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Re: A Month On The Farm (13)
Glengainoch, affectionately known as Queer Valley DH: Lachlan "Lock" Alasdair McMurtie-Veitch [trans man]
DW: Bethia Lillias McMurtie-Veitch [bisexual woman]ADD: Josiane "Sia" Maeva Anaelle [McMurtie-Veitch] O'Malley (DC1)
-DH: Edmond "Eddie" Daniel O'Malley
-DD: Cassia "CJ" Jessamine O'Malley
-DS: Hoban Podrick O'Malley
-DD: Magnolia "Noa" Evelynn O'Malley ADD: Yamileth "Lettie" Julieta [McMurtie-Veitch] Stollworth (DC2)
-DH: Antony Ulysses Stollworth
-DD: Athina Visitacion Shirlee Stollworth
-DS: Graeme Warwick Laurence Stollworth ADD: Fenella "Nellie" Aderyn [McMurtie-Veitch] McVeikasz (DC3)
-DSp: Tatum Treasure [Lukasz] McVeikasz
-ADS: Laramie Eoghan Florizel McVeikasz
-ADS: Jenson Callum Elliot McVeikasz [twin]
-ADD: Aisha Darcy Maryam McVeikasz [twin] ADS: Berlin "Bear" Mars Ganymede McMurtie-Veitch (DC4)
-DW: Tilda Ruth [Aiken] McMurtie-Veitch
-DD: Merida Clementine McMurtie-Veitch
-DS: Kristoff "Kris" Poindexter McMurtie-Veitch
-DS: Hercules "Herc" Finnick McMurtie-Veitch
-DD: Wendy Bronwyn McMurtie-Veitch
-DD: Ursula Rosanne McMurtie-Veitch ADD: Gwendoline "Gwen" Beryl [McMurtie-Veitch] Ashmore-McVeitch [twin] (DC5)
-DW: Noreen Celandie [Ashmore] Ashmore-McVeitch
-ADD: Cleo Alanna Ashmore-McVeitch
-ADS: Nicolass "Claus" Daniël Koenraad Ashmore-McVeitch
-DCat: Punky
-DCat: WolverineADD: Genesis "Gennie" Ariadna [McMurtie-Veitch] Aumgart [twin] (DC6)
-DH: Louis Isaiah Aumgart
-DD: Elodie Harlow Aumgart
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