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Re: generation caf 27.12
in reply to a message by Evie
DH (deceased aged 94) Damian Lewis Bradford
DW (93) Maribel Catalina (Diaz) Bradford DD1 (71) Ruby Maribel (Bradford)
DD2 (69) Rosie Esmeralda (Bradford)
DS1 (66) Lewis Fernando Bradford
DS2 (66) Thomas Santiago Bradford
DD3 (62) Ava Jacinta (Bradford)
DD4 (58) Alice Paloma (Bradford) Damian and Maribel || RubyRosieLewisThomasAvaAlice *
DD1 (71) Ruby Maribel (Bradford) Blake
DH (72) August Ezra Blake DD (50) Louisa Maribel Blake
- ExH (49) Bradley Harlan Bowman
- DS (14) Jenson Holden Bowman
Louisa and Bradley || Jenson DD (48) Renee Rosalinda (Blake) Knox
- DH (49) Liam Theodore Knox
- DD (20) Antonia Rose Knox
- DS (15) Kingston Daniel Knox
-- Dgf (15) Christina Georgia Maxwell
-- DD (exp) Olivia Harriet Maxwell-Knox
Kingston and Christina || exp Olivia
Renee and Liam || AntoniaKingston .DS (45) Elliott Javier Blake
- ExGf (45) Ella Betsy Newton
- DS (28) George Javier Blake
Elliott and Ella || George
- DW (40) Hazel Rosalie (Peters) Blake
- DD (16) Theodora Lucy Blake
- DD (12) Wren Haven Blake
Elliott and Hazel || TheoWren DS (43) Robert Jose Blake
- ExW (42) Charlotte Sylvie Steele
- DD (21) Sophia Portia Blake
-- DD (4) Felicity Aria Blake
Sophia with daughter Felicity
- DD (19) Lorelei Noelle Blake
Robbie and Lottie || SophiaLorelei
- DW (35) Adeline Eve (Holt) Blake
- DS (1) Robert Jose Blake
Robbie and Adeline || Robert DS (40) Kai Diego Blake
- DW (37) Ivy Gwen (Barrett) Blake
- DS (11) Kai Diego Blake
- DS (9) Finn Emiliano Blake
- DD (7) Scarlett Jimena Blake
- DD (4) Alma Lourdes Blake
- DD (exp) Marnie Rosita Blake
Kai and Ivy || KaiFinnScarlettAlma • exp Marnie Ruby and August || LouisaReneeElliottRobbieKai *
DD2 (69) Rosie Esmeralda (Bradford) Taylor
ExH (71) Dexter Andrew Gilmore DS (47) Dexter Andrew Gilmore
- DW (42) Etta Freya (Joyner) Gilmore
- DD (16) Nava Gia Gilmore
- DD (14) Sienna Harper Gilmore
- DD (11) Holly Amber Gilmore
- DD (6) Willow Celeste Gilmore
Dexter and Etta || NavaSiennaHollyWillow DD (44) Sophie Isabel (Gilmore) Harmon
- DH (44) Ethan Francis Harmon
- DS (10) Francis Ethan Harmon
- DD (7) Halle Cassandra Harmon
Sophie and Ethan || FrankieHalle Rosie and Dexter || DexterSophie DH (70) Noah Sloane Taylor DS (35) Stefan Amadeus Taylor
- ExW (35) Kimberly Heather Middleton
- DD (16) Noelle Kennedy Taylor
- DD (14) Ines Maya Taylor
- DD (11) Tamara Louise Taylor
Stefan and Kimberly || NoelleInesTamara
- DW (31) Ellie Anna (Nixon) Taylor
- DD (3) Mae Gabriella Taylor
- DD (nb) Belle Shiloh Taylor
Stefan and Ellie || MaeBelle DS (33) Milo Oscar Taylor
- DW (33) Ksenija (Jankovic) Taylor
- DS (4) Luka Evan Taylor
- DD (8m) Jovana Elaina Taylor
Milo and Ksenija || LukaJovana Rosie and Noah || StefanMilo *
DS1 (66) Lewis Fernando Bradford
DW (58) Kavita (Khan) Bradford DS (34) Daniel Bishal Bradford
- ExGf (32) Dove Kacey Newman
- DS (12) Beau Jacob Bradford
- DD (11) Elise Alexandra Bradford
Daniel and Dove || BeauElise
- Dfiancee (29) Adeline Mamie Nicholson
- DD & DS (5m) Emily Edith Bradford & Brody Luke Bradford
Daniel and Adeline || EmilyBrody DD (32) Lila Anisha (Bradford) Blair
- DH (33) Mason Jordan Blair
- DD (3) Amala Lalita Blair
- DS (exp) Naveen Kailash Blair
Lila and Mason || Amala • exp Naveen DS (29) Lonan Nikhil Bradford
- Dgf (26) Ieva Jonaitis
Lonan with girlfriend Ieva DS (29) Dashiell Parminder Bradford
- Dbf (29) Ignatius Journey Madison
Dashiell with boyfriend Iggy Lewis and Kavita || DanielLilaLonanDashiell *
DS2 (66) Thomas Santiago Bradford
DW (61) Frankie Alicia (Paige) Bradford Tommy with wife Frankie *
DD3 (62) Ava Jacinta (Bradford) Deluca
DH (63) Giacomo Dante Deluca DD (40) Giovanna Ava (Deluca) Davidson
- DH (40) Leonidas Odin Davidson
- DS (11) Isaac Giacomo Davidson
- DS (9) Joseph Dante Davidson
- DS (6) Bennett Edoardo Davidson
- DD (exp) Ottilie Giovanna Davidson
Gia and Leo || IsaacJoeyBennett • exp Ottilie DS (38) Giacomo Dante Deluca
- ExW (36) Isabella Reese Conner
- DS (14) Lorenzo Michael Deluca
- DD (12) Carina Elowen Deluca
- DS (9) Valentino Xander Deluca
Giacomo and Isabella || LorenzoCarinaValentino
- DW (33) Lilith Guinevere (Preston) Deluca
- DS (3) Massimo Elijah Deluca
- DS (nb) Marco Joshua Deluca
Giacomo and Lilith || MassimoMarco DD (35) Valentina Alessia Deluca-Wyatt
- DW (32) Shelby Erika Deluca-Wyatt
- DD (6) Azzurra Gianna Deluca-Wyatt
- DS (3) Paolo Wilbur Deluca-Wyatt
- DD (4m) Rosanna Angelica Deluca-Wyatt
Valentina and Shelby || AzzurraPaoloRosanna DS (31) Ludovico Dean Deluca Ava and Giacomo || GiaGiacomoValentina *
DD4 (58) Alice Paloma Bradford-Shepherd
DW (53) Aida Juno Bradford-ShepherdADS (22) Jesse Jin-hwan Bradford-Shepherd
- Dgf (21) Evangeline Beau Cameron
- DD (exp) Amira Sun-won Bradford-Shepherd
Jesse and Evie || exp Amira DS (15) Maverick Jax Bradford-Shepherd
DD (12) Alina Nadia Bradford-Shepherd Alice and Aida || JesseMaverickAlina
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