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Re: generation caf three 17.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [91] Jason Oscar Flynn
DW [89] Aspen Arrow [McKinney] FlynnDS1 [70] South River Flynn
DS1 [68] Tyler Wolfgang Flynn
DD1 [64] Sybil Dream Flynn
DD2 [57] Cleo Essex FlynnJason and Aspen with South, Tyler, Sybil, and Cleo*DS1 [70] South River Flynn
DW [70] Rue Adelaide [Owen] FlynnDD [50] Josephine Aspen [Flynn] Weiss
- ExH [51] Caleb James McCormick
-- DS [32] James Caleb McCormick
--- DW [32] Anaca Cassidy [French] McCormick
--- DS [5] James Caleb McCormick
--- DS [3] Noah Saint McCormick
--- DD [nb] Tatyana Georgia McCormick
-- DD [29] Erica Holland [McCormick] Roth
--- DH [33] Axton Dakota Roth
--- DD [4] Evangeline Julia Roth
--- DD [2] Esme Hero Roth
--- DD [exp] Clara Jools Roth
- DH [48] Mikey Joshua Weiss
-- DD [20] Anna Moon Weiss
--- Dgf [34] Lily Onyx Moss
-- DS [15] Joey Stone WeissDD [47] Solace Alanis [Flynn] Blake
- DH [47] Lior Curtis Blake
- DS [6] Jude Rene BlakeDS [40] Ronan Alexis Flynn
- DW [36] Chelsea Iris [Buchanan] Flynn
- DD [5] Tess Jordana Flynn
- DD [2] Gracie Alice FlynnSouth and Rue with Josephine, Solace, and Ronan
- Josephine and Caleb with James and Erica
-- James and Anaca with James, Noah, and Tatyana
-- Erica and Axton with Evangeline, Esme, and Clara
- Josephine and Mikey with Anna and Joey
-- Anna and Lily
- Solace and Lior with Jude
- Ronan and Chelsea with Tess and Gracie
*DS1 [68] Tyler Wolfgang Flynn
ExW [68] Story Soleil PattonDS [48] Tyler Wolfgang "Wolf" Flynn
- DW [42] Izzy Oona [Malone] Flynn
- DD [15] Simone Colette Flynn
- DD [13] Ivanka Agnes Flynn
- DD [10] Nixie Heleena Flynn
- DS [5] Auden Malone FlynnDS [46] Zen Amatus Flynn
- DW [45] Orly Adrienne [Sweeney] Flynn
- DS [20] Levon Montague Flynn
-- Dgf [20] Cassie June Abbott
-- DD [nb] Luisana Cypress Flynn
- DD [17] Vivienne Aoibheann Flynn
- DD [14] Sistine Leonor Flynn
- DS [3] Maksim Gerard FlynnDS [43] Carey Jameson FlynnDS [41] Basil Devereaux Flynn
- Dgf [34] Olive Ioni Saunders
- DD [4m] Milla Isla FlynnDW [62] Libby Belle [Huffman] FlynnDS [37] Hunter Zion Flynn
- DW [34] Elle Andrea [Kirby] Flynn
- DS [6] Zion Hunter Flynn
- DD [2] Belle Cadence FlynnDS [35] Josiah Nev Flynn
- Dfiance [39] Cheyenne Nmandi LloydDD [23] Maiya Esther Flynn
- Dbf [26] Sutton Aszard UnderwoodTyler and Story with Wolf, Zen, Carey, and Basil
- Wolf and Izzy with Simone, Ivanka, Nixie, and Auden
- Zen and Orly with Levon, Vivienne, Sistine, and Maksim
-- Levon and Cassie with Luisana
- Basil and Olive with Milla
Tyler and Libby with Hunter, Josiah, and Maiya
- Hunter and Elle with Zion and Belle
- Josiah and Cheyenne
- Maiya and Sutton
*DD1 [64] Sybil Dream [Flynn] Blanchett
DH [64] Lucas Angel BlanchettDD [42] Edie Sophie [Blanchett] Walton
- DH [42] Monte Clark Walton
- DS [18] Miles Pasquale Walton
- DS [17] Easton Journey Walton
- DD & DD [14] Della Charlie Walton/Day Sparrow Walton
- DS [4] Levi Burton WaltonDD [40] Evelyn Monroe Blanchett
- DW [29] Chloe Lillian [Paget] Blanchett
- DDS [21] Oscar Hemingway Blanchett
- DS [3] Rowan Montgomery Blanchett
- DD [exp] Priscilla Maxima BlanchettDD [37] Shiri Daphne Blanchett
- ExH [38] Wes Rhett Witherspoon
- DD [7] Harper Devon Witherspoon
- DD [5] Annabel Beau WitherspoonDD [37] Leonore Philomena [Blanchett] Schilling
- DH [35] Mountain Reed Schilling
- DD [12] Rosie Leonore Schilling
- DD [10] Asa Sunday Schilling
- DD [7] June Joanne Schilling
- DS [4] Reed Hayden Schilling
- DS [exp] Greyson Valor SchillingDD [34] Adelina Claire [Blanchett] Reynolds
- ExH [35] Alexander Sinisa Clarke
-- DS [18] Orlando Lopeti Clarke
-- DS [16] Theodore Shaffer "Theo" Clarke
-- DS [13] Eros Chimere Clarke
- DH [32] Taylor Ward Reynolds
-- DS [6] Cruz Taylor Reynolds
-- DD [3] Lou Mireille Reynolds
-- DD [exp] Summer Marlowe ReynoldsDD [30] Alyssa Viola Blanchett
- Dgf [28] Zhuri Wyatt BloomSibyl and Lucas with Edie, Evelyn, Shiri, Leonore, Adelina, and Alyssa
- Edie and Monte with Miles, Easton, Della, Day, and Levi
- Evelyn and Chloe with Oscar, Rowan, and Priscilla
- Shiri and Wes with Harper and Annabel
- Leonore and Mountain with Rosie, Asa, June, Reed, and Greyson
- Adelina and Alexander with Orlando, Theo, and Eros
- Adelina and Taylor with Cruz, Lou, and Summer
- Alyssa and Zhuri
*DD2 [57] Cleo Essex [Flynn] Vause
DH [57] Achille Aridio VauseDD [32] Avri Kalliope [Vause] Pope
- DH [35] Rider Indigo Pope
- DS [9] Aridio Achille Pope
- DS [7] Rhodes Sailor Pope
- DD [4] Therese Cruz Pope
- DD [1] Hayden Cleo PopeDD [29] Delta Bell Pompeo-Vause
- DW [31] Rosylea Margot Pompeo-Vause
- DD & DS [nb] Holiday Riley Pompeo-Vause/Blues Reid Pompeo-VauseDS [26] Achille Aridio Vause
- Dfiance [36] Moses Sullivan GrahamDD [15] Scout Margery Vause
ADS [9] Perez Evers VauseCleo and Achille with Avri, Delta, Achille, Scout, and Perez
- Avri and Rider with Aridio, Rhodes, Therese, and Hayden
- Delta and Rosylea with Holiday and Blues
- Achille and Moses
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