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Re: Fish CAF: Round 13
in reply to a message by Gabi
H: Alban Ike Fromm
W: Eliana Adele WoltersD: Natasha Eliana Fromm
-H: Finn Ozias Huddleson
-S: Archer Linwood Fromm
-S: Upton Michael Fromm
-D: Clio Anastasia FrommS: Gavin Alban Fromm
-W: Paulina Inez Szwarc
-D: Holly Pauline Fromm
-S: Rolland Amias Fromm
-D: India Adara FrommD: Astrid Marilla Fromm
-H: Stanley Constant Beyersdorf
-S: Jonah Brayden Beyersdorf
-D: Ione Rosannah BeyersdorfS: Oskar Bradford Fromm [twin]
-W: Weronika Charlize Ionescu
-D: Persephone Lottie FrommS: Trevor Wendelin Fromm [twin]
-W: Ivy Sophia Schwartz
-S: Samuel Dominik Fromm
-D: Maria Calanthe FrommS: Bryce Aurelio Fromm
-W: Juniper Emmie Eriksson
-D/D: Lily Carlota Fromm & Abigail Hayley FrommDog1: Evan
Dog2: LaraMy name list
top Felix & Oliver flop Lujza
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