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Re: Generation CAF #528
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [81] Christopher William Swanson
DW [74] Lily Adele Katherine RickardDD [47] Eva Tina Swanson
DS [44] Rory William Swanson~~~~~DD [47] Eva Tina Swanson
DH [48] Henry Timothy Ruston
{DH’s ExW [48] Fenella Lyzbeth Suzanna Haywood | Mother of DH’s DS1}
{DH’s ExSO [50] Lucía Vera Blanco | Mother of DH’s DS2}DH’s DS1 [24] David Nevill Paul Ruston
- SO [24] Ida Maj Teresa LarsenDH’s DS2 [17] Michael Simon Ruston
- SO [16] Elodie Madeline SchulzDD [11] Avis Morgan Noa Ruston
DS [10] William Daniel Jude Ruston~~~~~DS [44] Rory William Swanson
DW [44] Mary Renee Samantha MelvinDS1 [19] Beckett Melvin Swanson
- SO [19] Rashmi RadhakrishnanDD [18] Margot Victoria Swanson
- SO [20] Arden Marlowe ChaseDS2 [15] Oliver William Swanson 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
feminine list:
vote up1

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