stanton
DS [42] Arlen Walter Mansell-Perkins~~~~~DD [49] Haley Everill Mansell Stanton
DH [48] Irwin Antony StantonDD1 [25] Veralynn Haley Stanton
- SO [25] Zephaniah Sizwe SonkosiDS1 [22] Adam Antony Stanton
- DFiancée [24] Doloris Morgan HawkeDS2 [18] Elijah Ralph Stanton
- SO [17] Yvonne Isadora EspensonDS3 [14] Dean Walter StantonDD2 [9] Thessaly Everill Stanton~~~~~DS [42] Arlen Walter Mansell-Perkins
DH [43] Jacob Kiaran Mansell-PerkinsADD [4] Andersyn Salina Moon Mansell-Perkins
DD1/DD2 [1] Vivian Alice Mansell-Perkins & Wylder Isabella Mansell-Perkins~*~*~*~
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