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Re: generation caf | 070823
DH[93]: Henry Richard Cole
DW[93]: Lillian RebeccaLilly” Dennis-Cole
Henry & Lilly: Nora, Dorothea, Alton and Claire DD[73]: Nora Christina Cole
DD[73]: Dorothea RuthTheaCole
DS[67]: Alton Victor Cole
DD[62]: Claire Rachel Cole
DD[73]: Nora Cole-Kane
-DH[74]: Thomas EdwardTomKane
Tom & Nora: Alice-DD[51]: Alice Flora Kane-Watson
--DH[55,dec]: Benjamin William "Ben" Watson
Ben & Alice: Christopher and David --DS[24]: Christopher Gregory "Chris" Watson
--DS[17]: David Alan Watson
DD[73]: Thea Cole-Lucas
-DH[77]: James Arthur "Jimmy" Lucas
Jimmy & Thea: Elisabeth -DD[52]: Elisabeth Madeline Lucas-Walters
--DH[54]: Wesley John "Wes" Walters
Wes & Elisabeth: Mary –-DD[23]: Mary Walters-Cowan
---DH[23]: Jasper Ellis Cowan
Jasper & Mary: Eleanor ---DD[exp]: Eleanor Margaret Cowan
DS[67]: Alton Cole
-DW[64]: Carrie Rosalyn Banks-Cole
Alton & Carrie: Harrison, Silas and Catherine -DS[40]: Harrison Lawrence Cole
--xW[40]: Alicia Martina "Ali" Warren
Harrison & Ali: Annabelle, Oliver and Nina --DD[10]: Annabelle Virginia Cole
--DS[8]: Oliver Nicholas Cole
--DD[5]: Nina Elisabeth Cole-DS[38]: Silas Aaron Cole
-DD[30]: Catherine Rose "Cate" Cole
DD[62]: Claire Cole-Charles
-DH[62]: Oliver Bradford Charles
Oliver & Claire: Evelyn, Helena, Felix, Michael and Daniel -DD[39]: Evelyn Carrie Charles-Cobb
--DH[39]: Garrett Andrew Cobb
Garrett & Evelyn: Hallie and Celeste --DD[12]: Hallie Cora Cobb
--DD[6]: Celeste Johanna Cobb-DD[37]: Helena Valerie Charles-McKinney
--DW[37]: Alexandra Gwendolyn "Alex" Charles-McKinney
Alex & Helena: Anthony --DS[12]: Anthony Robert Charles-McKinney -DS[32]: Felix Timothy Charles
--DW[29]: Molly Ellen Jacobson-Charles
Felix & Molly: Vaughn and Graham--DS[4]: Vaughn Allan Charles
--DS[3]: Graham Emmett Charles-DS[28]: Michael Forrest Charles
--DFiancee[29]: Jennifer "Jenny" Briggs -DS[23]: Daniel Roman "Danny" Charles
--DW[19]: Ella Parks-Charles
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