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I noticed the theme of Old Hollywood names in the OG family, I love it!
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [dec aged 94] Jack Alexander Quinlan Sr.
DW [92] Ava Katharine [Ashwort] QuinlanDS1 [73] Jack Alexander Quinlan Jr.
DD1 [71] Marlene Ava Quinlan
DD2 [twin, 69] Greta Greer Quinlan
DS2 [twin, 69] William Luke Quinlan
DS3 [65] Gabriel Brooks Quinlan
DD3 [51] Hedy Marilyn QuinlanJack Sr. and Ava with JJ, Marlene, Greta, William, Gabriel, and Hedy*DS1 [73] Jack Alexander "JJ" Quinlan Jr.
DW [73] Birdie Lilou [Moriarty] QuinlanDS [52] Caysen DreW Quinlan
- DW [49] Summer Veronica [Parry] Quinlan
- DD [19] Sunday Claudia Quinlan
-- DD [4m] Essie Zelda Quinlan
- DS [16] Toby Seth Quinlan
-- Dgf [16] Valentina Paris Mancuso
- DD [12] Lola Athena QuinlanDD [50] Calico Helen [Quinlan] Kirchner
- DH [50] Micah Spencer Kirchner
- DD [25] Honor Blair [Kirchner] Keegan
-- DH [26] Morgan Trace Keegan
-- DS [2] Leo Beau Keegan
-- DS [exp] Jesse Nash Keegan
- DS [22] Dante Dean Kirchner
-- Dfiancee [23] Estelle Serena Sanborn
-- DD [nb] Rory Ethel KirchnerDD [48] Vienna Emmeline [Quinlan] Keys
- DH [48] Edward Pilot Keys
- DS [22] Edward Pilot "Pilot" Keys Jr.
- DD [20] Annabel Clara [Keys] Catalano
-- DH [24] Francis Ford Catalano
-- DD [exp] Rosanna Nicola Catalano
- DS [17] Wilder Sullivan Keys
- DS [15] Rory Rafferty Keys
- DS [12] Ryder Callum Keys
- DS [8] Jago Orlando KeysDS [45] Harry Alan Quinlan Sr.
- ExW [44] Fionnaula Frances Everhart
-- DD [22] Rosie Emma Quinlan
--- Dfiancee [30] Sophie Clementine Weis
-- DS [20] Harry Alan Quinlan Jr.
-- DD [16] Isabella Florence Quinlan
- DH [41] Cristóbal Vicente Rojas Gonzalez
-- ADS [6] Diego Maximiliano Rojas Quinlan
-- DD [6m] Catalina Florencia Rojas QuinlanDD [42] Philippa Margaret "Pip" Quinlan
- ExH [42] Sydney Theodore Lindstrom
- DD [14] Jodie Maud Lindstrom
- DS [13] Archie Caspar Lindstrom
- DS [10] Laurence Piers LindstromDS [39] Ian Graham Quinlan
- Dfiancee [34] Jitka Zelenka
- DD [1] Tessa Ivana QuinlanJJ and Birdie with Caysen, Calico, Vienna, Harry Sr., Pip, and Ian
- Caysen and Summer with Sunday, Toby, and Lola
-- Sunday with Essie
-- Toby and Valentina
- Calico and Micah with Honor and Dante
-- Honor and Morgan with Leo and Jesse
-- Dante and Estelle with Rory
- Vienna and Edward with Pilot, Annabel, Wilder, Rory, Ryder, and Jago
-- Annabel and Francis with Rosanna
- Harry Sr. and Fionnaula with Rosie, Harry Jr., and Isabella
-- Rosie and Sophie
- Harry Sr. and Cristóbal with Diego and Catalina
- Pip and Sydney with Jodie, Archie, and Laurence
- Ian and Jitka with Tessa
*DD1 [71] Marlene Ava [Quinlan] JankowskiExH1 [72] Monty Arthur Knoll IDS [50] Monty Arthur Knoll II
- DW [42] Beatrice Caroline [Luce] Knoll
- DD [8] Cassandra Isla Knoll
- DS [5] Sebastian Hugo KnollDS [48] Maximilian Jasper Knoll
- DW [45] Agatha Tansy [Paquette] Knoll
- DS [18] Theo Timothy Knoll
-- Dgf [17] Antonia Laura Fiore
- DS [16] Walter Morris Knoll
- DS [13] Tristan Stuart Knoll
- DD [6] Poppy Elsie KnollExH2 [69] Malcolm Reed WoodworthDD [42] Else Anne-Marie [Woodworth] Skovgaard
- DH [45] Magnus Jens Skovgaard
- DD [12] Vanja Liselotte Skovgaard
- DS [9] Lasse Jens Skovgaard
- DD [4] Asta Lærke SkovgaardDD [39] Lara Francesca Woodworth-McNeal
- ExFiance [39] Tommy Ramone Caswell
-- DD & DD [11] Daphne Penelope Caswell/Scarlett Isobel Caswell
- DW [36] Anya Lydia Woodworth-McNeal
-- DD [1] Nico Ramona Woodworth-McNealDH [72] Edgar Jules JankowskiADD [24] Cleo June Jankowski
- Dbf [26] Julian Bram HaugenMarlene and Monty I with Monty II and Maximilian
- Monty II and Beatrice with Cassandra and Sebastian
- Maximilian and Agatha with Theo, Walter, Tristan, and Poppy
-- Theo and Antonia
Marlene and Malcolm with Else and Lara
- Else and Magnus with Vanja, Lasse, and Asta
- Lara and Tommy with Daphne and Scarlett
- Lara and Anya with Nico
Marlene and Edgar with Cleo
- Cleo and Julian
*DD2 [twin, 69] Greta Greer [Quinlan] Addison
DH [deceased aged 71] Jude August AddisonDD [49] Victoria Jade [Addison] Reinhart
- DH [53] Noah Kurt Reinhart
- DS [22] Kurt Noah Reinhart
-- DW [24] Ali Cosette [Brunson] Reinhart
-- DS & DD [8m] Montgomery Rhett Reinhart/Honor Ariel Reinhart
- DS [20] Presley Beau Reinhart
- DS [17] Asher Coen Reinhart
- DD [7] Rosalie Kendall ReinhartDD [47] Maya Pearl [Addison] Kovacs
- DH [47] Jeremy Camden Kovacs
- DS [9] Jem Elliot KovacsDS [44] Tanner Destry Addison
- DW [41] Micheline Jeanne [Labelle] Addison
- DD [6] Emilienne Josette Addison
- DS [3] Jean-Pierre Etienne AddisonDS [42] Thatcher Denver Addison
- DW [38] Addison Reagan Reaves
- DS [12] Denver Thatcher Addison-Reaves
- DS [10] Dexter Flynn Addison-Reaves
- DS [7] Tennessee Chandler Addison-Reaves
- DS [3m] Jude August Addison-ReavesDD [39] Lorelei Sutton [Addison] Sturgeon
- ExBf [39] Ozzy Judas Dent
-- DD [23] Wren Bailey Addison-Dent
--- Dbf [24] Adrian Forrest Vaught
- DH [38] Bridger Saul Sturgeon
-- DD [9] Demi Bella Sturgeon
-- DD [6] Sadie Marley SturgeonDS [35] Cillian Madden Addison
- Dgf [29] Santana Lea Freitas
- DS [exp] Luca Xavier FreitasGreta and Jude with Victoria, Maya, Tanner, Thatcher, Lorelei, and Cillian
- Victoria and Noah with Kurt, Presley, Asher, and Rosalie
-- Kurt and Ali with Montgomery and Honor
- Maya and Jeremy with Jem
- Tanner and Micheline with Emilienne and Jean-Pierre
- Thatcher and Addison with Denver, Dexter, Tennessee, and Jude
- Lorelei and Ozzy with Wren
-- Wren and Adrian
- Lorelei and Bridger with Demi and Sadie
- Cillian and Santana with Luca

*DS2 [twin, 69] William Luke Quinlan
DW [65] Naya Belle [Hardwick] QuinlanDS [40] Bear Kirk Quinlan
- DW [37] Finlay Harper Rayburn
- DD [10] Scotland Hollis Rayburn
- DD [8] Ellis Oakley Rayburn
- DD [5] Saylor Remi Rayburn
- DS [2] Story Scout RayburnDD [35] Envy Amelia [Quinlan] Hermann
- DH [36] Rowan Donovan Hermann
- DD [8] Matea Aurora Hermann
- DS [6] Jordan Damon Hermann
- DS [3] Micah Sylvan Hermann
- DD [nb] Emmi Primrose HermannWilliam and Naya with Bear and Envy
- Bear and Finlay with Scotland, Ellis, Saylor, and Story
- Envy and Rowan with Matea, Jordan, Micah, and Emmi
*DS3 [65] Gabriel Brooks Quinlan
DW [62] Skye Isabel [McCrary] QuinlanDD [36] Stevie Shea Leigh-Quinlan
- DW [36] Tess Juliet Leigh-Quinlan
- DD [4] Ivy Aspen Leigh-Quinlan
- DS [exp] Rocky Sean Leigh-QuinlanDD [32] Betty Jessamy [Quinlan] O'Callaghan
- DH [34] Eoin Cian O'Callaghan
- DS [5] Cathal Diarmuid O'Callaghan
- DS [1] Fionn Tadhg O'CallaghanGabriel and Skye with Stevie and Betty
- Stevie and Tess with Ivy and Rocky
- Betty and Eoin with Cathal and Fionn
*DD3 [51] Hedy Marilyn [Quinlan] Wentworth
DH [50] Jason Blue WentworthDS [25] Jesse Rhys Wentworth
- DW [25] Araya Acacia [Parisi] Wentworth
- DS [4] Nicodemus Cassius "Nico" Wentworth
- DD [3] Aviva Odessa Wentworth
- DD & DD [nb] Eden Caledonia Wentworth/Margo Esmeralda WentworthDS [22] Austin Isaac WentworthDS [20] Hunter Cruz Wentworth
- Dgf [20] River Amity Wynne
- DD [exp] Tillie Ever Wentworth-WynneDD [10] Fern Juniper WentworthHedy and Jason with Jesse, Austin, Hunter, and Fern
- Jesse and Araya with Nico, Aviva, Eden, and Margo
- Hunter and River with Tillie
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