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Re: 1920’s America congrats (round 3)
H [53] Nathaniel David Buckley (surgeon)
W [53] Edna Marlene (Razner) Buckley
- H's ExW [dec] Lydia Grace (Devereux) Buckley- H's S [dec] Stephen Alexander Buckley
- SO [27] Rebecca Ellen (Silverstein) Belanger
- SO's H [25] Leonard Glenn Belanger- H's D [19] Phoebe Charlotte Buckley (twin) - H's S [19] Julian Mark Buckley (twin)
- W [20] Marion Eirene (Lynde) Buckley
- S/D [nb] Louis Eugene Buckley / Evelyn Lorraine "Lori" BuckleyWhen Stephen graduated, he went to work at a children's hospital as a doctor. He planned to marry Rebecca and told his family as much in his letters. One Christmas, when he found the time to visit and was able to bring his lady love along, a mere two years after the Incident, the Buckley heir noticed something strange happening with his mother. She was loathe to let him examine her, but at his insistence she finally relented. She was feverish, and complained of headaches, and had a cough.Stephen ruled it a simple winter fever in her old age. Little did he know that a month later she would be admitted to the hospital and later die of tuberculosis.That same winter, Stephen would contract diptheria from one of his patients and later died from it. He would not bat an eye at any of his symptoms, focusing on the children he was charged to treat.The family mourned greatly both of these. Many members became depressed, not least Nathaniel and Rebecca (who is considered a Buckley by the family). Both these were rescued from their trenches by a friend. One of Nathaniel's closest friends, Nurse Edna Razner, a feisty spinster of a woman who would "never be wed." Helping Nathaniel through his troubles, she finally admitted something that had been going on for years: she was never just his friend. The two had a modest little courthouse wedding just before the Great Depression started.Rebecca's savior was Leonard Belanger, Stephen's best friend and a close confidant to her. He promised to take good care of her, and their marriage is for more practical reasons than romantic ones, though they are quite fond of each other.And while Julian went and married his high school sweetheart (of one year) before galavanting off to join the Navy, Phoebe remains stubbornly unwed. While cleaning in the kitchen one spring evening just after the Great Depression's start, she overhears her father admit to Edna that he may marry her off soon, and discontinue her education in order to save a bit of the money he had managed to gain back (and the small inheritance left by his late father-in-law, who it seems had grown quite fond of Nathaniel in his later days). Phoebe decides that very minute that she will get the job she had been hesitant to apply to, rent an apartment near the college with her best friend, and above all never let Nathaniel interfere with her life in such tremendous ways.After all this, however, Julian became a father to twins Louis and Evelyn (named after his insufferable mother-in-law, she's called Lori by everyone else). Nathaniel is quite joyed to become a grandfather, though he wishes Lydia could've been there.
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