Belphoebe's CAF (1)
Write down the first name you think of when you see this grandfatherly figure (fn+mn+ln) .


Sorry I'm late but this looks absolutely fun!
DH: Abraham John McClellan, Jr.
DH: Abraham John McClellan, Jr.
Albert Lawrence Danbridge
Alfred Edmund Gershire
Albert Ichabod Bartholomew
Gerald Werner Thomas-Meriwether
Henry Charlton Wilberforce
Winston Oswald Hendriks
Ernest Algenon Malloy
Alister Wilhelm Knightley
DH: Arthur Reid McEwan
DH: Ernest Whitaker Cavill
Horace Algernon Whitby
This message was edited 8/23/2023, 7:19 PM
Francis Augustus "Franz" Copeman
Reginald Arthur Wolseley
James Alfred Hancock
DH: Henry Benjamin Clay
Barnaby Edgar Thatcher
Elric David Humphrey
Stephen Anthony Bursik
Aaron Marcel McMillan
Edwin Geoffrey Pierce
Winston Joseph Murray