Re: generation caf | 070823
in reply to a message by miss_lolita143
DH[93]: Henry Clement Cole
DW[93]: Ernestine Lillian Cole (nee Dennis) “Nina”
DD[73]: Abigail Francine Cole
DD[73]: Angelica Ruth Cole “Angie”
DS[67]: Alton Victor Cole “Al”
DD[62]: Claire Amanda Cole
Henry & Nina Cole: Abigail, Angie, Al, & Claire
DD[73]: Abigail Francine Kane (nee Cole)
-DH[74]: Thomas Edward Kane
-DD[51]: Alice Nicole Hubbard (nee Kane)
--DH[55,dec]: Roy Benjamin Hubbard
--DS[24]: Christopher Franklin Hubbard “Chris”
--DS[24]: Carlos Xavier Hubbard
--DS[17]: David Randall Hubbard
Abigail & Thomas Kane: Alice
Alice & Roy Hubbard: Chris, Carlos, & David
DD[73]: Angelica Ruth Pierce (nee Cole) “Angie”
-DH[77]: Arthur Humphry Pierce
-DD[52]: Annette Madeline Johns (nee Pierce) “Anne”
--DH[54]: Neal Cameron Johns
–-DD[23]: Annalise Kiera Terrell (nee Johns)
---DH[23]: Kerry Leonard Terrell
---DD[exp]: Chanel Eleanor Terrell
Angie & Arthur Pierce: Anne
Anne & Neal Johns: Annalise
Annalise & Kerry Terrell: Chanel
DS[67]: Alton Victor Cole “Al”
-DW[64]: Abigail Jessica Cole (nee Banks)
-DS[40]: Austin Courtey Cole
--xW[40]: Alisha Tawny Brandt
--DD[10]: Annabelle Journey Cole “Belle”
--DS[8]: Caden Nicolas Cole
--DD[5]: Celine Avianna Cole
-DD[38]: Carly Edna Fischer (nee Cole)
--DH[38]: Melvin Nicholas Fischer “Mel”
-DD[33]: Heidi Cheryl Cole
-DD[30]: Kendra Megan Cole
Al & Abigail Cole: Austin, Carly, Heidi, & Kendra
Austin Cole & Alisha Brandt: Belle, Caden, & Celine
Carly & Mel Fischer
DD[62]: Claire Amanda Potts (nee Cole)
-DH[62]: Alvin Rudolph Potts “Vin”
-DD[39]: Cheyenne Destiny Cobb (nee Potts)
--DH[39]: Deforrest Andrew Cobb “Forrest”
--DD[12]: Ansley Kamryn Cobb
--DD[6]: Celeste Johanna Cobb
-DD[37]: Helena Jasmine McKinney-Potts
--DW[37]: Joanne Alexandra McKinney-Potts
--DS[12]: Anthony Kendrick McKinney-Potts “Tony”
-DS[32]: Cole Zachary Potts
--DW[29]: Ellen Laura Potts (nee Fernandez)
--DS[4]: Allan Kody Potts
--DS[3]: Caleb Emmett Potts
-DS[28]: Grady Lamar Potts
--DFiancee[29]: Montana Kaitlyn Briggs “Mona”
-DS[23]: Kameron Daniel Potts
--DW[19]: Desiree Ottoline Potts (nee Parks)
Claire & Vin Potts: Cheyenne, Helena, Cole, Grady, & Kameron
Cheyenne & Forrest Cobb: Ansley & Celeste
Helena & Joanne McKinney-Potts: Tony
Cole & Ellen Potts: Allan & Caleb
Grady Potts & Mona Briggs
Kameron & Desiree Potts
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
DW[93]: Ernestine Lillian Cole (nee Dennis) “Nina”
DD[73]: Abigail Francine Cole
DD[73]: Angelica Ruth Cole “Angie”
DS[67]: Alton Victor Cole “Al”
DD[62]: Claire Amanda Cole
Henry & Nina Cole: Abigail, Angie, Al, & Claire
DD[73]: Abigail Francine Kane (nee Cole)
-DH[74]: Thomas Edward Kane
-DD[51]: Alice Nicole Hubbard (nee Kane)
--DH[55,dec]: Roy Benjamin Hubbard
--DS[24]: Christopher Franklin Hubbard “Chris”
--DS[24]: Carlos Xavier Hubbard
--DS[17]: David Randall Hubbard
Abigail & Thomas Kane: Alice
Alice & Roy Hubbard: Chris, Carlos, & David
DD[73]: Angelica Ruth Pierce (nee Cole) “Angie”
-DH[77]: Arthur Humphry Pierce
-DD[52]: Annette Madeline Johns (nee Pierce) “Anne”
--DH[54]: Neal Cameron Johns
–-DD[23]: Annalise Kiera Terrell (nee Johns)
---DH[23]: Kerry Leonard Terrell
---DD[exp]: Chanel Eleanor Terrell
Angie & Arthur Pierce: Anne
Anne & Neal Johns: Annalise
Annalise & Kerry Terrell: Chanel
DS[67]: Alton Victor Cole “Al”
-DW[64]: Abigail Jessica Cole (nee Banks)
-DS[40]: Austin Courtey Cole
--xW[40]: Alisha Tawny Brandt
--DD[10]: Annabelle Journey Cole “Belle”
--DS[8]: Caden Nicolas Cole
--DD[5]: Celine Avianna Cole
-DD[38]: Carly Edna Fischer (nee Cole)
--DH[38]: Melvin Nicholas Fischer “Mel”
-DD[33]: Heidi Cheryl Cole
-DD[30]: Kendra Megan Cole
Al & Abigail Cole: Austin, Carly, Heidi, & Kendra
Austin Cole & Alisha Brandt: Belle, Caden, & Celine
Carly & Mel Fischer
DD[62]: Claire Amanda Potts (nee Cole)
-DH[62]: Alvin Rudolph Potts “Vin”
-DD[39]: Cheyenne Destiny Cobb (nee Potts)
--DH[39]: Deforrest Andrew Cobb “Forrest”
--DD[12]: Ansley Kamryn Cobb
--DD[6]: Celeste Johanna Cobb
-DD[37]: Helena Jasmine McKinney-Potts
--DW[37]: Joanne Alexandra McKinney-Potts
--DS[12]: Anthony Kendrick McKinney-Potts “Tony”
-DS[32]: Cole Zachary Potts
--DW[29]: Ellen Laura Potts (nee Fernandez)
--DS[4]: Allan Kody Potts
--DS[3]: Caleb Emmett Potts
-DS[28]: Grady Lamar Potts
--DFiancee[29]: Montana Kaitlyn Briggs “Mona”
-DS[23]: Kameron Daniel Potts
--DW[19]: Desiree Ottoline Potts (nee Parks)
Claire & Vin Potts: Cheyenne, Helena, Cole, Grady, & Kameron
Cheyenne & Forrest Cobb: Ansley & Celeste
Helena & Joanne McKinney-Potts: Tony
Cole & Ellen Potts: Allan & Caleb
Grady Potts & Mona Briggs
Kameron & Desiree Potts
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings