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Re: generation caf three 17.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [91] Jack Bartell Flynn
DW [89] Mila Vanessa Casey FlynnDS1 [70] Justin River Flynn
DS1 [68] Xander Tyler Flynn, Sr.
DD1 [64] Kelsey Renee Flynn York
DD2 [57] Ashley Reese Flynn Vause*
DS1 [70] Justin River Flynn
DW [70] Adelaide Audra Owen FlynnDD [50] Olivia Mila Flynn Weiss
- ExH [51] George Axel McCormick
-- DS [32] Axel George McCormick, Sr.
--- DW [32] Yana Willow Osborne McCormick
--- DS [5] Axel George McCormick, Jr.
--- DS [3] Beau Russell McCormick
--- DD [nb] Rose Angela McCormick
-- DD [29] Holland Robbie McCormick Roth
--- DH [33] Emmanuel Parker Roth
--- DD [4] Mimi Julia Roth
--- DD [2] Esme Jayma Roth
--- DD [exp] Kate Jools Roth
- DH [48] Joshua Wolf Weiss
-- DD [20] Claudia Anna Weiss
--- Dgf [34] Rachael Lula Garcia
-- DS [15] Patrick John WeissDD [47] Alanis Valerie Flynn Blake
- DH [47] Curtis Bradley Blake
- DS [6] Jude Jared BlakeDS [40] Steven Augustus Flynn
- DW [36] Hannah Iris Yates Flynn
- DD [5] Juniper Bowie Flynn
- DD [2] Presley Alice Flynn*
DS1 [68] Xander Tyler Flynn, Sr.
ExW [68] Soleil Amada Maxwell FlynnDS [48] Xander Tyler Flynn, Jr.
- DW [42] Josephine Nadia Drake Flynn
- DD [15] Caroline Dylan Flynn
- DD [13] Sienna Draya Flynn
- DD [10] Heleena Dawni Flynn
- DS [5] Benedict Drake FlynnDS [46] Amatus Blaze Flynn
- DW [45] Payton Adrienne Foley Flynn
- DS [20] Christian Hector Flynn
-- Dgf [20] Paulina Morena Wilkinson
-- DD [nb] Mara Cypress Flynn
- DD [17] Vivienne Sidney Flynn
- DD [14] Hope Leonor Flynn
- DS [3] Douglas Gerard FlynnDS [43] Wissam Carey FlynnDS [41] Joshua Basil Flynn
- Dgf [34] Coco Marla Bryan
- DD [4m] Jill Kimora Flynn
DW [62] Haylie Belle Brennan FlynnDS [37] Hunter Portwood Flynn
- DW [34] Claire Elle O'Neil Flynn
- DS [6] Portwood Hunter Flynn
- DD [2] Belle Gaelle FlynnDS [35] Kelsey Cash Flynn
- Dfiance [39] Nnamdi Kelechi RussoDD [23] Alaska Tiffani Flynn
- Dbf [26] Vaughn Adam Carey*
DD1 [64] Kelsey Renee Flynn York
DH [64] Forester Galen YorkDD [42] Jamie Sophie York Rodriguez
- DH [42] Casey Guy Rodriguez
- DS [18] Antonio Eric Rodriguez
- DS [17] Justice Wale Rodriguez
- DD & DD [14] Charlie Lucy Rodriguez & Sparrow Naya Rodriguez
- DS [4] Stenton Levi RodriguezDD [40] Carey Evelyn York
- DW [29] Maria Eloise Garrett York
- DDS [21] Oscar Hemingway York
- DS [3] Rowan Montgomery York
- DD [exp] Elsie Maxima YorkDD [37] Zooey Daphne York
- ExH [38] Rhett Wilson Witherspoon
- DD [7] Sadie Michelle Witherspoon
- DD [5] Hazel Isabella WitherspoonDD [37] Bijou Fianna York Schilling
- DH [35] Tripp Taylor Schilling
- DD [12] Nina Bijou Schilling
- DD [10] Sunday Pemma Schilling
- DD [7] Amarachi Ciara Schilling
- DS [4] Taylor Daren Schilling
- DS [exp] Odin Grant SchillingDD [34] River Amalia York Reynolds
- ExH [35] Alexander Sinisa Golding
-- DS [18] Jared Hartman Golding
-- DS [16] Olsen Shaffer Golding
-- DS [13] Ziggy Chimere Golding
- DH [32] Bobby Taylor Reynolds
-- DS [6] Preston Bobby Reynolds
-- DD [3] Meilani Josie Reynolds
-- DD [exp] Ophelia Stacy ReynoldsDD [30] Viola Judith York
- Dgf [28] Zhuri Stella Jackson*
DD2 [57] Ashley Reese Flynn Vause
DH [57] Julius Achille Vause, Sr.DD [32] Marika Ray Vause Pope
- DH [35] Indigo Baretto Pope
- DS [9] Achille Julius Pope
- DS [7] Stanley Rhodes Pope
- DD [4] Therese Hayley Pope
- DD [1] Evdokia Ashley PopeDD [29] Alicia Faye Chambers-Vause
- DW [31] Margot Rosylea Chambers-Vause
- DD & DS [nb] Holiday Ryan Chambers-Vause & Anthony Ryan Chambers-VauseDS [26] Julius Achille Vause, Jr.
- Dfiance [36] Cooper Randall BluntDD [15] Everly Sage VauseADS [9] Calvin Ignatius Vause- - -
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