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Re: What's Your Sign?
This particular board is not only for name games but also for "other fun diversions" as per the description. I would like to say a lot more but will refrain from doing so.
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No, this forum is for name-related games. A post about astrological signs would be more appropriate in The Lounge.
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Ok, I tried to play nice. Are you the hall monitor for BTN? So who died and made you boss? I've often seen posts in the wrong place and I do one of two things: reply or ignore. Easy to practice, right? What I don't do is bully posters or try to make them feel bad. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet. If you're having a bad day, go for a walk or read a good book.Morale of the story treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect works both ways.Next time, ignore me. That way we'll both feel better.
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